1917 - 7 November - 2010: 93rd anniversary of the glorious and immortal October Socialist Revolution, the first Victorious Socialist Revolution of human history, with which the working, labour and intellective Russian class overthrew that master one, became apparent its political power and started the building of the new higher socialist society, was the beginning of the historic way, albeit punctuated by victories and defeats and beset with obstacles, of the construction of communist society, which will turn back definitively on the primitive and bestial capitalist society, was the radiant Dawn of a new world of relationships between women and men who populate our Planet: undying gratitude to Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin.
Human society divided into classes now tragically survives for millennia, that is, when asserted itself on that primitive communistic one. The division of society into opposed classes and, therefore, in continuous conflict with each other means that a small minority of individuals, usurpers, exploiters and robbers of a substantial portion of other people’s product work - called masters, capitalists and multinationals or for corporations greedy for greater wealth as bankers, industrialists, landowners and merchants - dominates economically, politically and socially on almost all of Earth's inhabitants. The tragic consequence is that a few rich men, through the State and the clerical and bourgeois social organization, rule and impose their will and their dirty interests on the popular masses, who suffer the exploitation of labour services, the lack of job, poverty and the existential despair. The social dictatorship of master class on that one of working masses is the origin and secular persistence of all the past and present ills of humanity, is a repressive dictatorship founded on the immorality of the social differences among individuals, on the inequalities and discriminations among persons of the same species. That master one, now better defined capitalist, just because based on the diversity of the opportunities and social availabilities, is a barbaric society, which we can define as primitive and savage compared to that communist future one, which will affirm the equal social dignity for all human beings. From the historical passage between the primitive communist society to that class one and to date the working masses have, roughly, lived always the same existential dramatic social problems, such as: poverty, the high cost of consumer goods, established by the masters within the notorious free market, to accumulate more and more profits on their trade, the monetary exploitation, by the holders of accumulated capital through inflation and the cost of bank loans; the privations of all kinds, the living in hardship; poor dress, the lack of availability of adequate food, a lacking public health care and sometimes through and through with fee; a not equal and free education for all, the lack of work, due to the privatization of the means of production; the unemployment, sometimes for life, the precarious or sporadic work, which does not allow to program the existential journey of people; starvation wages, salaries and pensions, that are making desperate the life and many do not stand up to the seriousness of the personal and family needs and incur destructive psychological illnesses, the humiliating state charity in place of the fulfillment of fundamental rights of life and civil living, the cronyism and favoritism of bourgeois political power, the corruption of bourgeois and institutional political power; the deficient and excessive basic social services; the high accidents and high number of deaths at work, because the masters, regardless of the lives of own enslaved and exploited, even earn on the missing or insufficient taken security measures and, therefore, directly on the lives of people, the progressive increase of the retirement age for men and women: the planned and gradual reduction of future pensions for workers and employees; the denial of basic rights of the human and civil living, such as the housing and health right in every case, and so on. These essential problems of life of the working-class are present, though in different forms, since from the imposition, by more cunning, evil and aggressive men, which today form the capitalist class, of the class social order. The partial development of the productive forces, the intensive agricultural production, in place of that extensive one, and the scientific and technological progress have not eliminated, and could not, the class differences, in the sense that if the working class has improved, just supposing, on 10% its living conditions, that master one has achieved an unparalleled and invaluable increase of material prosperity. Only two examples, and by far under estimation: the official statistics of the Italian capitalist State say that in Italy 10% of the population owns 50% of the wealth produced; in our country about 60% of Italians can not ever go on vacation for absolute lack of economic opportunities. The situation of class differences is even worse in the underdeveloped countries of the world, where the living conditions of workers and popular masses are even more disastrous than in industrialized countries and where people die more easily of starvation or diseases. These extreme living conditions give rise, yesterday as now, the tragic reality of the emigration of hundreds of millions of desperate men and women from a country and continent to continent in search of more humane living conditions, which almost always they don’t find, a forced emigration that only recently has caused the death of an untold number of proletarians drowned in the Mediterranean Sea. The blame is always and only of the society divided in classes, which does not allow a fair distribution of wealth produced by human labour, of the private ownership of means of production, which blocks the necessary development of productive forces, and of the high cost of goods needed to meet adequately the food requirements of the people. This when in the socialist society, free from exploitation of the capital, each people can live in dignified way without having to emigrate. The dramatic and, now, endless economic crisis, that the capitalist system is living, is the natural product of the society divided in classes, or better of the same capitalist society and its imperialist expansion, which many improperly and opportunistically call globalization, is a crisis of overproduction where the deposits are full of goods sold off while working and popular masses can not buy them for absolute lack of economic opportunities and it is also a crisis fueled by the capitalist financial market putting into circulation, in each country and in international money markets, avalanche of so-called financial products or bond to chase, always the damned owners of capital, easier accumulations of profits, they have focused on the financial market rather than on the activity of real output. As always the serious consequences of the crisis come from the masters and their bourgeois governments and dumped in lap of the toiling masses through layoffs, job insecurity, increase of rates of production activities in factories and elsewhere, and with the simultaneous reduction in pay. The capitalist governments, as was logical to foresee, instead of helping the masses in difficulty, because of the crisis, have saved the bankers with public money, ie with taxes and cuts, in social services, imposed on citizens, helped the advocates conscious and unscrupulous of bankruptcy starving further the masses. Besides, we all know, from the days of Lenin, that the State is the power instrument of ruling class, which in capitalist society is that one of industrialists, agriculturalists, bankers and national, international merchants. Moreover, the imperialism to maintain the control over the people, to be able to exploit freely the mineral and plant resources of several people of the Earth and for outsourcing the production moving it where can exploit more wildly and on the cheap the human labour, needs the wars of aggression and occupation that cost a lot in terms of expenses and loss of proletarian life, expenses that governments in the service of capital fall always and only on the already fragile shoulders of the masses. In the socialist society - where power is exercised directly by the people, not by proxy, but by direct and continuous participation in the management of production, social services and of administrative system through their elected and candidates representatives who at every moment can be removed from office by the same voters - the crisis don’t exist and are never possible, because there is no exploitation of man by man, this monster that with the accumulation of profits generates the robbery of the product people’s work, because the means of production are owned of all the people and because the industrial and agricultural production and technology, scientific and social development are planned in accordance with the needs of the population. So in the socialist countries there is no unemployment and "to each is given according to his work”, unlike the following communist society where the supreme principle of civilization and human brotherhood is realized “from each according to his ability to each according to his needs". And more, in the socialist society who is born has already guaranteed from the society the necessary sustenance for life, making him truly free in thought and social choices, health care up to the highest level, the right to study, to work just completed studies, to the wages or salary adequate to live a dignified and peaceful life, to housing, leisure, annual leave, pension to 100% of wage or salary and who can not work enjoys the same rights and same life chances of those who can do it. If people of the capitalist societies do not make every effort still to build the new and higher socialist society is because they do not have yet the political and social conscience of their class of department, because they are conditioned by the dominant, bourgeois and clerical culture and because they are slaves of knowledge of opportunism and selfishness engendered in them by the media and social formation of the ruling, bourgeois and clerical power. As historically occurred the passage from primitive communist society to that class one, so it is possible to pass from the current class society to that Communist one passing, just, for the socialist society.
The end of the barbaric and bestial capitalist society and the construction of that socialist one walk on legs of men, starting from the more aware and intellectually advanced avant-gards. The socialism realized in the twentieth century has not collapsed because incapable of guaranteeing to the people a new and higher living condition, but because it has been betrayed and denied by executives still soaked with selfish and opportunistic culture of the past clerical and capitalist regime that in the former socialist countries and communist Parties of capitalist countries got the upper hand and started the return to the infamous master system denying the sacrifice of life for millions of men and women who had fought heroically to build socialism. So much so that at the time of the Twentieth Congress of CPSU, the Soviet Union was not afraid of superiority by any developed
industrialized capitalist country, including the United States of America, in all areas of production, scientific research, space exploration , art, social development, etc., the decline occurred later, beginning in the '60s, that is, after trotschist revisionists, led by the renegade and miserable Khrushchev, had stopped the completion of the construction of socialist society and the following building of that communist one and started the process of return to capitalism, with the gradual restoration of productive activities and private service. After the defeat of the heroic Paris Commune of 1871 and the Russian Revolution of 1905, the glorious and victorious October Socialist Revolution - great and memorable work of Lenin and Stalin and of the entire Bolshevik Communist Party and incomparable result of the impershable thought and work of Marx and Engels – has demonstrated to the history and the proletariat of all countries on Earth that the working class can, indeed must, overthrow the capitalism and build the socialism, can, through the revolution, to conquest the political power and to establish the dictatorship of the proletariat, in place of that defeated master one, and can start the construction of a new Era of equality, brotherhood and altruism among all men and women who inhabit the planet Earth, starting from the equality of rights between man and woman, from the respect of the diversity of gender, from putting the science also in the service of procreation and from fighting all forms of racism and discrimination among men. The instrument to achieve such historic aim and to resume today in Italy the path towards socialism is the Italian Marxist Leninist Communist Party, which is a genuine class and revolutionary Party, as, for program, strategy and tactics, the Bolshevik Communist Party, wanted and built by Lenin and Stalin to lead to victory the October Socialist Revolution. It is a Party that in order to fulfill its historical task with the political work must be able to deserve trust and consensus of the Italian working and intellective class and of broader masses, starting from its most advanced component, that constitutes the organizational vanguard and of class, revolutionary and political struggle.
