giovedì 17 dicembre 2009


Communist comrades, Italian workers of industry, farmlands, services, public works  and those of the progressive consciousness of security and armed forces,
       begins a new year of domination of capitalism over the proletariat,  the capital over labor and the dramatic social consequences that derive over the working and popular masses of our country.                
The crisis of the damned capitalist system - based on the exploitation of the labor of others, on the centralization of the wealth, socially produced, in the hands of the scarce capitalist class and the progressive deterioration of the living conditions of workers – that we are experiencing has no chance of passing and is sentenced to worsen progressively until  the same death of the slave and repressive system . 
It is the final crisis, or the agony  of the system of exploitation, but its final burial depends on the awareness of the Italian working class that it can happen only with the socialist revolution, which puts an end to the current master domination and, with the dictatorship of the proletariat, can start the construction of socialist society, founded on political power and the real democracy of all the working people.
For years we already have experienced to our cost that as the crisis progresses our already heavy conditions of life get worse: rampant unemployment, especially youth and in the South Italy and more specifically feminine; job insecurity, which becomes more and more slave with the opportunity given by the bourgeois, clerical and capitalist government of the former Christian Democrat Matteo Renzi, of the so-called Democratic Party, to the masters to actualize justified dismissals for the workers and to own liking; wages, salaries and pensions increasingly misery, especially retirement pensions, old age and social, low and medium, that from the governments of banks and multinationals of the speculative and business finance of center-right and center-left are no longer adequate, this in the face of a steady increase of the cost of living; the continuous deterioration of public services and the steady increase of their cost; the increase of the municipal and regional taxes on the provided services; the electricity bill, real State and social robbery, with the result for working families of having to suffer the bitter cold on winter and the sultry heat on summer; the lack of job prospects and family arrangements for the new generations; the denied right to housing; the secular Southern Matter still awaits a solution; etcetera.
The dominant political power - presidency of the republic, government and parliament - for years has initiated an institutional reactionary turning point of fascist nature for our country ditching the anti-fascist struggle and canceling imperatively the democratic and progressive, albeit bourgeois, achievements conquered in the last century with the Resistance, the War of Liberation, the promulgation of the Constitution in 1948 and through electoral laws more and more of fascist nature and even worse, the abolition of the popular vote for
certain institutions, deputies not elected by the people, but imposed of authority by the government  parties of center-right and center-left, laws more and more anti-popular and for the benefit of the capitalist and imperialist economic power.
In short, governments of capital that impose us a new fascism disguised of legality and that, on the contrary, is a true dictatorship. Castor oil is replaced by the authoritarian, anti-democratic and anti-popular exercise of the power, that is making unscrupulous use of the mandate received by the voters.
In recent years, the president of the Republic has allowed the formation of three governments not elected by the people and has not felt the constitutional duty to resolve the parliament for giving to the Italians the opportunity to elect a new one with a new government, where the  article 1 of the Constitution states, without a doubt, that "The sovereignty belongs to the people ...". Moreover, coming out  from the institutional competencies of partisan of the elective and social institutions criticized even the position of the bourgeois trade unions against the reactionary change of Article 18 of the Statute of Workers, which abolishes the justified dismissals, praising the master and dictatorial choice of Renzi government against the right to reinstatement of workers fired for unjust cause.
By now Italy is stifled by its capitalist and imperialist governments, subservient to the interests of American and European imperialism, our national sovereignty has been sold off to the European imperialist government of Brussels, the public institutions of our country are increasingly prey of elected and not elected, corrupted and corrupter from the center to the periphery of the institutional and social life, we can claim to be already over the dictatorship and malfeasance of fascism of the last century: shame for all the protagonists of this unconstitutional and undemocratic  turning point. 
This depressing situation of the Italian society have contributed also the revisionist and opportunist parties of the false communist left and have contributed collaborating, when they had the chance, with bourgeois governments and denying the revolutionary road to power of the working class.
Italy of Spartacus, of the proletarian struggles of the Red Biennium 1919-1920, the Communist Party of Italy, founded in Leghorn on January 21, 1921, the Anti-Fascist struggle, the Resistance and its Martyrs, the Liberation War unfinished because of the fascism, capitalism and the political reaction, of the struggles and sacrifice of so many lives occurred after the proclamation of the Republic to the present day can’t continue to succumb under a bourgeois  and clerical domination  who is behind the times and that is rotten of injustice and barbarity, inhumanity and barbarism. We must go on the offensive and soon, we must get rid of so many historical and social old junk, we have the ability and the power to change the social destiny of our country. This task is up first of all to the working class and the forces sincerely progressive of the arm and intellect.
     We talk of the working class as driving force more aware of the anti-capitalist struggle, born from the inhumane and repressive productive process of the same capitalism within its factories, where the working life is choked by high and unbearable pace of work, from the denial of the most basic rights of dignified life, from constant surveillance and breaches of faith of the department heads of the master, the lack or poor contract renewals, from inadequate food, etcetera. The working class matures his political and union consciousness in the daily class conflict in the factory between labor and capital.            But the class struggle of the workers in the factory to be successful must be able to combine with the struggle of all the layers of workers exploited by the capitalist system and must have the ability to relate with the energies of thought
 and action of the avant-garde intellectuals. The working  "philosophies"  are of bourgeois nature, alien to Marxism-Leninism and enemy of the class struggle to overthrow capitalism and build socialism.
The working class, if can’t  relieve the strangler  snares of revisionism and political opportunism, the economicism of his struggles, the constraints in the class struggle of the bourgeois trade unions and union aristocracy, is unable to fulfill its historic task of relieve herself and the whole proletariat from slavery of the master domination. 
It if is not revolutionary, and if it does not have a strong  class and revolutionary Communist Party  is nothing and is unable to relieve herself and other workers from the chains of exploitation and degradation of the capitalist system and its imperialist expansion.  In short, it must move from class in itself, that is resigned in their social misfortunes, to class for itself, that is with the organized and revolutionary class struggle must act and redeem to become itself government and builder of a new and higher society, the Socialist society that is marching towards the building of that Communist one.     
The workers, like the avant-garde intellectuals, must draw and strengthen its revolutionary force reading or re-reading the texts of Marxism-Leninism, starting from the Manifesto of Communist Party of Marx and Engels, from State and Revolution of Lenin, from Principles of Leninism of Stalin, and so on.
But no class struggle can be winning if not organized and led by a genuine class and revolutionary Party, of Bolshevik nature, i.e. Marxist-Leninist. Without own party, the working class and the whole proletariat in struggle are destined to be defeated in the battle to bury the capitalism and to sprout the socialism.        
The anarchy, the populism, the indifference, the revisionism of class and revolutionary nature of the communist doctrine, the opportunism, the reformism and the social-democracy are forces that opposing and fighting the principles of Marxism-Leninism and the historical experience of the construction of socialism in the Soviet Union favor the survival of the rotten and decrepit capitalist system and its imperialist expansion. Workers must not be longer deceived and deviated by such anti-communist forces.
At the beginning of the New Year, the Central Committee of the Marxist-Leninist Italian Communist Party appeals to the whole Italian proletariat, emancipated from the class point of view, so that become aware of the seriousness of his national and international social condition and enter for militating and fighting in the ranks of own class and revolutionary Party, which in Italy is represented only by PCIML.                                                             The socialist revolution in Italy, is possible, even immediately, just the proletariat wants this, starting from making the PCIM-L. a strong party for the revolution and socialism in our country.
Forio, January 1, 2015.
The Central Committee of Marxist-Leninist Italian Communist Party

Dear Comrades of the Preparatory Committee of the "Assembly of the World’s Anti-imperialist Youth”,

      We have received with great class and revolutionary political interest your invitation to participate in the "‘Assembly of World’s Anti-imperialist Youth”, which will take place in Istanbul in Turkey from 25 to 30 October 2014, but, unfortunately, economic and organizational factors for the moment do not allow our Party and the Italian Marxist-Leninist Communist Youth Federation to participate.
We consider of great political importance for the struggle of the proletariat of all countries the organization of the
‘Assembly of the World’s Anti-imperialist Youth” which takes place in a historical moment in which the economic, military and political imperialism, pressed by the struggle of the peoples for the liberation from exploitation and social slavery, is struggling on all fronts to maintain, defend and extend its power.                                                                                              

      It is underway a fierce inter-imperialist struggle for the control and expansion of markets and for hoarding and exploitation of energy resources existing on the planet between the economic and military imperialism of the United States of America and European and those Chinese, Indian and Japanese ones. This inter-imperialistic comparison, which becomes more and more widespread and fierce, does not rule out that can move from local wars to a third world war.
Capitalism and its imperialist expansion with the current crisis of overproduction of goods and capital, a crisis that has lasted for years now and gets progressively worse without the possibility of overcoming, by now live their inexorable decline, which will lead them to the disappearance, it is only a matter of time and of the ability of the class and revolutionary struggle of the proletariat of all countries.

      Currently, the American and European imperialism is focusing its attacks, especially, against Russian imperialism and the countries that it supports using its veto to the UN, such as Iran and Syria, while the same attacks that leads against the Islamic State of ISIS has also aim to get closer to Russia's borders threatening directly and even thinking of being able to occupy it militarily, because Russia does not bend on this issue of Ukraine and because in Russia and in the former Soviet Republics are still alive, as is proving the popular armed Resistance in the proclaimed Republics in the east of Ukraine, in large part of the population a Soviet historical memory and a willingness of class and revolutionary struggle. The Islamic State is a class enemy of the proletariat and as such must be fought inside the struggle against capitalism and imperialism.                          

      In the areas of imperialist war the communists and the working class, with the support of the communist and revolutionary youth, must fight to turn the war into a proletarian revolution for the construction of socialism, as happened in Russia in 1917 under the supreme leadership of Lenin and Stalin and of the entire, glorious Bolshevik Communist Party.

       The future scenarios of a possible new inter-imperialist war, which may result from the desperate attempt of the various imperialist powers to survive to their inevitable economic decline, ask the young communists, workers and progressives of all countries of the Earth to strengthen its organization at international level to defeat the threats and violence of imperialism and to support the revolutionary struggle of the proletariat of each country and the whole world in the work of preparation and completion of the socialist revolutions and of construction of the socialist societies.
       We must always remember that the imperialist powers in case of victory of the socialist revolution are always ready to join to attack us and try to destroy us, as they did in Russia during the Civil War of 1918-1920. In the struggle for socialism, we must also try to prevent and neutralize this danger.                                                                                                                                     

      The future of socialism is walking mainly on the legs of the young Communists, who have to treasure constant the immortal thought and work of our Masters of the international proletariat, Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin and the historical experience of the struggles and battles of the labor and Communist, national and international movement. Today, the Communist youth must stand concretely to the side of the proletarian masses and peoples in struggle against imperialism to preserve their autonomy and national independence, to break free from his chains and to defeat it before can do more harm to humanity. This commitment must be developed within the principles of proletarian internationalism and in the spirit of internationalist assistance that the Communists, as organization and as individuals, have always been able to state in the sad events of the anti-fascist war of Spain and the Second World War.                                                                           
      First of all we must remember that the anti-imperialist struggle can have a real success only if it develops within the class and revolutionary struggle for the conquest and construction of socialism. Capitalism and imperialism, which are cause of poverty, war and death, will die only at the hands of the socialist revolution. We must work to understand this scientific and universal truth to all anti-imperialists who are not yet committed also in the struggle for the revolutionary conquest of socialism.                                                                                                                                        
      We give great importance to your initiative and we are sure that will give significant results in the current struggle against the universal evils of capitalism and imperialism. Please send us the documents that will be approved by Assembly and keep us informed on the next initiatives.
Best wishes.
Fraternal, communists and revolutionaries greetings.