The work of P.C.I.M-L. is certainly long and arduous among the struggling workers to be able to branch and take root in Italy, starting from the factories, offices, countryside and social services to build the consciousness of class in the exploited, in order to fight the revisionism, opportunism and economicism and to prepare the masses to the rescue and revolution. Similarly must be fought with equal determination, the anarchism, the movement of any species, such as the no-global movement, the environmentalism and pacifism of regime, the today’s protest movement of Grillo of dominant system, the “violet” movement and the various waves of the student movement: all instruments expression and supporter of the ruling capitalist system, collaborationists of the precast master order, declared and annoyed anti-Communists. We said that it is a long and difficult political, ideal work, while the Italian working class is crushed and oppressed by employers and at the same time enthralled by trade-unions of regime of right, centre and of the bourgeois, capitalist and clerical left. At present the working masses are lacking, unfortunately, an institutional political representation of class opposition, a true class and revolutionary trade union, and the possibility of a mobilization and class struggle against the master governments of centre-right and centre-left for charging the masters for the dramatic consequences of their crisis. As in time of Lenin stands firmly and very topical the question "What to do?". As immediate and concrete possibility P.C.I.M-L. sees in the establishment of a United Front among all the organized forces that in Italy, and also in other countries, refer to Marxism-Leninism, the thought and work of four great Masters of the international proletariat Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin, to the firm and constant struggle against the Trotsky, Khrushchev and Togliatti revisionism, apart from, of course, the Gorbachev liquidating, to the current false and renegade left so called communist of the Left Federation, of Left, Ecology and Freedom and other similar groups and the construction, immediately, of the perspective of proletarian revolution and socialism. For all the main discriminant is and must remain, the judgement on the thought and work of Comrade Stalin, in the sense that the antistalinists are anticommunist and enemies of socialism and as such must be fought and isolated from the national and international communist movement. We think that the proposal of the United Front is the best way to remember and honour the glorious and imperishable October Socialist Revolution paying homage to his martyrs.
The 93rd anniversary must not be considered an academic recurrence nor a celebration detached from existential duty of Marxist-Leninists, which is to fight relentlessly for socialism, but a favorable opportunity to resume concretely the path towards the communist society, tragically interrupted by the Twentieth Congress of the CPSU in 1956 and in Italy by the unfortunate turn of Salerno, made by the denier and revisionist Palmiro Togliatti.
P.C.I.M-L. is ready to join the proposed United Front, if also others, worthy to be part of this Front, say. Too much time has been wasted, it is time of rebirth and revolutionary advance towards the socialism, before, and the communism after, our Masters would not forgive ourselves for further waste of time and other loss of energies.
Human society divided into classes now tragically survives for millennia, that is, when asserted itself on that primitive communistic one. The division of society into opposed classes and, therefore, in continuous conflict with each other means that a small minority of individuals, usurpers, exploiters and robbers of a substantial portion of other people’s product work - called masters, capitalists and multinationals or for corporations greedy for greater wealth as bankers, industrialists, landowners and merchants - dominates economically, politically and socially on almost all of Earth's inhabitants. The tragic consequence is that a few rich men, through the State and the clerical and bourgeois social organization, rule and impose their will and their dirty interests on the popular masses, who suffer the exploitation of labour services, the lack of job, poverty and the existential despair. The social dictatorship of master class on that one of working masses is the origin and secular persistence of all the past and present ills of humanity, is a repressive dictatorship founded on the immorality of the social differences among individuals, on the inequalities and discriminations among persons of the same species. That master one, now better defined capitalist, just because based on the diversity of the opportunities and social availabilities, is a barbaric society, which we can define as primitive and savage compared to that communist future one, which will affirm the equal social dignity for all human beings. From the historical passage between the primitive communist society to that class one and to date the working masses have, roughly, lived always the same existential dramatic social problems, such as: poverty, the high cost of consumer goods, established by the masters within the notorious free market, to accumulate more and more profits on their trade, the monetary exploitation, by the holders of accumulated capital through inflation and the cost of bank loans; the privations of all kinds, the living in hardship; poor dress, the lack of availability of adequate food, a lacking public health care and sometimes through and through with fee; a not equal and free education for all, the lack of work, due to the privatization of the means of production; the unemployment, sometimes for life, the precarious or sporadic work, which does not allow to program the existential journey of people; starvation wages, salaries and pensions, that are making desperate the life and many do not stand up to the seriousness of the personal and family needs and incur destructive psychological illnesses, the humiliating state charity in place of the fulfillment of fundamental rights of life and civil living, the cronyism and favoritism of bourgeois political power, the corruption of bourgeois and institutional political power; the deficient and excessive basic social services; the high accidents and high number of deaths at work, because the masters, regardless of the lives of own enslaved and exploited, even earn on the missing or insufficient taken security measures and, therefore, directly on the lives of people, the progressive increase of the retirement age for men and women: the planned and gradual reduction of future pensions for workers and employees; the denial of basic rights of the human and civil living, such as the housing and health right in every case, and so on. These essential problems of life of the working-class are present, though in different forms, since from the imposition, by more cunning, evil and aggressive men, which today form the capitalist class, of the class social order. The partial development of the productive forces, the intensive agricultural production, in place of that extensive one, and the scientific and technological progress have not eliminated, and could not, the class differences, in the sense that if the working class has improved, just supposing, on 10% its living conditions, that master one has achieved an unparalleled and invaluable increase of material prosperity. Only two examples, and by far under estimation: the official statistics of the Italian capitalist State say that in Italy 10% of the population owns 50% of the wealth produced; in our country about 60% of Italians can not ever go on vacation for absolute lack of economic opportunities. The situation of class differences is even worse in the underdeveloped countries of the world, where the living conditions of workers and popular masses are even more disastrous than in industrialized countries and where people die more easily of starvation or diseases. These extreme living conditions give rise, yesterday as now, the tragic reality of the emigration of hundreds of millions of desperate men and women from a country and continent to continent in search of more humane living conditions, which almost always they don’t find, a forced emigration that only recently has caused the death of an untold number of proletarians drowned in the Mediterranean Sea. The blame is always and only of the society divided in classes, which does not allow a fair distribution of wealth produced by human labour, of the private ownership of means of production, which blocks the necessary development of productive forces, and of the high cost of goods needed to meet adequately the food requirements of the people. This when in the socialist society, free from exploitation of the capital, each people can live in dignified way without having to emigrate. The dramatic and, now, endless economic crisis, that the capitalist system is living, is the natural product of the society divided in classes, or better of the same capitalist society and its imperialist expansion, which many improperly and opportunistically call globalization, is a crisis of overproduction where the deposits are full of goods sold off while working and popular masses can not buy them for absolute lack of economic opportunities and it is also a crisis fueled by the capitalist financial market putting into circulation, in each country and in international money markets, avalanche of so-called financial products or bond to chase, always the damned owners of capital, easier accumulations of profits, they have focused on the financial market rather than on the activity of real output. As always the serious consequences of the crisis come from the masters and their bourgeois governments and dumped in lap of the toiling masses through layoffs, job insecurity, increase of rates of production activities in factories and elsewhere, and with the simultaneous reduction in pay. The capitalist governments, as was logical to foresee, instead of helping the masses in difficulty, because of the crisis, have saved the bankers with public money, ie with taxes and cuts, in social services, imposed on citizens, helped the advocates conscious and unscrupulous of bankruptcy starving further the masses. Besides, we all know, from the days of Lenin, that the State is the power instrument of ruling class, which in capitalist society is that one of industrialists, agriculturalists, bankers and national, international merchants. Moreover, the imperialism to maintain the control over the people, to be able to exploit freely the mineral and plant resources of several people of the Earth and for outsourcing the production moving it where can exploit more wildly and on the cheap the human labour, needs the wars of aggression and occupation that cost a lot in terms of expenses and loss of proletarian life, expenses that governments in the service of capital fall always and only on the already fragile shoulders of the masses. In the socialist society - where power is exercised directly by the people, not by proxy, but by direct and continuous participation in the management of production, social services and of administrative system through their elected and candidates representatives who at every moment can be removed from office by the same voters - the crisis don’t exist and are never possible, because there is no exploitation of man by man, this monster that with the accumulation of profits generates the robbery of the product people’s work, because the means of production are owned of all the people and because the industrial and agricultural production and technology, scientific and social development are planned in accordance with the needs of the population. So in the socialist countries there is no unemployment and "to each is given according to his work”, unlike the following communist society where the supreme principle of civilization and human brotherhood is realized “from each according to his ability to each according to his needs". And more, in the socialist society who is born has already guaranteed from the society the necessary sustenance for life, making him truly free in thought and social choices, health care up to the highest level, the right to study, to work just completed studies, to the wages or salary adequate to live a dignified and peaceful life, to housing, leisure, annual leave, pension to 100% of wage or salary and who can not work enjoys the same rights and same life chances of those who can do it. If people of the capitalist societies do not make every effort still to build the new and higher socialist society is because they do not have yet the political and social conscience of their class of department, because they are conditioned by the dominant, bourgeois and clerical culture and because they are slaves of knowledge of opportunism and selfishness engendered in them by the media and social formation of the ruling, bourgeois and clerical power. As historically occurred the passage from primitive communist society to that class one, so it is possible to pass from the current class society to that Communist one passing, just, for the socialist society.
The end of the barbaric and bestial capitalist society and the construction of that socialist one walk on legs of men, starting from the more aware and intellectually advanced avant-gards. The socialism realized in the twentieth century has not collapsed because incapable of guaranteeing to the people a new and higher living condition, but because it has been betrayed and denied by executives still soaked with selfish and opportunistic culture of the past clerical and capitalist regime that in the former socialist countries and communist Parties of capitalist countries got the upper hand and started the return to the infamous master system denying the sacrifice of life for millions of men and women who had fought heroically to build socialism. So much so that at the time of the Twentieth Congress of CPSU, the Soviet Union was not afraid of superiority by any developed
industrialized capitalist country, including the United States of America, in all areas of production, scientific research, space exploration , art, social development, etc., the decline occurred later, beginning in the '60s, that is, after trotschist revisionists, led by the renegade and miserable Khrushchev, had stopped the completion of the construction of socialist society and the following building of that communist one and started the process of return to capitalism, with the gradual restoration of productive activities and private service. After the defeat of the heroic Paris Commune of 1871 and the Russian Revolution of 1905, the glorious and victorious October Socialist Revolution - great and memorable work of Lenin and Stalin and of the entire Bolshevik Communist Party and incomparable result of the impershable thought and work of Marx and Engels – has demonstrated to the history and the proletariat of all countries on Earth that the working class can, indeed must, overthrow the capitalism and build the socialism, can, through the revolution, to conquest the political power and to establish the dictatorship of the proletariat, in place of that defeated master one, and can start the construction of a new Era of equality, brotherhood and altruism among all men and women who inhabit the planet Earth, starting from the equality of rights between man and woman, from the respect of the diversity of gender, from putting the science also in the service of procreation and from fighting all forms of racism and discrimination among men. The instrument to achieve such historic aim and to resume today in Italy the path towards socialism is the Italian Marxist Leninist Communist Party, which is a genuine class and revolutionary Party, as, for program, strategy and tactics, the Bolshevik Communist Party, wanted and built by Lenin and Stalin to lead to victory the October Socialist Revolution. It is a Party that in order to fulfill its historical task with the political work must be able to deserve trust and consensus of the Italian working and intellective class and of broader masses, starting from its most advanced component, that constitutes the organizational vanguard and of class, revolutionary and political struggle.
The work of P.C.I.M-L. is certainly long and arduous among the struggling workers to be able to branch and take root in Italy, starting from the factories, offices, countryside and social services to build the consciousness of class in the exploited, in order to fight the revisionism, opportunism and economicism and to prepare the masses to the rescue and revolution. Similarly must be fought with equal determination, the anarchism, the movement of any species, such as the no-global movement, the environmentalism and pacifism of regime, the today’s protest movement of Grillo of dominant system, the “violet” movement and the various waves of the student movement: all instruments expression and supporter of the ruling capitalist system, collaborationists of the precast master order, declared and annoyed anti-Communists. We said that it is a long and difficult political, ideal work, while the Italian working class is crushed and oppressed by employers and at the same time enthralled by trade-unions of regime of right, centre and of the bourgeois, capitalist and clerical left. At present the working masses are lacking, unfortunately, an institutional political representation of class opposition, a true class and revolutionary trade union, and the possibility of a mobilization and class struggle against the master governments of centre-right and centre-left for charging the masters for the dramatic consequences of their crisis. As in time of Lenin stands firmly and very topical the question "What to do?". As immediate and concrete possibility P.C.I.M-L. sees in the establishment of a United Front among all the organized forces that in Italy, and also in other countries, refer to Marxism-Leninism, the thought and work of four great Masters of the international proletariat Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin, to the firm and constant struggle against the Trotsky, Khrushchev and Togliatti revisionism, apart from, of course, the Gorbachev liquidating, to the current false and renegade left so called communist of the Left Federation, of Left, Ecology and Freedom and other similar groups and the construction, immediately, of the perspective of proletarian revolution and socialism. For all the main discriminant is and must remain, the judgement on the thought and work of Comrade Stalin, in the sense that the antistalinists are anticommunist and enemies of socialism and as such must be fought and isolated from the national and international communist movement. We think that the proposal of the United Front is the best way to remember and honour the glorious and imperishable October Socialist Revolution paying homage to his martyrs.
The 93rd anniversary must not be considered an academic recurrence nor a celebration detached from existential duty of Marxist-Leninists, which is to fight relentlessly for socialism, but a favorable opportunity to resume concretely the path towards the communist society, tragically interrupted by the Twentieth Congress of the CPSU in 1956 and in Italy by the unfortunate turn of Salerno, made by the denier and revisionist Palmiro Togliatti.
P.C.I.M-L. is ready to join the proposed United Front, if also others, worthy to be part of this Front, say. Too much time has been wasted, it is time of rebirth and revolutionary advance towards the socialism, before, and the communism after, our Masters would not forgive ourselves for further waste of time and other loss of energies.
Forio (Naples) Italy, November 7, 2010. The Central Committee of P.C.I.M-L.
Dear comrades, workers all, not only of Italy but of all countries on Earth,
good morning, it is November 7, 2010 today, 93 years ago, there was the glorious and memorable October Socialist Revolution.I talk you from the seat of the Italian Marxist Leninist Communist Party, behind me you've already seen the glorious flag of the Soviet Union. It is probably the only existing one in Italy and if now is here is because about 20 years ago, just after the fall of the Soviet Union, in one of my trips to Moscow, comrades wanted to present me so that I took care of it for the future generations.On my right that is on your left you notice the bust of the great Vladimir Ilic Lenin and on my left that one of the great Joseph Stalin.First of all, I want to extend a fraternal, communist, revolutionary greeting to all true communists and workers of the Earth so that on this day of celebration must go by memory and deepen the historical significance of that great event, namely the October Socialist Revolution.Today it is the 93rd anniversary of that Revolution that began the change of the human destiny. It was not a common event: for the first time in the human history the working class gained the political power, expropriating the exploiting master class and started the beginning of a new era of superior civilization for the entire Planet.And even if we had to live the painful collapse of that era, namely the construction of socialist society, this does not diminish anything of that great event, because the temporary defeat of socialism does not mean that there will be no other proletarian revolutions, other conquests of national powers of the working class, does not mean, indeed, that there will be the construction of new socialist societies and then to pass to the building of those national communist ones.And thanks to that revolution the proletariat of the Soviet Union, a great country that joined fifteen Republics, autonomous Regions, one hundred ethnic groups, that great country made great strides on the path of liberation of the people, on the path of a true democracy which resided in the power of the working class, a country that deeply influenced the historical developments of the following decades, a country, a revolution that supported the release of many other people from the yoke of exploitation and imperialist, capitalist repression.And therefore thanks to that presence we had in the last century the so-called 'realized Socialism' and yet the socialist world that for many people has been a radical turn in the existence of mankind, the socialist world because it was not only the Soviet Union, there were all the countries of Eastern Europe, China, Cuba, many nations of Africa.A communist world in which, as I said, for the first time the working class had been freed from exploitation, subjugation, ill-treatment of the master class and was truly free and protagonist of their own historical future.A socialist world that was decisive for the defeat, in the last century, of Nazism and fascism in Europe with a huge sacrifice of commitment, abnegation, lost lives, from twenty to thirty million of comrades, of Soviet citizens lost their lives in the heroic struggle against fascism and Nazism in Europe.The Soviet Union, as bastion of power of the working class, as example of freedom and human dignity, has given an enormous contribution for the development of many other countries, to improve the living conditions of many people and working class in the capitalist countries such as Italy; Soviet Union, the country of Lenin and Stalin gave a big contribution for the struggles of national liberation of so many people and all continents of the globe.Marx and Engels have developed the doctrine, strategy, tactics with which the proletariat of the world and individual countries through the organization and the class struggle, they might have gained the political power, to defeat the bourgeoisie, the system, the Barbarian, economic, capitalist and social system and built the new socialist society.But the makers, the first heroes of the victory of the great October Socialist Revolution were the Comrade Lenin and Comrade Stalin. It was up to Stalin, after the untimely death of Comrade Lenin, to lead with great ability, with great determination the building of socialism in the Soviet Union.
To these two great masters of international proletariat, in this day of anniversary of that Revolution, goes our greeting, our recognition of life.And the presence of the Soviet Union, which also housed many comrades, workers persecuted by fascism in our country, the presence of the socialist world allowed, facilitated, even in Italy, the struggle against fascism, that heroic anti-fascism that we had in our Country with so many fallen martyrs, Giacomo Matteotti, and then for us the glorious Communist Party of Italy, his secretary, Antonio Gramsci. The presence of that bastion of freedom, democracy, social dignity promoted also the resistance to Nazi-fascism that there was in our country, the War of Liberation, the ability of defeating the monarchy and establishing the Republic and to have after one of most advanced Constitutions of the developed, industrialized world, which is the Italian Constitution.But unfortunately after the death of Comrade Stalin on 5 March 1953, the traitors, the revisionists, the fifth column of capitalism and imperialism, settled inside the Party and the Soviet State, shamefully betrayed the cause of socialism, the continuation of the construction of socialist society in Soviet Union and in the notorious Congress of CPSU in 1956, these traitors stopped the construction of socialism and restarted the economy, the social organization on the path that would have led tragically, again to the infamy of capitalism of the exploitation of man by man.And so not only in Soviet Union but in all countries of the Earth the working class with its living conditions and social achievements, we can say, without doubt came back a century.We see this situation also in Italy, the workers, the one who had gained when there was still a big Italian Communist Party, who had still in its political action elements of class, those achievements, when that Party is definitively disappeared as Party of the working class and since when the trade union closer to the working class, I talk of the CGIL, has made a turn in bourgeois, capitalist meaning, the Italian working class has lost all those gains and now lives in a social drama: layoffs, job insecurity, unemployment, miserable wages, salaries and pensions, increase of the cost of living and so on.Well, this is reality, when there was the socialist power in the Soviet Union, in the capitalist countries for fear that the working class rebelled against them, and started the building of the new socialist society, were forced to give way under the struggles of workers and therefore to give way new achievements to the working world.