Forio (Naples), Italy, September 26, 2014.

                                                             Italian Marxist-Leninist Communist Party
                                                   Italian Marxist-Leninist Communist Youth Federation



The Italian Marxist-Leninist Communist Party expresses deep human, class and revolutionary solidarity to the brotherly Palestinian people, in struggle to defend their territory, to be respected as an independent and sovereign State and to allow the return of millions of Palestinians forced by Israel to live in refugee camps abroad.

In these tragic days the massacre of Israel of the Palestinian people continues ferocious and merciless in the Gaza Strip, a limited territory in which Palestinians are forced to live like in a Nazi death camp, where the Intelligence and the Israeli military attacks rule the roost with acts of collective terrorism, murders of Palestinian leaders, economic embargoes of every kind and massacre of entire families. Gaza, like other Palestinian territories, lives in a perpetual state of armed aggression, of destruction of civilian infrastructures and deprivation of food, industrial, pharmaceutical and energy genre by the government of Israel, who has well learned and practices unscrupulously the system of Nazi repression and physical elimination.
It's about umpteenth  armed aggression by land, sea and sky, of the Israeli army, which is advancing to militarily occupy the Gaza Strip, to annihilate the Palestinian defense and probably to force his people to flee abroad and to complete, in this way, the subversive plan of the "Big State" of Israel depriving Palestinians of their land and their nation, an aim that the Zionist State is pursuing since May 14, 1948, when the State of Israel was founded. On that territory since over 3,000 years the Palestinian people have had to defend themselves from fierce colonialisms and from the rivalry of the majority of the Jewish people. For the current ruthless and bloodthirsty attack already there are hundreds of Palestinians killed in the bombings and killings by the Israeli army, that is advancing and destroys all that opposes it.
Israel, although has a cooperative economic system very developed, with the kibbutz and moshav, is a capitalist and imperialist country, argued, in its policy of war, aggression and expansion towards the Palestinian people and the other countries of the area, mostly by the government of the United States of America, France, England, Germany, Italy, etc. and from the economic and military American and European imperialism- Israel, in particular, is armed and supported since 1948 by American imperialism, of which he is a loyal military and diplomatic outpost in the entire Middle East chessboard. The American and European governments are jointly responsible for the territorial, economic and military aggressions of Israel towards the Palestinian people. We see it with the propaganda and diplomatic support, as well as with the supply of arms and military technologies, even in these tragic hours of the current massacre of Palestinians.
Unlike in the past today in the world there is no a state, economic and military power of sincere and fraternal support to the territorial cause of the heroic Palestinian people and it is missing since when  the Soviet Union is passed away, led by the Bolshevik Communist Party and by Comrade Stalin. Since then, Israel has had full scope, in the UN Security Council and on the battlefields, to repress and subdue by force the Palestinian people on their own land and in the concentration camps abroad. For all the Israeli massacres carried out from 1948 to today we remember that brutal and most odious one of September 16, 1982, when the Lebanese Christian militias, supported by the Israeli army, led by General Sharon, entered in the Palestinian refugee camps of Sabra and Chatila in Beirut in Lebanon. They came out thirty hours after, killing at least 2,200 Palestinians, including old men, women and children. A crime worse than those carried out by the Nazis in the concentration camps scattered across Europe.
The USSR of Stalin would have wanted the establishment of a Jewish-Arab "bi-national unique State",  one State for two peoples, where they could have integrate and coexist peacefully for the common good and future, but he had, unfortunately, take note that this solution of the "Palestinian issue" was not possible due to the millennial religious and cultural conflicts existent between the two ethnic groups and because in the General Assembly of the United Nations there was not the necessary majority. So the URSS of Stalin had to accept and voted the "Resolution 181" of November 29, 1947, which was approved by the required majority of two thirds and which provided:
 "The revocation of the British mandate and the withdrawal of its troops" as soon as possible, and in any case not later than August 1, 1948", the formation of a Jewish State on 56 percent of the territory with a population of 498 thousands Jews and  497 thousands Arabs; the formation of an Arab state on 43 percent of the territory with a population of 725,000 Arabs and 10,000 Jews; a special international regime for the city of Jerusalem and the surrounding area administered by the UN, with a population of 105,000 Arabs and 100,000 Jews. In addition, the Resolution provided for each State the signing of "a commitment related to economic Palestinian Union" that "will aim at: a) the creation of a customs union, b) the creation of a common monetary system with a single exchange rate c) the administration, in the common interest and on a non-discriminatory basis, of railways, roads common to the two States, postal, telegraphic services  and ports and international airports, d) the common economic development, especially in the field of irrigation, of the land for cultivation and soil conservation, e) the opportunity for the two Countries and for the city of Jerusalem to use on a non-discriminatory basis the water and energy resources".  The Resolution also stated that "no solution of the Palestinian problem can be considered as a solution for  the 'total Jewish problem', so that the claim of Zionism to want to create the State of Israel  on the basis of claimed, but non-existent, "historical rights ".
The position taken by the USSR of Stalin on the "Palestinian matter", strongly supported by the Palestinian Communist Party, was, therefore, very clear and consistent. For the Soviet Union this was the best way to curb the influence of British imperialism in the region and to prevent that American imperialism impose its hegemony on Israel and the entire Middle East region.
But defeated the Marxist-Leninist  URSS of the Bolshevik Communist Party and of Stalin by the Trotskyist, Khrushchev and Gorbachev revisionism, opportunism, personalizing, exhibitionism and careerism, Israel, supported more than before by American and European imperialism representing and defending the economic, political and military interest in the area, began to rule the roost in the area, to trample the UN Resolution 181, to progressively enlarge its boundaries, to massacre the Palestinian people expelling him from their land, until to the current, umpteenth massacre of men, women and children in the Gaza Strip, without the entire capitalist and imperialist world, laic and religious, was indignant very much to continue to defend the interests and the expansionist ambitions of Israel.
The Italian Marxist-Leninist Communist Party, like Stalin's USSR, believes that still today the solution of the "Palestinian matter" can, and must, be implemented only within the framework of Resolution 181, adopted by the UN General Assembly on November 29, 1947. On this basis the P.C.I.M-L. appeals all Marxist-Leninist components present in the various countries to support the legitimate struggle of the Palestinian people to get the creation and the recognition of an own independent and sovereign national State, as was held by the above-mentioned UN Resolution 181. Actually there is no other possible and more beneficial solution for the Palestinian people. On this perspective it is necessary to mobilize and engage all the Marxist-Leninist and revolutionary forces, currently available, and on all fronts of the action.
The P.C.I.M-L. is strongly committed on this battlefront and in this tragic moment of blood and death for the people of Gaza is sided with the whole and brotherly Palestinian people to push back Israel in the boundaries established by the UN, to defeat the American and European imperialism and to restore national and existential dignity to that martyred people.



Employed and unemployed workers, young people looking for work and a better life, pensioners reduced to poverty and students with no prospect of life, wake up, arm the revolutionary militancy of Marxism-Leninism and the class struggle to bury as soon as possible the current infamous capitalist system and give birth to the new and higher socialist society of the economic and social equality to live a human life free from exploitation, unemployment, poverty and not more bearable sacrifices!

Domenico Savio *

The last, devastating and widespread economic and financial crisis of the capitalist system and its imperialist expansion is generating on the one hand an additional and gigantic centralization and growth of the real estate and financing wealth of the capitalist bourgeois class and from other hand an impressive impoverishment of the proletariat and worsening of the perspective of life for the younger generations, out of work and social support. By now it is historically clear even to the most skeptical and less circumspect that capitalism and its imperialist expansion are living their inevitable decline and the further enrichment and concentration of wealth, arising from the same crisis, will not stop their slow but inexorable path towards death, it is only a matter of time.
The capitalism, that is, the economic system and social relations based on exploitation of the proletarian work, on free markets and private ownership of the means of production, despite the appearances and assurances of its propagandists is experiencing the irreversible downturn which ultimately will leads to sure death and that on his ashes will rise a new and joyful dawn of socialism. This is the crisis of his death, in the same way as in the past have died the slave and feudal system, but it can also occupy a period shorter or longer producing greater and greater hardships and sacrifices of life for the proletarian masses, until to be able to draw them even in the slaughter of a third and devastating, for the whole world, inter-imperialist world war, fought with conventional and nuclear weapons, but its end is inextricably linked to the current paralysis of the development of the productive forces.
           It is historically experienced that when an economic and military power of master domination, as were the decadent and decrepit slave and feudal systems, is about to succumb under the pressure of a social system more advanced and better it in order to survive implement all his offensive and defensive force for not perishing, as has occurred with the Nazi power, which, unlike the current capitalism and luckily, failed to build the atomic bomb in time. The terminal phase, explosive and destructive, of the  rotten capitalist system can be avoided only if the communists, the working class and the entire laborer and intellectual proletariat organize and being a member under the revolutionary banners of  Marxism-Leninism allowing the party of socialist revolution to advance the sure death of the clumsy and unfortunate  master system gaining political power and establishing the dictatorship of the proletariat as an alternative to the current one of the capital.
The capitalism with its deep productive and financing crisis, which advances continuously for many years - as a result of overproduction of goods and capital, which in turn generates unemployment and poverty - in fact is creating the conditions of his death. Here's what Marx wrote in 1859 in the historical preface to his famous work For the Critique of Political Economy: "At a certain stage of their development, the material productive forces of society come in conflict with the existing relations of production, that is, with relations of property  in which these forces hitherto were moved. These reports from forms of development of the productive forces are transformed into their fetters. Then begins an epoch of social revolution". That is the current society is already pregnant of the
new Socialist society,  just needs the final push, which is exclusive task of the working class, organized and led by its class and revolutionary Party.
The mercenary cantors of the dying society for years are providing, and preaching the exit from the crisis and the resumption of development, but the situation is getting worse year by year. By the end of the crisis even thinking about it, the overproduction of goods and capital grows, the production stagnates with the closure of large and little businesses, no growth appears on the horizon while is increasing unemployment,  insecurity and social hunger. We are experiencing the recession of the production and deflation of prices, the first time since 1959, as say even the bourgeois analysts on the payroll of the masters. The official unemployment has reached 12.6% of the workforce, the real one will be twice as much, because to be registered in the lists of the unemployed no longer need to find a job. Officially unemployed young people between 15 and 24 years with no possibility of finding a job are the 43% of the existing workforce in Italy.
The umpteenth bourgeois, clerical and capitalist government of Forza Italia and Democratic Party and of other minor parties that are supporting it by responding to the directives of the capitalist, national and international, industrial, agricultural, commercial and banking class and using the cleaver of public debt and the European taxes is destroying the Republican and antifascist Constitution  born from the twenty years anti-fascist struggle, the Resistance and the war of Liberation from Nazism and fascism, is preparing to the counter-reform of the Workers' Statute, starting from the Article 18, liberalizing the labor market by increasing the precariousness and freeing the leeches masters from the obligation of reinstatement. With the spending review is already in operation the subversive plan of an authentic  massacre of social services and basic rights of the civil life of the toiling and popular masses.
 Fees and costs of public services increase incessantly, such as health, education, transport, sanitation, energy, etc., and diminish the performance to the people, this in the face of a widespread unemployment. The capitalist Matteo Renzi of the capitalist Democratic Party is working to cut still € 20 billion in public spending and social services, while the exploiting class grins happily. It has started the privatization also of local social services, which will increase the costs to the users and a worsening of the performance, as amply have demonstrated the past privatizations. The government is willing to sell off to private capitalists another important piece of public infrastructure, real estate, industrial asset and of services of our country. The governments of the center-right and center-left have long worked to shore up the capitalist and imperialist system in crisis.
Workers of the arm and intellect, young people today consecrated to deprivation and sacrifice, this is the true face of capitalism and its imperialist expansion, which mercenary scribblers call opportunistically globalization, this is their crisis with its fatal consequences and catastrophic predictions for the whole humanity and these are our disastrous living conditions and existential despair, coming out of this social catastrophe is possible, just that the Italian proletariat can instruct to the class struggle, can be emancipated from the class point of view and becomes protagonist in the revolutionary struggle for socialism.
The Italian Marxist-Leninist Communist Party, that we have the honor to represent, is ideally, philosophically, theoretically, politically and strategically  prepared for this historic task, while is working to ensure that the working class of our country can awake by the current apathy and drowsiness, can subtract from the master, opportunist, revisionist, bourgeois-democratic and movement subjection, and  can struggle to bury forever the master power and to germinate the proletarian power on the principles and strategy of Marxism-Leninism and of the Masters of the international proletariat, Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin. Every true and credible revolutionary process can only start from Stalin.