Since the Soviet Union there are no longer the masters, even in capitalist countries, feel free, have increased the workload, the exploitation, the freedom of dismissal, the freedom to suppress the fundamental rights of the working world.The imperialism, you see, dominates absolute and unchallenged throughout the world, does what it wants to defend its interests, particularly the American imperialism and then that European one that chases after it, the Italian army on multiple realities of war to defend the interests of imperialism.American imperialism decides where and how to intervene: in Iraq, Afghanistan, perhaps tomorrow in Iran, Israel, which occupies and enslaves wildly the Palestinian people worse than the Nazis behaved towards them during the Second World War.Imperialism has on hands the world and decides where appropriate, take advantage of the raw materials so that the standard of living, even if with all the current dramatic problems of the crisis, in the United States was by far superior to the standard of living of all other countries of the world, with the wealth of others, with the exploitation over other peoples and that would be democracy? This is the real dictatorship, is the true arrogance,
And therefore the working class, not only in the Soviet Union, has lost everything, now how many workers of those countries, the socialist countries, where when one was born had the right to the sustenance for life, the right to health care, the study up to the highest levels, to work, just the following day completed the studies, housing right, leisure, to a dignified retirement, those people have lost everything and now roam the capitalist countries where they are exploited and abused, those workers, apart from a few arrogant, reckless, now despair for having lost that certainty of life.Unfortunately also the class consciousness among workers withdraws, due to the domination, in the individual countries, of the world, of the clerical, bourgeois, capitalist and master culture, the media, newspapers, television are all in the hands of capitalists who lay down the line, what they must say, must write to influence the public opinion, to ensure that the public opinion does not depart from their project, their desire, their ability to continue to exploit the labor of others and to earn profits without saving.If we are in this situation is because, as I said before, there were traitors, renegades, the fifth column within the Party and the State of the Soviet Union, within the capitalist Parties as in Italy, so much so that the former Communist Party has made an inglorious end, unworthy of a Party that was born from the ranks of the Italian labor movement, has become a capitalist Party, a Party that takes care of the interests of the industrial, economic, financial bourgeoisie at national and international level.They have betrayed the top brass of the former Italian Communist Party, have betrayed the leaders of the CGIL, as I said before, the trade union closer to the interests of workers, have betrayed the so-called revisionists, the opportunists, those still influenced by the bourgeois culture, either in the Soviet Union and in the Communist Parties of other countries.Today, in the world the true Communist Parties, unfortunately, are small Parties, like our Italian Marxist-Leninist Communist Party who need to grow, but among workers must grow the class consciousness because a class Party, a revolutionary Party that fights for the immediate improvement of living conditions in the workplace but within a revolutionary
perspective of building the new socialist society, in order to grow, to fulfill its historical task, needs the consensus, the support, first of all, of the working class and then they need to maintain a class, revolutionary, coherent Marxist-Leninist line, to avoid that tomorrow new revisionists, new traitors, renegades can divert the historical and revolutionary course of that Party as happened in the Soviet Union within the Communist Party of Soviet Union with the Congress of 1956, a denier Congress, a Congress that has shamefully turned back on the martyrs, on the fallen of the October Revolution, to those who fought and fallen to defeat the Nazi-fascism in Europe.And it is necessary to defeat also now the non-committalism, dear comrades and workers, that populist non-committalism that today is called movement.Movement of all types, movement of the squat community, movement of Committees that arise on specific aims, the movement so called 'no global’, the movement of pacifism, anarchism, are all movements that do not have a class and revolutionary project to lead the working class to gain his power and build his society, the socialist society.These movements or this big movement produces only division within the labor movement, ideological and political confusion and therefore movement that becomes tool for survival and dominance of the master power, of the capitalist power.We must make understand the workers this idea for not falling them into a trap, the movement of Grillo, now in Italy, the movement 'purple', the student movement of the wave, it are movements that are born and run out within this social system and for this reason do not hurt the system because they do not challenge the capitalist system and are tolerated and often are also favored by the institutions, by the bourgeois power.The working class, for their own present and future interests, can and must organize itself only within a class and revolutionary Party, which is the Italian Marxist Leninist Communist Party, which I have the honor to represent, whose objective is to destroy capitalism and build socialism, to remove the power to the master class and hand over it to the working world, to build a new social civilization, the socialist civilization, the civilization of man's liberation from the subjugation of the interests of powerful capitalists and imperialists.The crisis we are experiencing in these years, in recent months, in these days even dramatically, a crisis that starves the proletariat of all countries of the world and especially in the poorest countries, is a crisis of the capitalist system, is a crisis, we can say, wanted by the same financial, bank system of capitalism in order to achieve always on the shoulders of the workers greater profits, greater wealth.And then capitalism is a system in perpetual crisis, until will exist only the crisis of overproduction in the sense that the industry, the agricultural produce so much more than their miserable free market can absorb. Why? Not because the increased production does not serve to meet the greater needs of the people but because people can not buy those goods for the poverty, the low wages and salaries than hang on them
And therefore the crisis of overproduction, it are crises that at the end, we do not know when will lead to the implosion, to the definitive fall of this system because these crises block the development of productive forces, while on the one hand there are millions of men who don’t have a job, are starving and can not produce, on the other hand, there is big need for new goods, new ways of life, especially the people of the underdeveloped countries, but that they can not buy, they can not even produce, because they lack the ability to pay.Then, sooner or later, dear comrades, dear workers this system will implode and disappear forever: let us not be fooled by those who want to suggest us that the capitalist system is irreplaceable, is eternal, is not it? No capitalist, economic system is eternal, as the slave system has fallen, as the feudal system has fallen, as sooner or later even the capitalist system will collapse and this will depend also on the organization, the subjective will, commitment that will put in this work so that this system of incivility fall as soon as possible.Now in Italy on the political plan the centre-right is equal to centre-left, two alignments both supporters of the interests of bourgeois and capitalist power.Neither of these two alignments defends the interests of the working class, exploited and humiliated by the master class.Even in Italy as in another countries there is need that the Party of the Revolution grow, to draw up the moment when the Italian working class can to gain his power and start the construction of his society.It is sad, unfortunately, to see in these months how many workers of factories, employees, school teachers are fighting to preserve or to get a job, but do not urge to glimpse what is the way for going out of this situation of social unease, the problems, these problems, problems of employment, job insecurity, insecurity of employment, unemployment, popular poverty, the problems of war can not be solved within this system, dear citizens, only building a new social order, no longer based on the exploitation of man by man, no longer linked to the accumulation of profits by the master class, one can solve these problems for us, but especially for the next generation.We must reflect on this, it is necessary to understand this to make a qualitative leap in the organization and struggle to frighten truly and throw in crisis this political power, the political power of Berlusconi, Bersani, of false communists as Vendola, Ferrero and others, who moves to stay within this system and manage it, even worse, does not help the working class to emerge from the needs of today.There is need that the working class return to organize itself on a class ground, return to fight, class struggle, no struggle of compromise with political power and with the master power like the centre-left and all the unions of regime do.One can fight only with a true and coherent, class and revolutionary Party, one can fight only within a trade union which must be of class and that complement the struggle to get out of capitalism and build socialism.Otherwise, my workers, it is a struggle that remains totally internal to this system, a struggle that does not challenge the system and that therefore does serve absolutely nothing to advance the system of life, the living conditions of the working masses, of who endures today.So we must strive to understand this, the working class can enrich or acquire through and through their class consciousness when begins to study first of all the texts of the communist doctrine, of Marxism-Leninism, starting from the Manifesto of Communist Party of Marx and Engels in 1848, topical more than then because the capitalism and imperialism have become more ferocious than then in the submission and exploitation of the masses.So it is necessary to return to the study of historical, political, union culture of the labor movement, many workers, with whom you talk, say, "but who has time?" And I know that the master class tries to leave no free time to the working world for not growing rich culturally, politically and socially, so that employers can continue to subjugate, exploit, subdue it, but we must find the time and strength to rise with own class consciousness, to know the history of the working movement, to know the Communist doctrine that is the way of the freedom of working world from the power and exploitation of the working class.Italian Marxist-Leninist Communist Party is pursuing a battle with great sacrifice, with great difficulties in the reality I just mentioned, but the situation is difficult, dear comrades, dear workers, the vast majority of workers do not have still class consciousness, are confused by the culture, by the media of the dominant power and then is in this reality that we ask ourselves the fateful question: "What to do?", what to do?, Lenin asked himself the same question at the beginning of last century.We know that in our country the coherently revolutionary Marxist-Leninist forces are few and divided among them, there are also differences: ideological, political, strategic, tactical, sometimes considerable differences.For us now there is need to build an United Front of all those organizations which refer to Marxism-Leninism, to the need to build the Socialist Revolution for seizing the power to the working class, of all those forces, in short, that more coherently refer to Marxism-Leninism, but that fundamentally, however, are engaged in a fierce fight against revisionism, movement of all species, are engaged to defend the heroes of the October Revolution, to defend and not denigrate the work and thought not only of Marx, Engels, Lenin, but also of Comrade Stalin, the discriminating line is: who is anti-Stalinist, is an anti-Communist, is an agent of the class enemy and as such must be fought now and forever dear comrades, dear workers .The establishment of an United Front at this time that could be the representative political subject at national level of the interests of the working class, which may be promoter of true, class people's struggles, in the factories, offices, campaigns, is the best commemoration that is possible to do in this 93rd anniversary of the glorious October Socialist Revolution.There is need today in Italy to realize a class, communist and revolutionary subject more considerable of the single organizations that refer to Marxism-Leninism, to face united, stronger, the difficult social and political reality around us.The class enemy does not spare any paper, arranged that the minorities of our country, through the electoral laws which we define as fascist, can not to come in, the minorities of the labor movement, the true communist revolutionary minorities, can not to come in into the institutions through the various barriers and we know that the elections in Italy have become a market that only the big bourgeois and capitalist organizations can allow to organize and lead.The history of mankind, dear comrades, dear workers, however does not end here, the human history is constantly evolving and this process will occur going forward, yes, there may also be recurrences, the so-called historical recurrences but then the recovery can only be stronger than before.After the first defeat of socialism realized in the twentieth century, there will be surely new revolutions, new conquests of power in the working world, there will be the beginning of new socialist societies until the Socialism will have not conquered all the countries of the Earth and in the individual countries there will be not the passage to the communist society.Therefore the world, the history of the labor movement, the history of the exploited, abused by the master class does not end here, at this difficult time, but will go ahead.First of all dear workers, I want to address a plea, especially to those more naive from a theoretical and political communist point of view: do not be fooled by masters, do not be fooled by Church, do not be fooled by popes and clergy who throw mud day by day through their economic possibilities, their books, their newspapers, their televisions on realized socialism, smirch the name, the great work of Comrade Stalin, why they behave in this way? For diverting you from thinking that it is impossible to get rid of labor exploitation of man by man, it is possible to build a new society, my workers.And we know how popes, clergy, bourgeoisie, today the church boasts still about having contributed to the fall, they say, of communism, but communism had not yet been built, they boast about it with the mud, lie, deception that have cast on the popular masses, usually without an adequate knowledge in order to reject that deception.And what was the result, dear workers, dear comrades? The result is that today those peoples, the peoples of the former socialist countries have returned to live in slavery, to beg in the streets, having to emigrate for finding a job and trying to live their lives less dramatically.A comrade wrote in these days on Facebook that now those people have become aware of what they lost, but that capitalism, the church tries to keep the masses of those countries in a state of confusion and even of inability to take a decision, that is, to reorganize for a new revolution, a new conquest of power. This is the main road, and we must reply to these deceivers concerned, the Church, always allied of the powerful over the centuries, the capitalism; we must, dear workers, become emancipated culturally and socially to restart to frighten those who are the strong powers, the powers that enslave us day by day.So, comrades and workers, ahead in our secular struggle of liberation from master dictatorship, yes, these people talk unabashedly of dictatorship in the former socialist countries, talk of dictatorship with reference to Comrade Stalin, they talk of dictatorship concerning the way of living that society, is not it?, that was not dictatorship, that was power of the working class and if we want to define it dictatorship, is the dictatorship of working world against the capitalist dictatorship of exploitation, impoverishment and enslavement of the working world.The workers must fight for their political and social power, the opportunity to regain our power, the power of the working class, the ability to restart the construction of Socialism, belongs also to individual countries, there is the chance to go out on this vile social system that is the capitalist system, dear comrades and workers, we must believe in it, we must follow the footsteps of our great Masters of the international proletariat, Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin, the victory can be again ours but we must have the ability to launch the construction since this moment, nobody gives us anything, the future proletarian revolutions, the future achievements of the power to the working class depend on our will, our commitment.Ahead, comrades, let us rise towards the conquest of power to the working class, towards the socialist society up to the building of that Communist one!
Ahead in the name of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin!Long live the glorious October Socialist Revolution!Long live the future of humanity, before socialist, and then communist!.
Dear comrades, workers all, not only of Italy but of all countries on Earth,
good morning, it is November 7, 2010 today, 93 years ago, there was the glorious and memorable October Socialist Revolution.I talk you from the seat of the Italian Marxist Leninist Communist Party, behind me you've already seen the glorious flag of the Soviet Union. It is probably the only existing one in Italy and if now is here is because about 20 years ago, just after the fall of the Soviet Union, in one of my trips to Moscow, comrades wanted to present me so that I took care of it for the future generations.On my right that is on your left you notice the bust of the great Vladimir Ilic Lenin and on my left that one of the great Joseph Stalin.First of all, I want to extend a fraternal, communist, revolutionary greeting to all true communists and workers of the Earth so that on this day of celebration must go by memory and deepen the historical significance of that great event, namely the October Socialist Revolution.Today it is the 93rd anniversary of that Revolution that began the change of the human destiny. It was not a common event: for the first time in the human history the working class gained the political power, expropriating the exploiting master class and started the beginning of a new era of superior civilization for the entire Planet.And even if we had to live the painful collapse of that era, namely the construction of socialist society, this does not diminish anything of that great event, because the temporary defeat of socialism does not mean that there will be no other proletarian revolutions, other conquests of national powers of the working class, does not mean, indeed, that there will be the construction of new socialist societies and then to pass to the building of those national communist ones.And thanks to that revolution the proletariat of the Soviet Union, a great country that joined fifteen Republics, autonomous Regions, one hundred ethnic groups, that great country made great strides on the path of liberation of the people, on the path of a true democracy which resided in the power of the working class, a country that deeply influenced the historical developments of the following decades, a country, a revolution that supported the release of many other people from the yoke of exploitation and imperialist, capitalist repression.And therefore thanks to that presence we had in the last century the so-called 'realized Socialism' and yet the socialist world that for many people has been a radical turn in the existence of mankind, the socialist world because it was not only the Soviet Union, there were all the countries of Eastern Europe, China, Cuba, many nations of Africa.A communist world in which, as I said, for the first time the working class had been freed from exploitation, subjugation, ill-treatment of the master class and was truly free and protagonist of their own historical future.A socialist world that was decisive for the defeat, in the last century, of Nazism and fascism in Europe with a huge sacrifice of commitment, abnegation, lost lives, from twenty to thirty million of comrades, of Soviet citizens lost their lives in the heroic struggle against fascism and Nazism in Europe.The Soviet Union, as bastion of power of the working class, as example of freedom and human dignity, has given an enormous contribution for the development of many other countries, to improve the living conditions of many people and working class in the capitalist countries such as Italy; Soviet Union, the country of Lenin and Stalin gave a big contribution for the struggles of national liberation of so many people and all continents of the globe.Marx and Engels have developed the doctrine, strategy, tactics with which the proletariat of the world and individual countries through the organization and the class struggle, they might have gained the political power, to defeat the bourgeoisie, the system, the Barbarian, economic, capitalist and social system and built the new socialist society.But the makers, the first heroes of the victory of the great October Socialist Revolution were the Comrade Lenin and Comrade Stalin. It was up to Stalin, after the untimely death of Comrade Lenin, to lead with great ability, with great determination the building of socialism in the Soviet Union.
To these two great masters of international proletariat, in this day of anniversary of that Revolution, goes our greeting, our recognition of life.And the presence of the Soviet Union, which also housed many comrades, workers persecuted by fascism in our country, the presence of the socialist world allowed, facilitated, even in Italy, the struggle against fascism, that heroic anti-fascism that we had in our Country with so many fallen martyrs, Giacomo Matteotti, and then for us the glorious Communist Party of Italy, his secretary, Antonio Gramsci. The presence of that bastion of freedom, democracy, social dignity promoted also the resistance to Nazi-fascism that there was in our country, the War of Liberation, the ability of defeating the monarchy and establishing the Republic and to have after one of most advanced Constitutions of the developed, industrialized world, which is the Italian Constitution.But unfortunately after the death of Comrade Stalin on 5 March 1953, the traitors, the revisionists, the fifth column of capitalism and imperialism, settled inside the Party and the Soviet State, shamefully betrayed the cause of socialism, the continuation of the construction of socialist society in Soviet Union and in the notorious Congress of CPSU in 1956, these traitors stopped the construction of socialism and restarted the economy, the social organization on the path that would have led tragically, again to the infamy of capitalism of the exploitation of man by man.And so not only in Soviet Union but in all countries of the Earth the working class with its living conditions and social achievements, we can say, without doubt came back a century.We see this situation also in Italy, the workers, the one who had gained when there was still a big Italian Communist Party, who had still in its political action elements of class, those achievements, when that Party is definitively disappeared as Party of the working class and since when the trade union closer to the working class, I talk of the CGIL, has made a turn in bourgeois, capitalist meaning, the Italian working class has lost all those gains and now lives in a social drama: layoffs, job insecurity, unemployment, miserable wages, salaries and pensions, increase of the cost of living and so on.Well, this is reality, when there was the socialist power in the Soviet Union, in the capitalist countries for fear that the working class rebelled against them, and started the building of the new socialist society, were forced to give way under the struggles of workers and therefore to give way new achievements to the working world.
Since the Soviet Union there are no longer the masters, even in capitalist countries, feel free, have increased the workload, the exploitation, the freedom of dismissal, the freedom to suppress the fundamental rights of the working world.The imperialism, you see, dominates absolute and unchallenged throughout the world, does what it wants to defend its interests, particularly the American imperialism and then that European one that chases after it, the Italian army on multiple realities of war to defend the interests of imperialism.American imperialism decides where and how to intervene: in Iraq, Afghanistan, perhaps tomorrow in Iran, Israel, which occupies and enslaves wildly the Palestinian people worse than the Nazis behaved towards them during the Second World War.Imperialism has on hands the world and decides where appropriate, take advantage of the raw materials so that the standard of living, even if with all the current dramatic problems of the crisis, in the United States was by far superior to the standard of living of all other countries of the world, with the wealth of others, with the exploitation over other peoples and that would be democracy? This is the real dictatorship, is the true arrogance,
And therefore the working class, not only in the Soviet Union, has lost everything, now how many workers of those countries, the socialist countries, where when one was born had the right to the sustenance for life, the right to health care, the study up to the highest levels, to work, just the following day completed the studies, housing right, leisure, to a dignified retirement, those people have lost everything and now roam the capitalist countries where they are exploited and abused, those workers, apart from a few arrogant, reckless, now despair for having lost that certainty of life.Unfortunately also the class consciousness among workers withdraws, due to the domination, in the individual countries, of the world, of the clerical, bourgeois, capitalist and master culture, the media, newspapers, television are all in the hands of capitalists who lay down the line, what they must say, must write to influence the public opinion, to ensure that the public opinion does not depart from their project, their desire, their ability to continue to exploit the labor of others and to earn profits without saving.If we are in this situation is because, as I said before, there were traitors, renegades, the fifth column within the Party and the State of the Soviet Union, within the capitalist Parties as in Italy, so much so that the former Communist Party has made an inglorious end, unworthy of a Party that was born from the ranks of the Italian labor movement, has become a capitalist Party, a Party that takes care of the interests of the industrial, economic, financial bourgeoisie at national and international level.They have betrayed the top brass of the former Italian Communist Party, have betrayed the leaders of the CGIL, as I said before, the trade union closer to the interests of workers, have betrayed the so-called revisionists, the opportunists, those still influenced by the bourgeois culture, either in the Soviet Union and in the Communist Parties of other countries.Today, in the world the true Communist Parties, unfortunately, are small Parties, like our Italian Marxist-Leninist Communist Party who need to grow, but among workers must grow the class consciousness because a class Party, a revolutionary Party that fights for the immediate improvement of living conditions in the workplace but within a revolutionary
perspective of building the new socialist society, in order to grow, to fulfill its historical task, needs the consensus, the support, first of all, of the working class and then they need to maintain a class, revolutionary, coherent Marxist-Leninist line, to avoid that tomorrow new revisionists, new traitors, renegades can divert the historical and revolutionary course of that Party as happened in the Soviet Union within the Communist Party of Soviet Union with the Congress of 1956, a denier Congress, a Congress that has shamefully turned back on the martyrs, on the fallen of the October Revolution, to those who fought and fallen to defeat the Nazi-fascism in Europe.And it is necessary to defeat also now the non-committalism, dear comrades and workers, that populist non-committalism that today is called movement.Movement of all types, movement of the squat community, movement of Committees that arise on specific aims, the movement so called 'no global’, the movement of pacifism, anarchism, are all movements that do not have a class and revolutionary project to lead the working class to gain his power and build his society, the socialist society.These movements or this big movement produces only division within the labor movement, ideological and political confusion and therefore movement that becomes tool for survival and dominance of the master power, of the capitalist power.We must make understand the workers this idea for not falling them into a trap, the movement of Grillo, now in Italy, the movement 'purple', the student movement of the wave, it are movements that are born and run out within this social system and for this reason do not hurt the system because they do not challenge the capitalist system and are tolerated and often are also favored by the institutions, by the bourgeois power.The working class, for their own present and future interests, can and must organize itself only within a class and revolutionary Party, which is the Italian Marxist Leninist Communist Party, which I have the honor to represent, whose objective is to destroy capitalism and build socialism, to remove the power to the master class and hand over it to the working world, to build a new social civilization, the socialist civilization, the civilization of man's liberation from the subjugation of the interests of powerful capitalists and imperialists.The crisis we are experiencing in these years, in recent months, in these days even dramatically, a crisis that starves the proletariat of all countries of the world and especially in the poorest countries, is a crisis of the capitalist system, is a crisis, we can say, wanted by the same financial, bank system of capitalism in order to achieve always on the shoulders of the workers greater profits, greater wealth.And then capitalism is a system in perpetual crisis, until will exist only the crisis of overproduction in the sense that the industry, the agricultural produce so much more than their miserable free market can absorb. Why? Not because the increased production does not serve to meet the greater needs of the people but because people can not buy those goods for the poverty, the low wages and salaries than hang on them