Forio (Naples), September 18, 2014.

* Secretary General of the P.C.I.M-L.


Capitalism and imperialism will be able to die only at the hand of the socialist revolution!

by Domenico Savio

        The imperialist nature of capitalism is inherent in its genesis, in the sense that its being is based on the needs of expanding markets and ceaseless accumulation of profits, without these two elements it would not exist and would succumb. The evils of mankind - exploitation, poverty, inequality and war - have always depended from the hoarding and private exploitation of natural resources, from the exploitation of the  labor of others and the private ownership of the means of production.
Imperialism is the highest stage of capitalism and is sentenced to the explosion and implosion and little by little it reaches its maximum expansion and go near to demise, to give way to the new era of socialism first and after of Communism, it becomes increasingly more warmongering, fierce and destructive. Of course it will not die through inertia, but for the pressure of the proletarian struggle that prepares the socialist revolution.
       Capitalism generates various imperialist powers that are fighting each other for the dominance over the other in terms of accumulation of wealth, control of markets, political hegemony and military power, but in case of danger they join  to fight the common enemy, ie the proletariat in struggle to free oneself from economic and social slavery.  The First World War, with millions of proletarians sent to slaughter each other  on the battlefields, broke out for the attempt of survival of by now decrepit Austro-Hungarian Empire and for the enlargement of his dominion over the whole Europe, the second for the imperial ambitions of the Nazi Germany, with sixty million dead, and the next third world war, already unleashed by the governments of the financial, military and economic imperialism of the United States of America, to dominate the entire planet and become the greatest empire of the history.
From the outset the various imperialist powers tried to stifle the development of the glorious October Socialist Revolution landing with their armies on the territory of Russia, then initially they tried with Nazi  Germany to annihilate the Soviet Union and subsequently there have succeeded with the so-called cold War, the infiltrations and the nefarious and demolishing work of the renegades Khrushchev and Gorbachev.
Unfortunately, the progress of humanity has stopped again waiting for a new wave of socialist revolution. As the First World War encouraged the triumph of the proletarian dictatorship in Russia, the birth of the Soviet Union and the creation of the socialist world, at the same way we must work so that from the third world war, already begun, arise out the starting of the new human civilization, based on the power of the working class and on the affirmation of the principle of economic and social equality among all members of the community.
 In the current historical phase, the strongest  fierce and menacing imperialist power is that American one, who has the ambition to dominate the entire planet and to achieve this goal is using the secret services, the espionage, the propaganda interference, the control of telecommunications, the diplomacy, the financing of groups and destabilizing actions in the countries to be attacked and subdued, the puppet governments - as happened recently in Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan and is attempting in Ukraine, Syria, Iran and elsewhere - and the actions of war from the sky, which, cowardly, determine less losses for its armed forces and further damages for the populations affected and assaulted without human compassion. The Italy of the capitalist, bourgeois and clerical governments of Forza Italia and Democratic Party is, through UN and NATO, an important strategist for the strategy of war of the United States.
Today the American imperialism rules the economy of the American continent, with European governments and NATO controls and influences the economy of the European and African continents, collaborates from a privileged position with Australian, Japanese, Chinese imperialism and of Petroleum Arab countries and competes with that more independent of Russia. To advance to the East the  America of Barack Obama and of those that will ensue him need to get rid of the Russian military and nuclear power, while China will be faced later. It looks like a diabolical plan, but in a careful analysis it appears real, that is, the strategy of survival of American imperialism over other powers, it is believed stronger, unbeatable and unparalleled, but it is about still a security that did not make the deal with the potential of proletarian revolutions that will be able to act up and come in succession. In these days, Barack Obama said: "We have an unparalleled military strength".
      It’s since the fake end of the so called cold war that the United States of America, with the complicity of the European Union, which had to serve also for this, of the Nato  and Italy, are trying to get to the borders of Russia and then attack her in the most appropriate way in order to get rid of a political and economic rival and put the hands on the huge energy heritage existing in the Russian underground. From there to Japan via China the path will be less arduous and if they were to reach such a goal without succumbing to the proletarian armies then would succumb as the Roman Empire two thousand years ago. The assault led to the Baltic Republics, to those Balkans ones and to those former soviet ones of Middle East already before 1989 to this day and that current one to Ukraine are part of this expansive strategy of the economic, financial and military American imperialism.
The Marxist-Leninist  Communists, consecrated for life to the defeat of capitalism and the victory of socialism and for particular teaching of Lenin, are always and in every case anti-imperialist, because this commitment weakens the imperialism and promotes the rise to power of the proletarian masses, through the concrete possibility to promote and lead to victory the socialist revolutions. As a result we are, no ifs and buts, at the side of the Resistance of men and women of the established Republics in the east of Ukraine, at side of the struggling veterans who already fought in the Heroic Red Army and at the side of those who fight in the name of Stalin and socialism against the American and European fascist aggressions: today against the imperialist Barack Obama and tomorrow against the capitalist Vladimir Putin. Who proclaims nor with Ukraine nor with Russia concretely favors the American aggression.
The Communists, the working class and the entire proletariat of all countries have the ideal potentiality of class struggle and historical justice to transform the imperialist war into a socialist revolution to stop the tragedies of war and to open to  the humanity the superior era of socialism and communism. We must bring this message of life and hope for a better future among workers, in the masses, in the anti-imperialist struggles and between the Resistant persons of Ukraine building and promoting the triumph of the socialist revolution.       
The anti-imperialist struggle, in Italy as in every other country on Earth, against the war and the demilitarization of the territories, has a meaning and a vision of victory only if is born and grows inside a revolutionary process for socialism, otherwise becomes costar of the infamous and murder capitalist and imperialist regime. Comrades, let us transform the imperialist war into a socialist revolution to bury the centuries-old evil of capitalism and imperialism and to bring to life the socialism.
Forio, September 15, 2014.
* Secretary General of the P.C.I.M-L.




Josif Vissarionovic Stalin, 61 years since the death – Gori (Georgia) on December 21 1879, Moscow on March 5 1953 -regains strength more than ever in the conscience and action of all the sincere revolutionaries in struggle for the conquest of Socialism and remains the terror of the capitalists, neo-fascists and revisionists and the brotherly friend of the people in struggle to free themselves from the capitalist and imperialistic exploitation!

Today more than ever the figure and the work of the great and universal leader of the struggling proletariat shine on flags of the revolution to bury the capitalism and to build the Socialism. He, heir and continuer of the work and thought of Lenin, died prematurely, exalting and making rich the communist doctrine, elaborated by Marx and Engels, asserting and applying, to the political struggle and to the construction of the first Socialist State in the history of the humanity, the principles of the Marxism-Leninism, has been a maker of the glorious October Socialist Revolution, of the victory of the Russian proletariat and of other countries in the civil war, provoked by the imperialistic powers unloaded with their sanguinary armies on the soil of Russia between 1918 and 1920, the builder of Socialism in the Soviet Union, the leader of the Red Army in the annihilation of the Nazi-Fascism in Europe and the undiscussed leading figure of the people struggling for the conquest of Socialism.

To his death he was cried by the proletarians of all the countries of the globe. He was born and died poor giving his whole existence to the superior and universal cause of the Socialism. A shining and insuperable example of abnegation in the fight for the redemption of the humanity from the exploitation and master slavery, a steel fiber – in Russian Stalin means just steel – an unshakable definition and an absolute fidelity to the principles of the Marxism-Leninism and to the cause of Socialism. He was arrested seven times and penned in the Czarist prisons or exiled in Siberia and five times escaped, the last time he was freed in 1917 from the Revolution of February. He struggled with determination the enemies of the revolution and of the Socialism and the collaborators of the class enemy, that is, the revisionists, opportunists, economics and later the trotskysts present inside the working and communist, national and international movement.

Today we, Marxist-Leninist, 61 years since the death, do not want only to remember and exalt the immortal thought and

work of the great Georgian revolutionary, the protagonist of the construction of the Socialism, initially in an only country, but we intend to actualize the experience of political and military life of the comrade Stalin, in order that he can be guide for us in the present struggle to knock the capitalism and to build the socialist society. In the present phase of worsening and prolongation of the economic crisis of the capitalism, by now under way close at dusk by the same general crisis, the socialist revolution remains strongly a great topical issue, his explosion must be built up to this moment inside the proletarian forces in struggle for right to work, to dignified wages, to the school, the health, the public transport, the house, the pension, against the robbery politics imposed by UE BCE-FMI. The words revolution and Socialism must resound unceasing in the work places and during the strikes, the processions and the demonstrations of claim that are necessary for the survival in this infamous and inhuman capitalist society.

The exploited workers, the unemployed persons, the precarious workers, the young students and workers without  perspective of job and, therefore, of existential dignity, the women discriminated in the places of work and in the society and sacrificed in the domestic works, the pensioners reduced to the misery and the poorest sections of the population must get rid from the culture and bourgeois, clerical propaganda, to acquire the class and revolutionary conscience, to become subjects not more passive but active and protagonists of the new wave of the socialist revolution to bury forever the damned capitalist system, to gain the political power to the working and intellective class and to build the new socialist society, based on the equality of the rights and duties and on the human dignity. Or we will destroy the domination of the capital or it will destroy all of us, with the maddened exploitation of the nature and the human work, as it is already happening with the pollution of the environment, the mortal sicknesses and the poverty that troubles the popular masses.

With the socialist revolution the people will live an epochal passage from the capitalist system of exploitation and deprivation of any kind to that system of full satisfaction of the life needs, from the liberation of the slavery of the paid work and from the clerical-bourgeois cultural fascist obscurantism in the light of the scientific and materialistic knowledge. Certainly it will be an arduous feat, but possible and very close on the time necessary to build in the working and popular masses the subjective conditions for the revolutionary uprising. We are encouraged by the circumstance that we do not start from nothing having as a concrete and victorious reference the ideal and political, strategic and tactic heritage of the Marxism- Leninism, the imperishable thought and work of our great Masters of the international proletariat Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin, the bright experience of further 150 years of struggles and successes of the working and communist movement of all the countries, the heroic struggle of the French proletariat in the epic of the Commune of Paris of 1871, the victorious and glorious October Socialist Revolution of 1917 and the Socialism carried out in the twentieth century in Soviet Union and in so many other countries of the Land, that although temporarily defeated by the revisionists is the only sure alternative to the chaos, the decay and the savagery of the capitalism.