And therefore the crisis of overproduction, it are crises that at the end, we do not know when will lead to the implosion, to the definitive fall of this system because these crises block the development of productive forces, while on the one hand there are millions of men who don’t have a job, are starving and can not produce, on the other hand, there is big need for new goods, new ways of life, especially the people of the underdeveloped countries, but that they can not buy, they can not even produce, because they lack the ability to pay.Then, sooner or later, dear comrades, dear workers this system will implode and disappear forever: let us not be fooled by those who want to suggest us that the capitalist system is irreplaceable, is eternal, is not it? No capitalist, economic system is eternal, as the slave system has fallen, as the feudal system has fallen, as sooner or later even the capitalist system will collapse and this will depend also on the organization, the subjective will, commitment that will put in this work so that this system of incivility fall as soon as possible.Now in Italy on the political plan the centre-right is equal to centre-left, two alignments both supporters of the interests of bourgeois and capitalist power.Neither of these two alignments defends the interests of the working class, exploited and humiliated by the master class.Even in Italy as in another countries there is need that the Party of the Revolution grow, to draw up the moment when the Italian working class can to gain his power and start the construction of his society.It is sad, unfortunately, to see in these months how many workers of factories, employees, school teachers are fighting to preserve or to get a job, but do not urge to glimpse what is the way for going out of this situation of social unease, the problems, these problems, problems of employment, job insecurity, insecurity of employment, unemployment, popular poverty, the problems of war can not be solved within this system, dear citizens, only building a new social order, no longer based on the exploitation of man by man, no longer linked to the accumulation of profits by the master class, one can solve these problems for us, but especially for the next generation.We must reflect on this, it is necessary to understand this to make a qualitative leap in the organization and struggle to frighten truly and throw in crisis this political power, the political power of Berlusconi, Bersani, of false communists as Vendola, Ferrero and others, who moves to stay within this system and manage it, even worse, does not help the working class to emerge from the needs of today.There is need that the working class return to organize itself on a class ground, return to fight, class struggle, no struggle of compromise with political power and with the master power like the centre-left and all the unions of regime do.One can fight only with a true and coherent, class and revolutionary Party, one can fight only within a trade union which must be of class and that complement the struggle to get out of capitalism and build socialism.Otherwise, my workers, it is a struggle that remains totally internal to this system, a struggle that does not challenge the system and that therefore does serve absolutely nothing to advance the system of life, the living conditions of the working masses, of who endures today.So we must strive to understand this, the working class can enrich or acquire through and through their class consciousness when begins to study first of all the texts of the communist doctrine, of Marxism-Leninism, starting from the Manifesto of Communist Party of Marx and Engels in 1848, topical more than then because the capitalism and imperialism have become more ferocious than then in the submission and exploitation of the masses.So it is necessary to return to the study of historical, political, union culture of the labor movement, many workers, with whom you talk, say, "but who has time?" And I know that the master class tries to leave no free time to the working world for not growing rich culturally, politically and socially, so that employers can continue to subjugate, exploit, subdue it, but we must find the time and strength to rise with own class consciousness, to know the history of the working movement, to know the Communist doctrine that is the way of the freedom of working world from the power and exploitation of the working class.Italian Marxist-Leninist Communist Party is pursuing a battle with great sacrifice, with great difficulties in the reality I just mentioned, but the situation is difficult, dear comrades, dear workers, the vast majority of workers do not have still class consciousness, are confused by the culture, by the media of the dominant power and then is in this reality that we ask ourselves the fateful question: "What to do?", what to do?, Lenin asked himself the same question at the beginning of last century.We know that in our country the coherently revolutionary Marxist-Leninist forces are few and divided among them, there are also differences: ideological, political, strategic, tactical, sometimes considerable differences.For us now there is need to build an United Front of all those organizations which refer to Marxism-Leninism, to the need to build the Socialist Revolution for seizing the power to the working class, of all those forces, in short, that more coherently refer to Marxism-Leninism, but that fundamentally, however, are engaged in a fierce fight against revisionism, movement of all species, are engaged to defend the heroes of the October Revolution, to defend and not denigrate the work and thought not only of Marx, Engels, Lenin, but also of Comrade Stalin, the discriminating line is: who is anti-Stalinist, is an anti-Communist, is an agent of the class enemy and as such must be fought now and forever dear comrades, dear workers .The establishment of an United Front at this time that could be the representative political subject at national level of the interests of the working class, which may be promoter of true, class people's struggles, in the factories, offices, campaigns, is the best commemoration that is possible to do in this 93rd anniversary of the glorious October Socialist Revolution.There is need today in Italy to realize a class, communist and revolutionary subject more considerable of the single organizations that refer to Marxism-Leninism, to face united, stronger, the difficult social and political reality around us.The class enemy does not spare any paper, arranged that the minorities of our country, through the electoral laws which we define as fascist, can not to come in, the minorities of the labor movement, the true communist revolutionary minorities, can not to come in into the institutions through the various barriers and we know that the elections in Italy have become a market that only the big bourgeois and capitalist organizations can allow to organize and lead.The history of mankind, dear comrades, dear workers, however does not end here, the human history is constantly evolving and this process will occur going forward, yes, there may also be recurrences, the so-called historical recurrences but then the recovery can only be stronger than before.After the first defeat of socialism realized in the twentieth century, there will be surely new revolutions, new conquests of power in the working world, there will be the beginning of new socialist societies until the Socialism will have not conquered all the countries of the Earth and in the individual countries there will be not the passage to the communist society.Therefore the world, the history of the labor movement, the history of the exploited, abused by the master class does not end here, at this difficult time, but will go ahead.First of all dear workers, I want to address a plea, especially to those more naive from a theoretical and political communist point of view: do not be fooled by masters, do not be fooled by Church, do not be fooled by popes and clergy who throw mud day by day through their economic possibilities, their books, their newspapers, their televisions on realized socialism, smirch the name, the great work of Comrade Stalin, why they behave in this way? For diverting you from thinking that it is impossible to get rid of labor exploitation of man by man, it is possible to build a new society, my workers.And we know how popes, clergy, bourgeoisie, today the church boasts still about having contributed to the fall, they say, of communism, but communism had not yet been built, they boast about it with the mud, lie, deception that have cast on the popular masses, usually without an adequate knowledge in order to reject that deception.And what was the result, dear workers, dear comrades? The result is that today those peoples, the peoples of the former socialist countries have returned to live in slavery, to beg in the streets, having to emigrate for finding a job and trying to live their lives less dramatically.A comrade wrote in these days on Facebook that now those people have become aware of what they lost, but that capitalism, the church tries to keep the masses of those countries in a state of confusion and even of inability to take a decision, that is, to reorganize for a new revolution, a new conquest of power. This is the main road, and we must reply to these deceivers concerned, the Church, always allied of the powerful over the centuries, the capitalism; we must, dear workers, become emancipated culturally and socially to restart to frighten those who are the strong powers, the powers that enslave us day by day.So, comrades and workers, ahead in our secular struggle of liberation from master dictatorship, yes, these people talk unabashedly of dictatorship in the former socialist countries, talk of dictatorship with reference to Comrade Stalin, they talk of dictatorship concerning the way of living that society, is not it?, that was not dictatorship, that was power of the working class and if we want to define it dictatorship, is the dictatorship of working world against the capitalist dictatorship of exploitation, impoverishment and enslavement of the working world.The workers must fight for their political and social power, the opportunity to regain our power, the power of the working class, the ability to restart the construction of Socialism, belongs also to individual countries, there is the chance to go out on this vile social system that is the capitalist system, dear comrades and workers, we must believe in it, we must follow the footsteps of our great Masters of the international proletariat, Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin, the victory can be again ours but we must have the ability to launch the construction since this moment, nobody gives us anything, the future proletarian revolutions, the future achievements of the power to the working class depend on our will, our commitment.Ahead, comrades, let us rise towards the conquest of power to the working class, towards the socialist society up to the building of that Communist one!
Ahead in the name of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin!Long live the glorious October Socialist Revolution!Long live the future of humanity, before socialist, and then communist!.
1815-2015: The imperial absolutism of 200 years ago returns, but with some more experience of the labor and communist movement.