But, particularly, we have the example of  life, sacrifice and attachment to the difficult political work of preparation of the revolutionary uprising of the popular masses, the ability of organization and direction of the political and ideological struggle and of the Bolshevik Communist Party, of the guide of the international communist movement, of the direction of the anti-Nazi-fascist patriotic war and of the simplicity and modesty in the relations with the comrades and workers all of the comrade Stalin. He has been a true giant in the art of the resistance to the persecutions of the class enemy, of the class struggle, of the dialectic, enfeeblement and demolition of the sabotages and military and political inimical offensives. To reintroduce concretely the revolutionary initiative we must take example and restart just from the experience of lived life of the comrade Stalin. In the history of the mankind the political and statesman personality of Stalin stands out between the highest ones and is certainly that personality most loved by the workers of all the continents because to his figure is tied the glorious history of  the proletarians to the power.

In the present historical phase each coherent communist with the principles of  Marxism-Leninism, each worker and proletarian to build the new society, first socialist and then communist, must draw to the knowledge, the sacrifice, the resistance and the revolutionary action of Stalin, starting from the formation of the own class and revolutionary conscience, in order that the whole proletariat can carry out the decisive passage from class in itself to class for itself. Naturally this passage, preparatory to any revolutionary action, passes through the rebuilding in our country of a strong Marxist-Leninist Communist Party, of Bolshevik nature. To this perspective works the National Committee of Marxist-Leninist Unity (CONUML) and calls for all the sincere Communists and the conscious and combative workers to part company definitively and cleanly from the opportunists and to gather for the common action against the bourgeois, clerical and capitalist governments and State for the defense and the extension of the social rights, up to here conquered by the Italian proletariat, with hard fights and sacrifices, and for the socialist perspective.

Without organization in an only and strong Communist Party the proletariat does not go anywhere, cannot to have victory ambitions and it is easy prey of the claws of the class enemy. The lonely proletariat panders to sure defeat,  but united to other workers the victory in the struggle is sure. Also this the comrade Stalin has taught us working, with Lenin, with passion and dedication to the isolation and the defeat of revisionists and opportunists to build that Bolshevik Communist Party that led the Russian proletariat to the victory and the triumph of the October Socialist Revolution. Let’s learn from Stalin the struggle for Socialism and let’s follow his footprints for the victory of the next proletarian revolutions.

Long live the Marxism-Leninism, Long live the proletarian revolution, Long life the conquest of the political power by the working class and the workers, his allies, Long live the construction of the Socialism and the building of

Communism, Long Live Stalin!

Rome, March 5 2014.


Italian Marxist-Leninist Communist Party

Communist Platform

For contacts: - Visit our Website:

Greeting Message for 2014 of comrade Domenico Savio Secretary General of the Italian Marxist-Leninist
Communist Party


To the sincere and coherent Marxist-Leninists, to intellectuality of vanguard, to the working class emancipated from the class point of view and to the whole proletariat of the world that aspires to free from the millennial chains of master exploitation, need and existential alienation. 

 After umpteenth year of tribulation for the toiling and popular masses today mankind begins to live a new social year - the 2014 of the so-called Christian era and the 5514 of written history (5514 w.h.) - with the usual and naive hope which is better than those hitherto lived, but now everyone knows that the change is not enough to invoke and does not come alone, because it can be borne only by a revolutionary movement that bury the current capitalist social system and make a new born and advance a new social order, first socialist and then communist, based on the collective ownership of the means of production and equitable distribution of wealth produced among all members of the community or on the end of the exploitation of the labor of others and the abolition of the master robbery of wealth, socially produced.

Currently the official statistics say that 10% of the Italian population - that is, the exploiters and robbers capitalists of social wealth produced by the working class - owns more than 50 % of the national wealth, while in the United States of America that 10% decreases even and shamefully to 1%.  We have a few wealthy rich on one side and a multitude of poor people struggling to survive from the other side and that is calling for justice. And it is so for thousands of years, since men, more cunning and unscrupulous, imposed the inhuman law of the strongest who crushes the weaker socially becoming the masters of the lives of others, of human activities, of produced goods and of the organization of social life. Thus were born the social classes, the bourgeois and the proletariat one, with the first that embezzled the economic, political and social power with which even today continues to hold slave the working class, that produces every social good.

From the outset of human history the working class aspired to free from the chains of exploitation and master  dependence to ensure a dignified and livable life, done with harsh struggles and enormous loss of life, but only with Marxism-Leninism, ie with the transition from utopian to scientific socialism elaborated by Marx and Engels, found the ideal strength, the class and revolutionary organization and the strategy to defeat the class enemy. So we experienced the great liberator epic of the Paris Commune of 1871, the victorious October Socialist Revolution in Russia on November 7, 1917, and the building of socialism built in the twentieth century, an epic, unfortunately, defeated by the secular ferocity of political and military master dictatorship and by betrayals and denials inside the political organization of the proletariat.

      Meanwhile, the need for liberation of the proletarian masses from the infamous yoke of the imperialist and capitalist power becomes ever more pressing and conscious, whereas the estimates of Engels "Or the communists will bury the capitalism or it will destroy the whole of humanity" seems us more and more current and of incitement to the resumption of the revolutionary struggle to overthrow capitalism and build socialism . The starting of the second wave of the proletarian revolution in human history, after the defeat of the first in the last century, is much more urgent and possible. In the period in which we live there are all the objective social conditions so that the proletariat, organized under their own banners of Marxism-Leninism, realize its socialist revolution in order to establish the economic and political power of the working class in each country. But unfortunately lacks still the subjective conditions of the exploited, who hard put to understand, under the nefarious pressure of learning and of bourgeois and clerical propaganda, that the time of their liberation and socialist revolution has already played for some time and that is left only their desire to rebel and free.

In Italy, the Italian Marxist-Leninist Communist Party already summons up the healthy forces of the socialist revolution to direct them in the battle and towards the achievement of its social power.

 The overproduction crisis of the capitalist system and its imperialist expansion is of structural and mortal nature, is irreversible and becomes deeper and deeper, while its inevitable end is already in the social reality and how rotten apple is waiting for the final shot of the socialist revolution to collapse and be buried forever under the weight of thousands of years of ignoble dominion over the working and popular masses. The delay of this collapse is throwing into misery and despair the proletariat of all countries.

In Italy, Euro has literally halved the purchasing power of Lira, that is of wages, salaries and pensions of workers and for them becomes increasingly difficult to survive; the unemployment and job insecurity have reached limits that are no longer tolerable; young people have no prospect of work and decent living, the South continues to retreat under the crushing weight of colonization and exploitation of the capital of North; the social
services - from health care to schools, transport, livable environment, the housing right  etc. - that are increasingly privatized, progressively the performance worse and increase their costs for the people, the Italian people are economically enslaved by the imperialist European Community and its banking and financial system and now has lost its sovereignty and national independence, Italy is militarily occupied by the U.S. and NATO and has been reduced to a tool of war to serve the strategic interests of American and European in the world.

In short, the economic, social and political  situation is ripe to achieve a historic revolutionary breakthrough to start the construction of the socialist society, but still lacks the name of the game, that is, the subjective will and of redemption first of all of the most advanced, from the class point of view, of the working class, lacks the class  emancipation of the majority of proletariat - which continues to be influenced and immobilized in the struggle by  revisionist, reformist, opportunist, economist, pacifist, movement and extremist bourgeois policy - and still lacks the understanding that the new passes only through the end of this current one.

   At the dawn of the new year we can only wish the Italian proletariat and all the countries on Earth a revolutionary awakening, a consciousness raising that we can live better in socialism before and communism after that it is about an achievable goal since this time. It is important to understand that the current situation of  crisis and social recession will worse progressively the social life of the people. Socialism is to save humanity before capitalism destroys in irreparable way. The best description of the present situation is " Socialism or death of the human race".

      The bourgeois governments, staunch defenders of the interests of the damned capitalist class and killer of those of working and popular masses, starting from the current – Letta-Alfano government, could be wiped out in a very short time, only if the proletarian masses want . May 2014 be at least the beginning of the construction of a new historical epic, that higher of socialism. The Italian Marxist-Leninist Communist Party will work for this perspective and so summons up all the sincere and coherent  communists and the working and intellective class of our country. The Italian proletariat, inspired by the highest moments of its class history, as the struggle and the anti-Nazi-fascist Resistance, the war of national Liberation from the monarchy and the Nazi- fascism and the heroic anti-fascist struggles to this day, must resume the way toward the conquest of its political power and the construction of its society, first socialist and then communist, to achieve their liberation from slavery of labor and master exploitation.  It must unmask and fight the movement, the political apathy and the populism of those bourgeois political forces who take advantage of social despair of the masses to win electoral consensus and support the survival of the infamous capitalist system. The way of salvation of Italian people is only in the class struggle and in the socialist revolution.

      Long live the struggle of class, Long live the socialist revolution , Long live the Socialism, Long live the Communism!

Forio ( NA) Italy , 1 January 2014.

Message greeting for 2014 of comrade Domenico Savio
Secretary General of the Italian Marxist-Leninist Communist Party


Dear female and comrades, male and female workers, sympathizers of the P.C.I.M-L., avant-garde intellectuals, anti-capitalists and anti-imperialists, progressives all,
we bring you the fraternal, class and revolutionary greetings of the outgoing Central Committee of the Italian Marxist-Leninist Communist Party and we express all our appreciation for having participated in the opening Assembly of the 3rd National Congress of our Party, Assembly open to the participation and valuable contribution of ideas and proposals also of individual comrades and sympathizers, of delegations of the Marxist-Leninist organizations and of Italian class left. We address a special greeting to the individual comrades, and delegations coming from outside the island of Ischia for the costs and greater hardships they faced to be present here. We express special gratitude to the Marxist-Leninist parties and organizations of other countries who could not participate in this our Congress, for other political commitments and of class struggle, and have sent us a written message that we will read to the beginning of the debate that will follow the reading of this congress report.  An affectionate and revolutionary greeting to our comrade activists and leaders of other Italian regions that for economic reasons and of distance could not be with us. We greet warmly the delegation of Communist Platform,  which with our Party is committed within the National Committee of the Marxist-Leninist Unity (CONUML) to build the unity of all the Italian Marxist-Leninists within an unique big class and revolutionary Party to prepare and carry out the Socialist Revolution in our country. We address a special, fraternal, internationalist, revolutionary greeting and of great achievements for the cause of socialism and communism to the Marxist-Leninist parties and organizations united in the International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations (ICMLPO), of which Communist Platform is basic part and to which the Italian Marxist-Leninist Communist Party participates, waiting for the official acceptance, as an observer member.
Also this our 3rd Congress, as it was for the 1st and 2nd, and will be in this way until when the inhuman, violent and infamous capitalist system will not be buried forever by the socialist revolution accomplished by working and popular masses, takes place in the era "of imperialism and proletarian revolutions", of the class struggle - which becomes more and more conscious and determined to break down the old and decrepit master, bourgeois and clerical power and build the new social order of the socialist power - and of existential suffering of the proletarian masses that gets progressively worse with the inevitable and inexorable worsening of the crisis of capitalism and its imperialist expansion. The class struggle between bourgeoisie and proletariat, exploiters and exploited, manufacturers and robbers, satiated and hungry increases. The age-old capitalist system, based on the exploitation of man by man, on the system of social production of wealth and capitalist seizure of it and on the increasing poverty of the masses who the wealth produce in a social order of slavery and repression, is irreversibly at dusk, his death is inherent in its own economic system, where the recessive phase of the crisis feeds and blows up this contradiction planned and masterfully described by Marx and Lenin. This current  crisis is an unstoppable crisis of economic and social capitalist system, which, between expansive, depressive and recessive phase, lasts for about a century and is likely to grow more and more and to approach the possibility of socialist revolution and the conquest of political power by the working  and intellectual class. With the progress of its crisis, because it is about a financial and economic crisis produced and powered by the same dominant system, the capitalism, that already is looming on the horizon its setting and its historical death, strengthens its institutional and military defenses of power through reactionary and repressive governments, economic policies that are liberticidal and starving of peoples, centralization of continental and world imperialist power, espionage and control of social life and of individuals, regional and local wars of political control and exploitation of natural resources, preparing to a new inter-imperialist war, and increasing the repression of class on the working and popular masses who are struggling, at the moment between limits and class revolutionary disorganization, for their liberation from slavery and master exploitation along the main road leading to the socialist revolution and the socialism.