Nobody will be able ever to stop the course of human history since when the social classes will not disappear and with them all the social ills of the existence of mankind.
by Domenico Savio*
After the epic battles and revolts of slaves, led by valiant revolutionaries like Spartacus, Enno and others, against the Roman emperors for the abolition of the slavery and the conquest of a free and dignified existence, the most revolutionary time of human history has been undoubtedly that one elapsed between 1815 and the end of the second millennium since the Middle Ages was lacking of significant uprisings and popular oppositions. Following the French bourgeois Revolution of 14 July 1789 - where the French working class played an important role in terms of class struggle and liberation of the proletariat from exploitation of the feudal aristocracy and the emerging capitalist system, role that then turned out, unfortunately, progressively marginalized and repressed by the bourgeoisie - and to the Bonapartist tyranny the old reactionary powers of Europe joined again in the Congress of Wien of 1815, formed the so called Holy Alliance, they divided each other again the Europe, maintained the abject, arbitrary and repressive "principle of legitimacy," whereby the thrones were assigned directly by God and, therefore, intangible by men and drowned in blood any attempt to democratize the relationships between rulers and subjects.
Such reactionary and conservative change was defined "restoration" of the old monarchic and imperial order with the imposition of the most ignoble political, literary and social obscurantism, maintained with the fierce repression of any form of opposition. Restoration of the old state and social order and of the old privileges of the ruling caste and of the aristocrats corporations.
With the "restoration" began almost a bicentenary of democratic class struggles to overthrow the aristocratic power, to promote the national unity of the countries divided into many kingdoms, duchies, principalities, etc., to satisfy the territorial appetites of kings, dukes and principles - Italy was divided into nine little and very little States - to introduce the democratic Constitution, to abolish the repressions of opponents by the rulers to put an end to the horrible carnages of the popular uprising against the dictatorial powers for the defeat of the system of the capitalist exploitation, to improve the living conditions of working and popular masses and to build new social orders. A great movement of struggle of liberation by the ruling despotism sets in motion and develops a huge popular excitement around the progressive culture and to that one of the working class, to the republican principles of freedom, democracy and of national independence. Proud and hero authors of this movement, which is formed for the first time in the history in Europe and in our country, are called Carbonari, Conspirators and Patriots, which pay a highest price of shot, hanged, murdered persons and in various way massacred by dominant power, including that one of the Pope’s State, headed by the Pope. But anyone can stop the human and social progress, the historical materialism is an unstoppable giant, the class struggle does not know boundaries or barriers and begins the journey towards the communist society. All this in Italy is called Renaissance and, at about more than a century, someone attributes to the struggle of Resistance, of Liberation of the country by Nazi-Fascism and the proclaiming of the Republic the settlement of second national Risorgimento.
Therefore from the Carbonarian sect is passed to the mass movements, occured the European revolutions of 1848 and in Italy, for all, the heroic Roman Republic. There had been fierce fightings among the soldiers, including the police, of the murderous States and the patriotic forces, driven by innate heroism and by full abnegation in facing and fighting the most powerful and better armed enemy. Among other things, the troops of the Pope’s State executed a horrendous carnage of the defenseless population of Cesena and Pope Pius IX in a proposition of the Syllabus proclaimed: "Be damned who says that the Roman pontiff can and must be reconciled and come to agreement with the progress, liberalism, and with the modern civilization", a ruthlessness that represents well also the ferocity of the Holy Roman Inquisition of the dark years of the Middle Ages. But wherever the cruel of the repression don’t stop the determination of patriots, workers and masses who struggle fiercely for the democratic freedoms and the national independence, that only in little part occur with the Albertine Statute and the Unity of Italy.
But the true novelty of universal significance for mankind is the strong bursting on the history of Marxist philosophy, meaning with it the philosophical and political thought and work of Marx and Engels, the dialectical and historical materialism, the passage from the utopian socialism to that scientific one, the Manifesto of the Communist Party of 1848 and then following the Capital - summa work of Karl Marx, with which it analyzes and demonstrates scientifically the inhuman process of exploitation of workers by their masters - the First International of the working and communist movement, the glorious Commune of Paris and the birth and gradual growth of the working, socialist and communist organizations, the working association of mutual aid, embryo of the ensuing coooperative system, the birth of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party in 1898 to Minsk (P.O.S.D.R.), the defeat of the Russian Revolution of 1905, in 1912 the Bolsheviks, with Lenin, Stalin and others gained the majority in the Party, the glorious and victorious October Revolution, with which for the first time in human history the working and intellective class defeats the bourgeois class and conquest the political power. It is the radiant dawn of a new era, that one of socialism realized in the twentieth century. The working Humanity, for millennia enslaved, exploited and repressed by the aristocratic and bourgeois master class, straightens his back and sets up for star of the future history.
The ensuing events will prove that the construction of the new and higher society, first socialist and then communist is not an easy exploit, the journey is not irreversible, everything depends on the victorious class struggle of the proletariat also in the phase of construction of the socialist society because the ideological and political enemy, inside and outside the Party and the socialist State, is always in wait and ready to regain their lost positions and to remedy the incurred losses, and that until the consolidation of the communist society. The Bolshevik Party of Lenin and Stalin with the heroic Red Army in the years 1918-1920 emerged victorious from the civil war, unleashed by the imperialist powers and the military remainders of the defeated tsarism, in 1919 was born the Third International rose the national Marxists -Leninists Communist Parties, in December 1922 was founded the glorious Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, populated by 100 people and formed of 15 federated Republics, 20 autonomous Republics, 8 autonomous regions and several autonomous districts, was started the collectivization of each social activity and in the period 1941-1945 the brave and fearless Soviet Union defeated the Nazi-Fascism, risen with the direct accomplicity of the imperialist powers of that time.
The October Revolution, for the first time in the known history of humanity, started for the whole planet a vast process of liberation and national independence for many peoples and consented the building of the socialism realized in the twentieth century, while Soviet Union, the cradle of the world socialism, has encouraged the class struggle of the proletariat of all countries in the perspective of building of the socialism, in the spirit of proletarian internationalism supported the birth and development of new social States, proved to the world, with the though and work of the great Masters of the international proletariat Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin, that was possible to defeat the capitalism and to build the socialism, that in the socialist society with the planned, collective and economic system is possible to achieve a scientific, technological and social development much higher than that one present in the capitalist countries and that the formation of a new collective, egalitarian, altruistic and solidaristic consciousness, in the man is feasible, in short it is possible to build the new man as foundation of the future communist society.
On March 5, 1953 died the Comrade Joseph Stalin, the continuer of Lenin’s work and the first builder of socialism on Earth, The man who made shaking the world imperialism, who defeated the Nazi-fascism, and that under His leadership in Soviet Union, in the building work of socialism for passing to the establishment of communism, the collectivization of all social activities exceeds 90%, ie, lacked only one last effort to set off on the road of communism. The death of Joseph Stalin, the redeemer of large part of the proletariat and of peoples of the Earth from the social slavery of the infamous capitalist system and from the exploitation of man by man, was mourned by all free and honest men, from the whole progressive humanity and from all the people who hoped for the conquest of socialism. He was a great Teacher and Leader of the international proletariat. Anyone who recognizes in His thought and His work is a consistent Marxist-Leninist Communist, unlike who does not recognize on him is a fake communist, a traitor and a renegade of the cause of the socialism and communism.
Died the Great Stalin and defeated the Marxist-Leninist left of the Party, who had made the Revolution and built the socialism, the Twentieth Congress of the Communist Party of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in 1956, under the guidance of the traitor, renegade and sleazy political man Nikita Khruschev and the ‘longa manus’ of U.S. and Europe imperialism, using the vile weapon of the slander and falsehood towards Stalin, decreed the end of the construction of Socialism and the starting of the return of capitalism, a journey that lasted until 1990, when the other traitor and renegade Gorbachev loosened even the PCUS. This inglorious end of the former Soviet Union and of the whole socialist world, built in the last century with so much blood shed by the proletariat of the world, by the wicked and interested action of miserable persons, revisionists, opportunists, carrerists and agents of the class enemy teaches clearly and unmistakably to the working class of all countries that during the construction phase of the socialism, the class struggle, inside and outside the Party and in the society must be pitiless and the revolutionary vigilance must never lower our guard, because the oppponent, not yet defeated in the consciousness of all the people is always cowardly in wait and ready to seize.
From the defeat of the first glorious and magnificent historical experience of building of Socialism on Earth is taken over the return of the absolute and cruelty dominion of the capitalism and imperialism on the whole planet, with very few social progressive social survived realities and of opportunist and revisionist socialism, at least for the time being. The return of the absolute control of the economy and global natural resources by imperialism has involved the cancellation of all the achievements realized in past by the labor movement, at national and international level, has dismantled all the alliances and unions of States that the socialist world had laboriously built, has weakened in the consciousness of the proletariat and peoples the fervor of struggle for socialism, has aggravated the evils of racism, of the religious fundamentalism and of poverty in the world, has launched a new era of brutal attacks to countries and people not willing to submit to the hegemonic pretensions of the stronger imperialist powers, has unleashed new wars for the control and exploitation of the mineral and vegetable resources and for the domain and the expansion of the markets; has promoted new economic crises in order to exploit better and starve the peoples of the Earth and has designed a new order of division and dominion of the planet for the third millennium: that at least in the intentions of imperialism, but we, as communist, are sure that it had not reckoned without his host, that is, has not taken into account the new, more powerful and widespread wave of the Socialist Revolution that will be present in the next future.
1815-2015, from the restoration of 1815 to the restoration in progress of our times, ends a time of almost 200 years of democratic and proletarian revolutions, conquests of freedom, of democracy and progress for the mankind, of achievements and Socialist experience and of progress of human civilization. But despite the current apparent strength of the capitalism and imperialism, another era of class struggles, revolutions and of socialism is preparing to start and this could be finally the era of the definitive defeat of the capitalist and imperialist power over the world, the era of the historical end of the exploitation of man over man, the era of the absolute and definitive triumph of socialism and the perpetual building up of communism on Earth and the era of a new world of men and women truly free and protagonists of their life on a Planet of peace and progress, the same for everyone. To this future and higher humanity works the still little but already glorious Italian Marxist-Leninist Communist Party.
Forio (Naples), 8 August 2009.
* General Secretary of P.C.I.M-L.