      Capitalism rests his being on steady and progressive accumulation of profit, formed by a large part of the working day not paid to workers and that through the production of goods and their marketing becomes such and turns in the availability of wealth for the capitalists. Capitalism to survive needs to feed continuously for new profits, unlike consumed those held out and dies. Historically, capitalism has fed, like a leech that sucked the blood from the veins of millions of men and women from their birth to death, the exploitation of the labor force in the agricultural, industrial and commercial activities, the mining and fauna natural resources, the cyclical wars, the financial speculation,  the expansion and imperialist domination on the planet and now, with the help and cooperation of his national governments and of areas, the public debt, which is a new, inexhaustible source of  profits for decades and even centuries, that is a great tool - through leech, economic maneuvers of  master, bourgeois and clerical governments of center-right and center-left and all the revisionist, social-democratic , reformist, opportunist and movement piece of junk of the false left - to take away wealth, with taxes, cuts and increases in social services and reduction of wages, salaries and pensions, from the popular masses and transfer it to the coffers of the banks and corporations of business and speculative finance of national and globalized capitalism. The public debt, now represented only by the mountains of profits growing at an impressive pace, because surely the nominal loan was repaid for some time, now repress more and more urgently the already difficult living conditions of the peoples of the Earth. This debt, from its origins to the present period of the capitalist era, is one of the most abused tools driven to rob the people of their jobs and their wealth with enormous sacrifices of life.

In the current stage to fight for the resetting, or disavowal, of the public debt is to fight against the chances of survival of the dying capitalist system, because the so-called sovereign debt constitutes an its considerable foraging of profits without the risks linked to real production, its marketing and crises of overproduction of goods and capital. Of course, even the huge accumulation  of the profits coming from the public debt may lead to the exponential overproduction of capital that do not fit into the full global financial market, but it is about capitalist wealth accumulated, less exposed than the crisis of production and marketing. However, we, Marxist-Leninists, are scientifically certain of the death for crisis of capitalism, this self-destructive process from within the capitalist system have been masterfully analyzed and defined by the Masters of Marxism-Leninism,  in particular Marx. Engels and Lenin. The capitalist economy is experiencing a period of crisis of nearly a century, since 1929, with varying stages of growth, stagnation and recession and this crisis is gradually getting worse with no chance to overcome, her ineradicable cancer is, in fact, the social production of wealth and its capitalist appropriation, which determines the society divided in classes, the social inequalities and the drama of the existence of the working and popular masses, forced to live in insecurity and poverty until sacrifice in many cases even of the premature death. Anyway, capitalism does not die alone, even if on deep crisis need the last revolutionary intervention of  proletarian masses. We must also be aware that most aggravates the crisis of the capitalist system and more this reacts with violence and repression, through reactionary, bloodthirsty, fascist and even Nazis governments and  seeing lost, may resort to destructive war of every thing, in short, "let Samson die with the Philistines".  That's why the revolutionary proletariat, with his class and revolutionary Marxist-Leninist Party, must always be ready to transform the repression and imperialist war into a socialist revolution - as happened in Russia on November 7, 1917 with the glorious October Socialist Revolution, led by Lenin and Stalin, who started the first great epic of socialism built in the last century - to give the final blow to the infamous system of master exploitation and pave the way for socialist and communist future.

Sure as hell we can say that already today there are all the material conditions to overthrow capitalism through socialist revolution and before this cause other and irreparable damages to humanity. We must never forget that capitalism, especially in its stage of imperialist  expansion or improperly called globalization of production and trade, uses any natural and human resource existing on the planet, from the labor force of men to mineral and environment resources, without saving  the wild use of atmosphere and overlying space producing pollution and destruction of natural environments, such as tropical forests, and animal species, up to jeopardize the same survival of the human species.  And  this real tragedy that runs humanity that about 150 years ago was about to say to the comrade and scientist Engels that "Either the Communists will destroy the capitalism or it will destroy the whole of humanity".  Dear comrades, today we are on the precipice of this scientific and historical truth, or the organized and struggling proletariat will be able to bury forever the capitalism, in its current most ruthless imperialist phase, or it will continue to drag us into the abyss of unlivable planet and destruction of life. Lenin said that "Imperialism is the highest stage of capitalism and the era of class struggle and proletarian revolutions" to move to a new and higher order first socialist and then communist.  If the class enemy is stirred so much and invests heavily in espionage, corruption and police, war repression to prevent and fight the Communist  "danger”, that is, the perspective of the society first socialist and then communist,  means that communism is not dead, how instrumentally say and promote our opponents, hucksters and exploiters of the various religions, but that, rather, it, as a social science, knowledge of becoming, ideality and perspective of the social organization of man, is more than ever alive and well and instills fear and dismay to the middle class, who knows to die at the hands of the social revolution of the proletariat. The first wave of proletarian revolution, which in the last century began with the victorious and glorious October Socialist Revolution, has shown to the proletarian masses of all countries of the world that the political organization, the class struggle and the revolutionary overturning the existing situation is possible to build the socialist society and advance towards the building of the communist one.
That experience, unique and new in the history of mankind, has shown unquestionably that the secular master power of exploitation and alienation of the masses may be destroyed and replaced by a new social order, which is first the socialist one and then communist one, founded on liberation from exploitation and on social equality of all individuals, that it is possible to ensure the dignity and freedom from need of mankind. This experience is not over for the depletion of the propulsive force of the October Socialist Revolution, as stated the traitor and denier of socialist ideals Enrico Berlinguer, or the development of the socialist economy – as, on the contrary, takes place in capitalist society, where the overproduction of goods and capital, and the consequent crisis block the further development of the productive forces, ie the real and concrete possibility for everyone to be able to work to free themselves from the bondage and suffering of need - but for survival and success in the Communist Party of the Soviet Union of characters, like Trotsky , Khrushchev and others, still influenced by the bourgeois culture and sided with the service of the capitalist enemies manage to conquer the majority in the Party and to block the further progress towards socialism initiating a process of bureaucratization and bourgeois corruption of state institutions and return to capitalism. In the temporary defeat of socialism built in the twentieth century, there are no other reasons than those of treachery and cultural, opportunist servility of these characters to the capitalist system. That one time glitch in the struggle of the proletariat for the conquest of socialism and the tragedy that followed - in terms of worsening of the living conditions of the working and popular masses in all the countries of the Earth, reaffirmation of the absolute domination of capitalism and imperialism on the planet and extraterrestrials spaces, return to the worst idealism and religious obscurantism, rebirth of the Nazi-fascist dangers and of those of new inter-imperialist wars - teaches us irrevocably that until the building of communist society the instrument of class struggle between old and new, between progress and regress must never abate, because capitalism, with the usurped and available wealth, with survival of centuries-old beliefs and practices, with the tools of reactionary culture, beliefs and  supernatural dogmas, the master structure economy not yet eradicated on the entire planet, control of the media and formation of public opinion, his class school and of social domination will never cease to try his revenge until will be finally eradicated from the consciousness of the people and since when communism will not have conquered the whole of humanity.

      In the past  as today the worst enemies of the class and revolutionary Party, of the socialist revolution and the building of socialist society are - more than the same capitalism, that the October revolution , the dictatorship of the proletariat , the planned economy and the construction of the socialist state wiped out - the bourgeois, reactionary and counterrevolutionary peculiarities of theoretical, ideological and political revisionism of the Communist doctrine, of opportunism, selfishness, exhibitionism, economism, pacifism, movementism, extremism, anarchism and other that historically have helped to make difficult the revolutionary path of the proletarian masses and to demolish the socialist achievements. This ballast of worst thought of the mankind and of counter-revolutionary action is a real cancer within the international Communist working movement and without an its radical defeat will be difficult to resume the path towards socialism. It is a real internal enemy, more insidious and dangerous than external one, culturally and materially bankrolled by the class enemy and that we, armed with the principles of Marxism-Leninism, we must face and unmask it head on and in the open without fear, because any hesitation would benefit to its role of guard dog of the survival of capitalism.

      These truths now experienced by sincere and consistent communists in the last two centuries now lead us to reflect on the tools to be prepared to lead to a victorious end the class struggle and the revolutionary overturning of the present situation. Our Masters have taught us  "That without revolutionary theory there can be no revolutionary movement",  that "the proletariat has no other weapon but the organization in the struggle for power", that is, the availability of "A Marxist-Leninist revolutionary Party hinged on theoretical, political and organizational foundations of Bolshevism, and that “Without such a party can’t even think of overthrowing capitalism and imperialism, conquering the political power to the working and intelligence class". We believe that today in Italy, the Italian Marxist-Leninist Communist Party - founded on December 3, 1999 on the granite platform of Marxism-Leninism, the immortal thought and work of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin, the experience of the best and higher revolutionary tradition of the Paris Commune of 1871, the Russian Revolution of 1905, the immortal and glorious October Socialist Revolution of November 7, 1917, of which just ten days ago we remembered the 96th anniversary while we prepare to organize the memorable event of the 100th anniversary in 2017, the foundation and activity of the Communist Party of Italy in the dark days of fascism and Nazism, of Communist, anti-Nazi-fascist Resistance, the role of the working class and Italian Communists in the War of Liberation of Italy from Nazi-fascism and monarchy and the courageous class struggle led in the last sixty years by an important part of the Italian working class along the difficult road that will lead to socialism - is the Party of the faithful class and revolutionary teachings of our Teachers, of Marxism-Leninism in Italy, of the organization and leadership of the vanguard of the working class and progressive intellectuality, the preparation and completion of the socialist revolution and the building of socialism in our country.

In the current difficult conditions of the class struggle for socialism, as we are surrounded and pressed in every part in the social reality from revisionists and opportunists enemies, who are Left Ecology and Freedom, Communist PRC, the Italian Communists, Communist Workers' Party, Party of Communist Alternative and other acronyms that opportunistically use the communist word and even a Marxist-Leninist phraseology to deceive and ingratiate the consent of workers still ideologically and politically unprepared and deceived by real journeyman of policy whose aim is only to benefit the institutional and living privileges that bourgeois society puts institutionally available to them, ours is still a little party, proud of his Marxist-Leninist nature and of his class and revolutionary function who plays in Italian society and in international relations and is expected to grow as hand that will ignite the class struggle and the working and popular masses become conscious of their condition of class robbed of their wealth, and that the only alternative to escape the daily tragedies of capitalism is the social revolution for socialism.

      This is, where we are, the national headquarter of the P.C.I.M-L., where previously the comrade Gennaro Savio lived, he, communist leader, died on 13 February 1997. In Italy we have not even other headquarters, which we will soon have, but the presence of various realities of Party who work in direct contact with the National Directorate. P.C.I.M-L. is not the party of the cards, we proceed with extreme caution in the membership, and each entry is done according to very strict rules laid down in the Statute, because the party of socialist revolution, according to the teaching and the historical experience of Marxism-Leninism, must be an organization of revolutionary frameworks, founded on democratic centralism and the submission of the lower instance over the higher one, where the internal fractions are not permitted nor tolerated and where the choices of the majority require likewise the whole party. But after the 1st and 2nd, this 3rd Congress marks an important step forward on the path of territorial growth of the party and its activities in social policy.