Nobody will be able ever to stop the course of human history since when the social classes will not disappear and with them all the social ills of the existence of mankind.
by Domenico Savio*
After the epic battles and revolts of slaves, led by valiant revolutionaries like Spartacus, Enno and others, against the Roman emperors for the abolition of the slavery and the conquest of a free and dignified existence, the most revolutionary time of human history has been undoubtedly that one elapsed between 1815 and the end of the second millennium since the Middle Ages was lacking of significant uprisings and popular oppositions. Following the French bourgeois Revolution of 14 July 1789 - where the French working class played an important role in terms of class struggle and liberation of the proletariat from exploitation of the feudal aristocracy and the emerging capitalist system, role that then turned out, unfortunately, progressively marginalized and repressed by the bourgeoisie - and to the Bonapartist tyranny the old reactionary powers of Europe joined again in the Congress of Wien of 1815, formed the so called Holy Alliance, they divided each other again the Europe, maintained the abject, arbitrary and repressive "principle of legitimacy," whereby the thrones were assigned directly by God and, therefore, intangible by men and drowned in blood any attempt to democratize the relationships between rulers and subjects.
Such reactionary and conservative change was defined "restoration" of the old monarchic and imperial order with the imposition of the most ignoble political, literary and social obscurantism, maintained with the fierce repression of any form of opposition. Restoration of the old state and social order and of the old privileges of the ruling caste and of the aristocrats corporations.
With the "restoration" began almost a bicentenary of democratic class struggles to overthrow the aristocratic power, to promote the national unity of the countries divided into many kingdoms, duchies, principalities, etc., to satisfy the territorial appetites of kings, dukes and principles - Italy was divided into nine little and very little States - to introduce the democratic Constitution, to abolish the repressions of opponents by the rulers to put an end to the horrible carnages of the popular uprising against the dictatorial powers for the defeat of the system of the capitalist exploitation, to improve the living conditions of working and popular masses and to build new social orders. A great movement of struggle of liberation by the ruling despotism sets in motion and develops a huge popular excitement around the progressive culture and to that one of the working class, to the republican principles of freedom, democracy and of national independence. Proud and hero authors of this movement, which is formed for the first time in the history in Europe and in our country, are called Carbonari, Conspirators and Patriots, which pay a highest price of shot, hanged, murdered persons and in various way massacred by dominant power, including that one of the Pope’s State, headed by the Pope. But anyone can stop the human and social progress, the historical materialism is an unstoppable giant, the class struggle does not know boundaries or barriers and begins the journey towards the communist society. All this in Italy is called Renaissance and, at about more than a century, someone attributes to the struggle of Resistance, of Liberation of the country by Nazi-Fascism and the proclaiming of the Republic the settlement of second national Risorgimento.
Therefore from the Carbonarian sect is passed to the mass movements, occured the European revolutions of 1848 and in Italy, for all, the heroic Roman Republic. There had been fierce fightings among the soldiers, including the police, of the murderous States and the patriotic forces, driven by innate heroism and by full abnegation in facing and fighting the most powerful and better armed enemy. Among other things, the troops of the Pope’s State executed a horrendous carnage of the defenseless population of Cesena and Pope Pius IX in a proposition of the Syllabus proclaimed: "Be damned who says that the Roman pontiff can and must be reconciled and come to agreement with the progress, liberalism, and with the modern civilization", a ruthlessness that represents well also the ferocity of the Holy Roman Inquisition of the dark years of the Middle Ages. But wherever the cruel of the repression don’t stop the determination of patriots, workers and masses who struggle fiercely for the democratic freedoms and the national independence, that only in little part occur with the Albertine Statute and the Unity of Italy.
But the true novelty of universal significance for mankind is the strong bursting on the history of Marxist philosophy, meaning with it the philosophical and political thought and work of Marx and Engels, the dialectical and historical materialism, the passage from the utopian socialism to that scientific one, the Manifesto of the Communist Party of 1848 and then following the Capital - summa work of Karl Marx, with which it analyzes and demonstrates scientifically the inhuman process of exploitation of workers by their masters - the First International of the working and communist movement, the glorious Commune of Paris and the birth and gradual growth of the working, socialist and communist organizations, the working association of mutual aid, embryo of the ensuing coooperative system, the birth of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party in 1898 to Minsk (P.O.S.D.R.), the defeat of the Russian Revolution of 1905, in 1912 the Bolsheviks, with Lenin, Stalin and others gained the majority in the Party, the glorious and victorious October Revolution, with which for the first time in human history the working and intellective class defeats the bourgeois class and conquest the political power. It is the radiant dawn of a new era, that one of socialism realized in the twentieth century. The working Humanity, for millennia enslaved, exploited and repressed by the aristocratic and bourgeois master class, straightens his back and sets up for star of the future history.
The ensuing events will prove that the construction of the new and higher society, first socialist and then communist is not an easy exploit, the journey is not irreversible, everything depends on the victorious class struggle of the proletariat also in the phase of construction of the socialist society because the ideological and political enemy, inside and outside the Party and the socialist State, is always in wait and ready to regain their lost positions and to remedy the incurred losses, and that until the consolidation of the communist society. The Bolshevik Party of Lenin and Stalin with the heroic Red Army in the years 1918-1920 emerged victorious from the civil war, unleashed by the imperialist powers and the military remainders of the defeated tsarism, in 1919 was born the Third International rose the national Marxists -Leninists Communist Parties, in December 1922 was founded the glorious Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, populated by 100 people and formed of 15 federated Republics, 20 autonomous Republics, 8 autonomous regions and several autonomous districts, was started the collectivization of each social activity and in the period 1941-1945 the brave and fearless Soviet Union defeated the Nazi-Fascism, risen with the direct accomplicity of the imperialist powers of that time.
The October Revolution, for the first time in the known history of humanity, started for the whole planet a vast process of liberation and national independence for many peoples and consented the building of the socialism realized in the twentieth century, while Soviet Union, the cradle of the world socialism, has encouraged the class struggle of the proletariat of all countries in the perspective of building of the socialism, in the spirit of proletarian internationalism supported the birth and development of new social States, proved to the world, with the though and work of the great Masters of the international proletariat Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin, that was possible to defeat the capitalism and to build the socialism, that in the socialist society with the planned, collective and economic system is possible to achieve a scientific, technological and social development much higher than that one present in the capitalist countries and that the formation of a new collective, egalitarian, altruistic and solidaristic consciousness, in the man is feasible, in short it is possible to build the new man as foundation of the future communist society.
On March 5, 1953 died the Comrade Joseph Stalin, the continuer of Lenin’s work and the first builder of socialism on Earth, The man who made shaking the world imperialism, who defeated the Nazi-fascism, and that under His leadership in Soviet Union, in the building work of socialism for passing to the establishment of communism, the collectivization of all social activities exceeds 90%, ie, lacked only one last effort to set off on the road of communism. The death of Joseph Stalin, the redeemer of large part of the proletariat and of peoples of the Earth from the social slavery of the infamous capitalist system and from the exploitation of man by man, was mourned by all free and honest men, from the whole progressive humanity and from all the people who hoped for the conquest of socialism. He was a great Teacher and Leader of the international proletariat. Anyone who recognizes in His thought and His work is a consistent Marxist-Leninist Communist, unlike who does not recognize on him is a fake communist, a traitor and a renegade of the cause of the socialism and communism.
Died the Great Stalin and defeated the Marxist-Leninist left of the Party, who had made the Revolution and built the socialism, the Twentieth Congress of the Communist Party of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in 1956, under the guidance of the traitor, renegade and sleazy political man Nikita Khruschev and the ‘longa manus’ of U.S. and Europe imperialism, using the vile weapon of the slander and falsehood towards Stalin, decreed the end of the construction of Socialism and the starting of the return of capitalism, a journey that lasted until 1990, when the other traitor and renegade Gorbachev loosened even the PCUS. This inglorious end of the former Soviet Union and of the whole socialist world, built in the last century with so much blood shed by the proletariat of the world, by the wicked and interested action of miserable persons, revisionists, opportunists, carrerists and agents of the class enemy teaches clearly and unmistakably to the working class of all countries that during the construction phase of the socialism, the class struggle, inside and outside the Party and in the society must be pitiless and the revolutionary vigilance must never lower our guard, because the oppponent, not yet defeated in the consciousness of all the people is always cowardly in wait and ready to seize.
From the defeat of the first glorious and magnificent historical experience of building of Socialism on Earth is taken over the return of the absolute and cruelty dominion of the capitalism and imperialism on the whole planet, with very few social progressive social survived realities and of opportunist and revisionist socialism, at least for the time being. The return of the absolute control of the economy and global natural resources by imperialism has involved the cancellation of all the achievements realized in past by the labor movement, at national and international level, has dismantled all the alliances and unions of States that the socialist world had laboriously built, has weakened in the consciousness of the proletariat and peoples the fervor of struggle for socialism, has aggravated the evils of racism, of the religious fundamentalism and of poverty in the world, has launched a new era of brutal attacks to countries and people not willing to submit to the hegemonic pretensions of the stronger imperialist powers, has unleashed new wars for the control and exploitation of the mineral and vegetable resources and for the domain and the expansion of the markets; has promoted new economic crises in order to exploit better and starve the peoples of the Earth and has designed a new order of division and dominion of the planet for the third millennium: that at least in the intentions of imperialism, but we, as communist, are sure that it had not reckoned without his host, that is, has not taken into account the new, more powerful and widespread wave of the Socialist Revolution that will be present in the next future.
1815-2015, from the restoration of 1815 to the restoration in progress of our times, ends a time of almost 200 years of democratic and proletarian revolutions, conquests of freedom, of democracy and progress for the mankind, of achievements and Socialist experience and of progress of human civilization. But despite the current apparent strength of the capitalism and imperialism, another era of class struggles, revolutions and of socialism is preparing to start and this could be finally the era of the definitive defeat of the capitalist and imperialist power over the world, the era of the historical end of the exploitation of man over man, the era of the absolute and definitive triumph of socialism and the perpetual building up of communism on Earth and the era of a new world of men and women truly free and protagonists of their life on a Planet of peace and progress, the same for everyone. To this future and higher humanity works the still little but already glorious Italian Marxist-Leninist Communist Party.
Forio (Naples), 8 August 2009.
* General Secretary of P.C.I.M-L.