In Italy we are working on all the social issues - the right to work, wage and salary guaranteed, home, to a secure and dignified retirement, full health care, free and public, public transportation, public schools, of mass and free for all, on the public management of social services, against the privatization of public assets of the community and the high cost of living, the progressive reduction of national and local taxes to the working class and popular masses, the appropriate taxation of the profits, of the parasitic incomes and wealth of the capitalist class and the state of the Vatican, which operates throughout the country, on the historical issue, never resolved, of the infrastructural backwardness of the South, which is a national problem and as such needs to be solved, because with the Unification of Italy South was annexed by the rich and developed capitalism of North and the Unification did not take place on equal basis, but of subjection. Even today, the banking system of the South, especially after the disastrous privatizations of the central State, is in the hands of private capital of the North, in addition to having suffered, the South, over the decades of the monarchical and republican era, lower public investments for the development and adaptation of social structures, such as railways, roads, schools, heap and popular houses, transport, hospitals, markets, and so on. We are also committed on the issue of protection of the environment against the pollution of lands, illegal dumping and civilian and military infrastructures, that serve only for the accumulation of capitalist profits and that damage the livability of the population in the concerned territories, such as high-speed Train on Val di Susa and the expansion of military bases of the U.S. and NATO, as the U.S. military base in Vicenza. To cope with the tragedy of unemployment and provide some job opportunities for young people PCIM -L. claims that every firm closed by the owners must be requisitioned by the State and entrusted for the management of redundant workers and supported by the necessary aid. In addition it is necessary to lower the retirement age for men and women. In short, the P.C.I.M -L . is heavily involved on the front of the local and national social struggles to improve immediately the living conditions of the working and popular masses and to advance on the road of the achievement of socialism.

      This year in the Municipality of Forio, where we are present, the Party has achieved a major success by electing an own councilor in the City Council with its glorious symbol of the sickle, hammer and yellow star on a red background.  We are carrying out, with the contribution of many citizens, a good job of monitoring and reporting of administrative misdeeds of the current City bourgeois political power and at the same time our opposition is a proactive and constructive opposition in defense of the interests and expectations of workers and the whole people of Forio. Clearly the P.C.I.M -L. is not an electioneering nor institutionalized Party and uses the bourgeois elections to lead the class struggle also in the capitalist institutions to promote the economic and social improvement of the difficult living conditions of workers in industry, agriculture, fishing, handicraft, the small trade, catering and family activities, the commercial sector, the public sector and all those activities that do not profit from the work of others and to advance, even with the class struggle in bourgeois institutions,  the cause of socialism. Being present in the institutions means having the ability to understand and better fight  the political, administrative choices and of government that are against the interests of the working class. We can say that at present, beyond the island of Ischia, the Party has branches throughout the country by small and medium-sized organizational cells that aim to aggregate into sections. The political work of analysis of the present situation and of address of the political initiative is  carried out by the Central Committee in consultation constantly with the comrades organized into cells. We are present in the various realities of social class struggle remaining anchored to our ideological and political autonomy pursuing firmly the Marxist-Leninist line and contributing to the development of class consciousness of the Italian working and popular masses. We are convinced that without socialist revolution any working and popular government can to be possible and we consider the various positions on the subject of revisionist and opportunist nature. Good the Popular anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist Front, as Resistance to the economic policies of robbery of the working and popular massed by the governments of the center-right and center-left or of national unity between the two sides and as an tool of ideological and political struggle to approach the time of the socialist revolution and proletarian government.
Meanwhile, we feel the need to unite, on targets and paths of class struggle shared, all the realities consistently Marxist-Leninist existing in Italy, though maintaining at present each its autonomy and ideological, political independence and of initiative. A unit that can see all the true and sincere Marxist-Leninists of our country united in a single party of socialist revolution, of the conquest of political power by the Italian proletariat, the dictatorship of the proletariat, which will replace the current infamous capitalist dictatorship, of socialist democracy, the collectivized economy, the construction of the socialist State and proletarian internationalism and to help and facilitate the achievement of socialism and communism in all countries of the earth. A unitary process that is started from a common Manifesto signed by Communist Platform and the Italian Marxist-Leninist Communist Party, which will have to approve and sign any other organization of proven Marxist-Leninist faith who will wants to join the unified process. In order has been established the National Committee of the Marxist-Leninist Unity (CONUML), which has already taken important united initiatives in the struggles of the unemployed and precarious workers who were held in October in Rome through the preparation and distribution of leaflets, as well as a paper on the occasion of the 96th anniversary of the October Socialist Revolution, which we spread on our sites and blogs of Party, on the newspaper “Scintilla” published by Communist Platform and sending it through their mailing lists. It is a unit work intended to develop much more and integrate with the overall activity of the respective political organizations. Consequently to the establishment of the CONUML, the Italian Marxist-Leninist Communist Party asked for joining the International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations (ICMLPO), subscription at the present impossible, because for Italy already adheres Communist Platform, as there may rightly participate a single Marxist-Leninist organization in each country. But currently our Party adheres to the International Conference as an observer member. I take this opportunity to greet still fraternally the representative of Communist Platform present at our 3rd National Congress.

At the same time we are committed to develop internationalist political relations with other brother communist parties who are on our same positions, consistently Marxist-Leninist. The international unity of the working class through its class and revolutionary national political organizations is of extreme importance in the era of imperialism and proletarian revolutions in order to fight together and proficiently on multiple fronts the class enemy. The era of so-called globalization must be also the era of the political organization of the proletariat in the world and how much more advanced will be this organization much more the imperialist enemy will have to fear. The internationalization of the class struggle of the proletariat acquires today particular importance before the exponential growth of immigration from underdeveloped countries to industrialized countries of the northern hemisphere. It is a mass emigration that involves substantial parts of entire populations, who rebel against the imperialist subjugation and exploitation of their mineral and wildlife national resources, in exchange only for misery, disease and death, and that, in any case, this rebellion is the result of an awareness of class, though still lacks a theory and a revolutionary outcome of the situation, an emigration that involves entire continents and that is putting on probation the capitalist system and imperialist powers from the east to West.
It's up to the Marxist-Leninist parties and their international organizational web raise the class consciousness of these  migratory masses, to know how to defend themselves against  xenophobic violence and repressive legislations of the states of the port and integrate them in the class and revolutionary political organizations to pursue and achieve the common goal of revolution and socialist society. Between proletariat of the industrialized countries and underdeveloped areas are the state of exploitation, poverty and social slavery and common are the ambitions of liberation and socialist dignity.  All proletariats of every continent and country form a single gigantic proletarian army that when will be forged his own consciousness of class in the principles of Marxism-Leninism will demolish as a sand castle the economic, military and social forts of capitalism and imperialism. This universalist vision of the proletarian revolution does not exclude, but rather consider it and stimulates, the possibility, as it was with the Soviet Union, that the socialist and communist world can evolve gradually starting from the construction of socialism in one country, as argued and realized Lenin and Stalin. One thing is certain,  comrades and workers all, that for science and historical experience the fate of humanity are the socialism and communism, because realize the conquest and the statement of a higher civilization of humanity and brotherhood, always longed by the better part of the human species, that is, by the working class of the arm and intellect that freeing itself will free the entire community from the evil of exploitation and society divided in classes between rich and poor.






Forio (Neaples) Italy, November 16, 2013 .


Thesis for the 3rd National Congress of the Italian Marxist-Leninist Communist Party. It are integral part of the political report approved by the vacating Central Committee. National Direction of the Party, Conferences Hall, Forio (Naples) 16-17 November 2013.
1. The 3rd Congress of the Partito Comunista Italiano Marxista-Leninista (Italian Marxist-Leninist Communist Party) (PCIM-L) refers expressly to the imperative of the 2nd Congress of the POSDR, when Lenin put with resoluteness the question of the purity of the rank and file of the Party: “We must try to elevate more and more the appeal and the importance of member of the Party. The success of all the action of the Party, in fact, its unity and its combativeness, derive from the degree of organization and from the strong conscience of class of the members of the Party. Just the high requirement towards the communists assures the monolithic unity of the PCIM-L, its ability to keep to the guide of the working class and of the working masses, to guide the Italian people with strenuous firmness towards the aim of the Socialism. To the PCIM-L are admitted, according to a rigorous selection, the most deserving representatives of the working class, of the farmers, of the progressive intellectuals. The PCIM-L, conformably to its revolutionary function, requires higher requisites to one who wants to become member of it and the full, unconditioned accomplishment, of its own duties by the enlisted. The 3rd Congress of the PCIM-L emphasizes particularly the role of each communist: that one to be a fighter full of abnegation for the triumph of the proletarian cause, of the socialist revolution, of the ideals of the party, of which he must know deeply, understand and carry out the politics. “The Italian Marxist-Leninist Communist Party”, we read in the Preamble of its Statute, “ is the political organization of advance guard of the working class and of all the workers, who, in the spirit of the glorious Revolution of October, of the Resistance and of the proletarian internationalism, and in the reality of the struggle of class, fight for the independence and the freedom of the country, for the elimination of the exploitation of the man over the man and for the building of the Socialism in Italy and in the whole world”. 2. Founded upon the theory of the Marxism-Leninism or upon the immortal mind and work of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, the PCIM-L is formed about the basis of the following principles: “1. In the present capitalistic social regime and on its imperialistic globalization develops an always growing contrast between the productive forces and the relations of production, giving origin to the antithesis of interest and to the struggle of class between the proletariat and the dominating bourgeoisie. “2. The present relations of production are protected by the power of the bourgeois State, that, founded upon the representative system of the bourgeois democracy, represents the mean for the defense of the interests of the capitalistic class. “3. The proletariat can’t violate and modify the system of the capitalistic relations of production, from which it derives its exploitation, without the cutting down of the bourgeois power. “4. The indispensable mean of the revolutionary struggle of the proletariat is the class political party, formed by revolutionary high members. The Italian Marxist-Leninist Communist Party, having within itself the part most advanced and conscious of the proletariat, unifies the efforts of the working masses, turning them from the struggles for the interests of groups and for contingent results to the struggle for the revolutionary emancipation of the proletariat; it has the task to diffuse in the masses the revolutionary and of class conscience, to organize the material means of action and to direct in the development of the struggle the proletariat. “5. The victory of the proletarian revolution, the building of the Socialism, and the edification of the Communism are possible only with the strong and continuous struggle to the Revisionism, to the Trotskyism and to each form of opportunism and of economism. “6. After the cutting down of the bourgeois power, the proletariat cannot organize itself in ruling class only with the destruction of the bourgeois State apparatus, and with the instauration of its own dictatorship, that is, basing the elective representations of the State about the only productive class and excluding the bourgeois class. “7. The form of political representation of the proletarian State is the system of the councils of the workers (workers of the industry, of the agriculture, of the handicraft, of the tourism, of the public being, of the commerce, of the conveyances, of the telecommunications, of the information and of the tertiary generally) already in action in the Revolution of October and in those succeeding ones in the countries of the carried out Socialism, particularly of the URSS, and before stable realization of the proletarian dictatorship. “8. The necessary defense of the proletarian state against all the counter-revolutionary attempts. “9. Only the proletarian State will be able systematically to carry out all the succeeding measures of intervention in the relations of the social economy by which the replacement of the capitalistic system will be carried out by the collective management of the production and of the distribution. “10. By effect of this economical transformation and of the consequent transformations of all the activities of the social life, eliminating the division of the society by classes, it will go also in eliminating the needs of the political state, whose structure will be progressively reduced to that one of the rational administration of the human activities”(Statute of the PCIM-L, Art.1). 3. The internal life of the PCIM-L is governed according to the principles of the democratic centralism. That means: “a) that all the leading organisms are elected democratically by the members to the relative organization; “b) that all the leading organisms have the engagement to relate periodically to the members in the organizations that they manage, near their activity; “c) that all the leading organisms and the single members of it are always revocable by decision of those that are vested with their mandate; “d) that closed the discussion and taken a decision, this is obligatory for all the members and for all the dependent organisms. The minority must accept and apply the decisions democratically taken by the majority with regular deliberation; “e) that it is not tolerated in the party the constitution of fractions which break the unity of the same party or call in question the discipline of it; “f) that the decisions of the higher organisms have obligatory character for the lower organisms” (Statute of the PCIM-L, Art.23). 4. For the sections, for the provincial and regional federations and for the party on its whole “the maximum deliberative organ, whose decisions are obligatory for all the members and for all the subordinated organizations, is the congress, respectively of national, regional and provincial section” (Statute of the PCIM-L, Art.26). 5. The cohesion, the unity of the PCIM-L is essential guaranty for the realization of its program, for the victory of the working classes and of the people in the struggle for the Socialism. All the formations of Party and all the comrades are obliged to defend the unity of the Party against each attempt of disaggregation or of fraction activity. The constitution of fraction groups within the Party is rigorously prohibited and it is injured with sanctions that can reach until the expulsion” (Statute of the PCIM-L, Art.46). 6. The PCIM-L strengthens itself not only by increasing the number of its supporters and exalting the political and ideological ability of it, but taking constant care that it don’t enter neither remain on its lines elements that bring discredit on the same party, for their behavior, or have given or give proof of vileness, or are in any way whatever agents of political enemies of the party or vehicle of the influence of these ones within its organization of these in its lines. “To defend the party by each form of opportunism, of revisionism, of Trotskyism it is duty that cannot be disregarded by each member” (Statute of the PCIM-L, Art.47). 7. Based on the objective analysis of the processes in act inside the country and in industrial field, the fundamental “program” of the PCIM-L is to guide the industrial and agriculture proletariat - and the working masses of the city and of the country, specially the farmers, directed from it - to the conquest of the political power: - demolishing the power of the bourgeoisie, depriving it of the political power, snatching the instruments of the power to it; - breaking the bourgeoisie state machine, the bureaucratic, political and military apparatus of the bourgeois State and preparing the ground in order to put in place a new and different apparatus, that one of the proletarian State; - creating finally the new State: the revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat, in a form or in the other, in order to carry out the aims and the tasks of the proletarian revolution, of the building of the Socialism. Since each particular is inevitably bound to the general one, each diversity presupposes the identity, the period of transition from the Capitalism to the Socialism in Italy, even if in its original mark, it foresees the actuation of the laws, of the passage from the Capitalism to the Socialism, own to all the countries, and that is: - the suppression of the capitalistic property and the instauration of the social property of the principal means of production; - the gradual transformation of the agriculture on socialist basis; - the planned development of the national economy, turned to the building of the Socialism and the Communism, to the raising of the level of life of the workers; - the actuation of a socialist revolution in the field of the ideology and of the culture, that includes the re-education of the old intelligentsia, the formation of a new intelligentsia coming from the lines of the proletariat, faithful to the worker people, and to the cause of the Socialism, likewise a general raising of the cultural level of all the people; - the liquidation of the national oppression and the instauration of the equality as matter of fact, of a real parity of rights and of a brotherly friendship among the peoples; - the defense of the conquests of the Socialism from the attacks of the internal and external enemies; - the solidarity of the Italian working class with the working class of all the other countries over the basis of the principles of the proletarian Internationalism (Program of the PCIM-L, 7.II).. 8. The PCIM-L, based of its concrete analysis of the today’s Italian economical structure and of the social classes today in Italy, likewise of the present historical concrete internal and international conditions, puts in the first place, time by time, in strict connection with the strategic principal objective of the proletariat, those intermediate aims of struggle, those organizational methods, that political action to connect to the proletariat the right alliances, etc. that better answer to the concrete conditions of the struggle of class. By identifying, in the chain of the events, “that particular ring grasping to whom it will be possible hold all the chain” (Lenin), that partial aim whose reaching prepare the conditions and brings the solution of the strategic tasks. Then, analysis of the historical and contingent circumstances in all their aspects and the possibilities of action of the proletariat facing them; agitation of the problems and the most urgent objectives and propaganda of the line of the party with the aim to connect to it, through the defense and the struggle for their vindications, the working masses. The PCIM-L considers the struggle for the immediate vindications of the workers inseparable from the direction of the primary aim of the proletariat, from its general perspective. The struggle for the immediate vindications depends and is part of the strategy, in the measure in which it doesn’t develop itself disconnectedly and separately context, which fixes the presuppositions and the perspectives for it. The tactics is typical of the opportunism, it is the most repugnant expression of the will of collaboration with the dominant classes. A conception of the tactics that reduces it in common tactics means, practically, an overestimation of the need to accept some compromises in determined conditions and to conform the strategy and the perspective of wide breath to the events of “day by day”, to the daily lowest circumstances, forgetting in a such way the need of the struggle in order to realize the revolutionary objectives (Program of the PCIM-L, 7.IV). The growing worse of the general crisis of capitalism 9. The capitalism is a society devoid of future, it is a system historically condemned. Already is living in a comatose state, but will not be the so-called bourgeois and colorful “revolutions to bury him, a task that will fulfill the socialist revolutions led by the Marxist-Leninist national Parties or of Bolshevik nature. Its irreversible and progressive decay can push him to State heinous massacres against the working class and the struggling popular masses. It is up to the proletariat to gear up to face him, to minimize the consequences and bury it for good in his own mud of infamy, violence and inhumanity.In the history of the humanity the capitalism is the last system based on the exploitation. After have given a vigorous impulse to the development of the productive forces, it successively has transformed itself into an obstacle on the road of the social progress. The historical trajectory of the capitalism, its course, is the trajectory of the growing worse of its essential contradiction, the contradiction between the social type of the production and the private capitalistic form of appropriation, of the increase of the exploitation of the working class and of all the workers, of the exasperation of the struggle between the work and the capital, between exploited and exploiters, it is the course of the economical crisis, of the political-social subverting, of the wars of conquest and of the conflicts, all motives of serious disasters for the workers, for the worker and popular masses. The intensification of the development of the capitalist finance market, of that stock and money one with his infamous derivatives, a result of the crisis of industrial overproduction and of the huge accumulation of capitals, does not free the capitalism from the grip much more choking of his crisis of system and indeed emphasizes the fundamental contradiction. It is a market as many infamous, which is used by capitalism as a mean of further exploitation and impoverishment of the living conditions of the proletarian masses On a context of monopolistic capitalism of State, that unites strictly the force of the monopoly and of the State, the contradiction between the productive forces increased on enormous way and the capitalistic relationships of production becomes more and more sharp and strident. It is growing worse the internal instability of the economy, that is expressed on the decrease, on the slowing up of the general rhythms of increase and on making deeper the cyclic and structural crisis more and more intermixed. The deficits of budget and the state debts reach, as matter of fact, that is without “account” deceits, incalculable amounts, the unemployment of mass has become a real and its own “condition”, the unemployment as much of mass, the precariousness and the ultra-exploitation raised to “system”, the real inflation are at this point events of ordinary capitalistic administration. The unceasing reprise of vigor and the strengthening of the great monopolistic groups, of the voracious and never sated multinationals that gain immense profits, by exploiting the workers at world level is a straight consequence of the capitalistic concentration and the internationalization of the production. The rapacious multinationals are at the origin of the continuous attempts of destabilization of not few independent young States. The monopolistic bourgeoisie, the financial oligarchy commits continual maneuvers to let not exceed and to accommodate itself to the changed circumstances. Its “committee of business”, the capitalist State, distributes again -especially through the budget, a substantial part of the national revenue on behalf of the heavy capital, it tries to enslave to its own interests the most recent technical-scientific conquests. The old mechanism of the exploitation is renewed: it has become more complex and sophisticated. Sumptuous profits are drawn by the psycho-physical forces and by the professionalism of the workers. More and more frequent and straight become the attacks of the monopolies and of the bourgeois State to the conquests of the workers and to their level of life. In the capitalist society, becomes more and more serious the social consequences of the technical-scientific revolution. ”Set again at liberty” by chiefs, expelled from the factories, million of workers are condemned to the professional deskilling and to material privations. Million of young struggle on a situation perennially without opening, they can’t find an adequate - but not even ”inadequate“- application to their forces and their acquaintances. The unemployment of mass -with the real perspective of an its further increase, lasts with every economic conjuncture. Also on the agrarian sector of the economy, the monopolies have conquered at this point strong positions of power. The life of million of peasants depends entirely on the oscillations of the market and on the free will of the monopolies. Particularly serious is the destiny of the peasants in the ex-colonies and half colonies. Little and middle businessmen citizens, exploited by the great capital, depend at this point not only on the “official” financial network, but more and more by the parallel financial network of the minute usurers. Millions of human beings, not only in the “underdeveloped countries“, but also in those so said “developed“, live in extreme poverty, are illiterates, homeless, and are deprived of medical assistance. It is accentuated each form of racism and discrimination towards to the “non-EU citizen” generally; the rights of the women are more and more vilified indeed. On political competence, it is typical of the imperialism, the tendency to strengthen the reaction on each sector. There, where the workers, with a strong struggle of class, are succeed in obtaining determined democratic rights, the monopolistic-state capital induces a stubborn attack and more and more often, ably disguised as ”national interest” to such rights. On circumstances more “difficult “or “dangerous”, it applies resolutely to the political blackmail, to the repressions, terror and to the punitive actions. On political side the neo-fascism – on “double breasted“- and flatly squad - “black”, “blue” and “green” - at this point “cleared“ by “democratic” would-be bourgeoisie and by its ideologues in the name of presumed specious “fulfilled democracy“, have taken and takes possession more and more with impunity on each ganglion of the “democratic“ bourgeois formal institutions. There, where the usual and well tested methods to repress the workers achieve the wanted effect, the imperialism installs, lays and protects reactionary and tyrannical dictatorships for an open military repression of the progressist forces. In order to weaken the international solidarity of the workers, the imperialism foments and provokes flatly, with impunity, the chauvinism, the national egoism, and the racism, the contempt for the rights and interests of the other peoples and for their historical-cultural national heritage. The anti-humanitarian ideology of the capitalism with its unrestrained cult of the egoism and of the individualism, of the violence and of the free will, the anti-communism as “life rule“, the exploitation of the culture as source of gain, cause a spiritual desolation of the society, bring to its real and specific moral degradation of it. A society more and more handled by the “organized“ criminality and “terrorism“, generated and nourished by the imperialism. More and more fatal it becomes the part of the so-called bourgeois “mass media“ and of the Church, that manage and make stupid the conscience of the mankind in the interest of the predominant class. Inside the capitalistic system are formed three principal centers of inter-imperialistic competition: USA, Western Europe and Japan, with the dreadful, pursuing, free trader China. Between them it becomes more intense the competitive struggle for the opening market, the ranks of use of the capital, the sources of raw materials, for the hegemony of the key-sectors of the technic-scientific progress. Besides on the basin of the Pacific Ocean and on Latin America, new economic and political centers of competition, are creating specially in ex-URSS and in ex-socialist area of Europe. The contradictions between the bourgeois State become worse. The hegemonic ambitions and the insatiable politics of the north-American monopolies, ready, to their benefit, to sacrifice the interests and security of other States, also of those allies, provoke more and more alarm on the world. The imperialism is responsible not only for the incommensurable and always growing differences on the level of the economic development between the industrial countries of the capital and the majority of States of recent liberation: it is also faulty of genocide and responsible for the permanency on the earth of very immense zones of hunger, poverty, of multiple epidemical illnesses, of import of inexpressible depravations in each zone where it has gained a footing. It opposes a ferocious resistance to the social progress, attempts to stop the course of the history, to kneel down the people that long for the Socialism, to take a social revenge to level planetary. The imperialistic powers, on love and agree with the joint-owner “apostolic-Roman” Church, tries to coordinate their strategic economic politic and ideological planes, tries to create a common front armed of “preventive”/preservative struggle and of apocalyptical perpetual “humanitarian interference” against all that “it is not democratic“ for the big business or imperialistic standard, against all the revolutionary defined “terrorist” movements and of liberation. In defiance of the will of the supreme people, the imperialism tries to private them of the right to choice on autonomic way its own way of development, threats their security. It doesn’t want to reckon with the politic realities of the modern world. It is the primary reason to rise conflicts and imperialistic “tribal wars“ in several regions of the world. The center of the word reaction is the USA imperialism. Really by this citadel of the word reaction it comes above all the threat of war. Aiming at the power of the entire planet, it claims the right to do and undo at home of others, to intervene militarily on each corner of the earth, declaring arbitrarily entire continents zone of “vital interests USA”. The ignoble politics of “ultimatums“, of extortions, of imposition of unequal relations to other States, of full and unconditioned support to repressive anti-popular dictatorships, of discrimination against countries that are not congenial to USA, disorganizes the political-economic interstate relations, prevents their normal development. The continuous confirmation of the criminal nature of the imperialism, is shown by the strong proliferation of the “preventive” nuclear weapons, of “star-shield“ as offence, and of other type. Such a death production ensures to the monopolies incalculable profits. The always growing military expenses are a real and own dead weight upon the shoulders of the workers. Disappeared the apparent “enemies of once“, the Military-Industrial Ensemble (the monopolies that produce arms, the caste of the generals, the state bureaucracy, the ideological apparatus, the militarized science, the psycho-physical control systems always much more sophisticated and invasive) and the imperialistic state power have built by themselves promptly new “enemies in the third and fourth world“ to continue with quick rhythm and for ever and ever their instruments of extermination “defensive” as offence. The intensification of the politics of adventure and assault, the growing danger of war, are a clear evidence of political and ethic-social vacuity of the capitalistic system, propped by force of arms. The imperialism is the putrefied capitalism, is the eve of the socialist revolution. No false “end of Communism” , no “reform” and no “global” manoeuver of the today’s capitalism can mystify and cancel its laws of development, not less also can eliminate the strong, irreconcilable antagonism between toil and capital, causing the coming out of the capitalistic system historically condemned by the situation of crisis and of general decomposition. The dynamics of the capitalistic development is so not modifiable that every invention of the capitalism to strengthen its own positions lead inevitably and irreparably to a growing worse of all its contradictions. The neocolonialist politics of the imperialism intensifies the anti-imperialistic struggle of the peoples and of the countries for their total independence. The liquidation of the colonial system of the imperialism, the rise of numerous independent States from its ruins is an incontestable historical conquest of the revolutions and of the movements of national liberation, sprung from the great impulse of the glorious Socialist Revolution of October. But the imperialism is not resigned to the loss of “its“ colonies. Realizing a politics of neocolonialism, it aims to private of subject the supremacy conquered at exceed prize by young States. It aims not only to maintain the control on them, but right to strengthen it. It tries to attract them not only in the capitalistic orbit, but also on that militaristic, it tries to utilize them as a kind of head of bridge for its own aggressive global strategy. To follow such aims, the imperialists resort to the used and well tested methods: military pressure, economic imposition, support to internal reaction. Besides being responsible of the past colonial and of the withdrawal of the States of recent liberation, the imperialism carries today also the responsibility of the difficulties that these countries meet on the road of their economical development, because it represses deliberately the process of economical decolonization of them. Likewise, still, increases also the resistance of the peoples of these countries to a politics of robbery and banditry. They continue with always more force, to fight against the neocolonialism and local bourgeoisie, its accomplice, against the interference on their internal affairs, against the racism and apartheid, against each form of enslaving to the “occidental models” (Program of the PCIM-L, 1.). THE MONOPOLISTIC CAPITALISM OF STATE NEEDS THE REVOLUTIONARY FINISHING STROKE 10. The general deep crisis - that is under all the specific aspects: economical, state, political, ideological, cultural - of the monopolistic capitalism of State has reached a such level that it needs an only thing: the revolutionary finishing stroke. Without this subjective necessary intervention, there is no doubt that the system of exploitation will survive: not more strong, but more aggressive and overweening than before. Always at the expense, it is clear, of the blood of the proletariat, of the popular and working masses. The today’s developments, the objective processes of the capitalistic society, -particularly that Italian one - that can be identified, are those, in the first place, to concentrate of the real (economical) power on more and more limited groups; of the always incessant greater subordination - direct and indirect - of the various economical forms to the headquarters of the monopolistic power; to the displacement in a mass of farmers from the work of the ground to the work in the industry (particularly in that agro-food ones); to the passage of workers, until some years ago still illusively “independent”, to a more direct dependence from the monopolistic headquarters of the power. Practically, it happens a separation more and more growing of the worker from the productions of his own work: the process of exploitation, of alienation, magisterially explained by Marx, becomes, in a time, wider, more omni-comprehensive, more “global”. The accentuated aggressiveness of the imperialism, in order to translate in a greater ability of penetration among the masses of its own ideology, it affects itself more and more impudently of “universal” calls of “democratic” kind trying with this vulgar mystification to give an ideological justification to its own politics of “globalized” nefariousness. Thank also to the ruling neo-liberalism and to the present Manchester government composed by the scum of the bourgeoisie, whose politics is managed to satisfy the demands and the interests of the great bourgeoisie and of the parasitic layers, interests that it represents, expresses and defends, are deepened the inequalities of class in all the fields, in special way in the field of the education and of the health service. The social conquests of the workers, wrested in the time by a strong struggle of class, are attached, brought on discussion, totally cancelled on all the front, derided with contempt and even deserved of blame at entire advantage of the capital. The international organizations and the overstate organisms that represent, express and defend the interests of the transnational capital have directed the ideological campaign aimed to justify the politics that imposes the strongest methods of the capitalistic exploitation. The attitude of the so called bourgeois “left”, apart from the demagogy, is also clear: like the bourgeoisie “of right”, the bourgeois heap “of left” identifies the interests “of the country” with the interests of the great capital. The arguments on behalf of their politics direct against the workers that live on their own wage are borrowed by the more fraudulent “liberal” bourgeois theory. To arrest this politics and this ideology of the so called neoliberalism, to arrest this turn on the right of the bourgeoisie “of right”, “of center” and “of left”, it is necessary a politics that answers to the interests of the workers and that is frontally directed against the capital, it is necessary the connected struggle of the workers and the firm vindication of its own interests by the working movement free from the co-managed logics of the reformist-bourgeois union. The power of the capital and its present politics clashes with the general interests of the popular vast layers. To unify these interests in consideration of the necessary revolutionary finishing stroke to this rotten system, it is of vital importance. The necessary political unity must start from the proletariat and directed by its organized advance guard. To this unification can compete the various popular layers that suffer the power of the great capital. Upon computation, the need of a revolutionary change becomes more and more impellent: the conflict among the interests of the great capital and the interests of the uncommonly great majority of the people, because of the politics carried forward by the power of the monopolies, is further and unsustainably accentuated and exacerbated. Such antagonism is based upon the more and more strident contradiction among the requires of the great modern production, more and more social, and the maintenance in branches of social relations founded about the private monopolistic appropriation. Therefore, the fundamental contradiction of the society is and remains the contradiction between capital and work, between monopolistic bourgeoisie and working class. The State, in its part against what imagine certain grotesque little-bourgeois revolutionary and some “persons who carry out expropriation” at the supermarkets who sell their bourgeois prowess as anticipation of the future, doesn’t stand idle, it is not in the least “retired” by its fundamental function, on the contrary: more increases the importance of the monopolistic groups in the society, more their expansion, the widening of their production requires the more and more massive intervention of the State. Its more and more vast and massive intervention, whatever are the forces and the instruments of it, behaves in fact upon the main aspects of the social life; it conditions deeply the economical base, which on last analysis determines all the development of the society. From the other part it is necessary to understand that not even the most unbridles “liberal” or “liberalist” and individualistic representatives of the property-owner classes can do without the capitalist State as instrument of defense of the class and of repression of the proletariat, although it is a burden for them under other aspects. For the monopolistic bourgeoisie and its State is politically of “capital” importance to disguise the reality of the exploitation to prevent that the working struggles find their opening on the political plan that is not that one of the politicking and of the bourgeois-revisionist newspeak. The monopolistic bourgeoisie and its “committee of affairs” (State) lead an incessant, hammering, whole multiform ideological campaign towards the proletariat and all the not monopolistic layers. So while to the Church with its not last “mission” of speculation on Stock Exchange and to the other over-structured small churches - kept standing not casually with public contributions – coadjutor of the blind tyranny of the capital is entrusted the known and usual task of spiritual breaking of the masses, the monopolistic bourgeoisie and its “committee of affairs” lead personally their propaganda all concentrated on the “economical questions” of course destined, in first place, to the proletariat. The important, for the financing oligarchy, for the monopolistic bourgeoisie is to insinuate doubts, to distort, to calumniate, in short: to fight the scientifically founded conception - the Marxism-Leninism - that helps the workers to orientate in the struggle against the capital and its liquidation. All it is said, written and taught in the interest of the capital. The manipulation of the masses is one of the tasks of living importance for the monopolistic and its “bad cops” of “opinion”. For the proletariat, for the workers, on the contrary, it is a political matter of life or of death to lay bare the roots of the capitalistic exploitation and its forms that today are assuming. Only through the struggle of class and the necessary decided political-revolutionary attack, one will be able to abolish this rotten, pernicious and historically exceeded system, the exploitation of the man over the man. Diversely, nothing of essential and of radical will be never able to change in such society for the simple reason that the antisocial, antihuman, monopolistic criminal bourgeoisie will renounce never spontaneously to its criminal privileges, that is to the foundations of its political and economic guilty power. Just for this reason, it is impossible that the monopolistic capitalism of State transforms itself “gradually” in a perfidious as much illusory “economical democracy that opens the direction to the Socialism”, so as affirmed yesterday the miserable revisionist leaders of the PCI - “turn of Salerno”, and as affirm today the leaders, deserving continuators of those, of the not less miserable, “Partito della Rifondazione Comunista” (Party of the Communist Refounding ), “Partito dei Comunisti Italiani” (Party of the Italian Communists), Sinistra, Ecologia e Libertà (Left, Ecology and Freedom) and other similar Siamese parties that sabotage the revolution and that repudiate the same meaning of the Communism, and therefore we do not still see what these miserable pretended “communists” are fighting if not exactly to support the capitalist society, reactionary ‘consecrated’ revisionists, as would say their mentor Lagardelle, to the “socialism of the electoral ballot-boxes” and connected “financing of the State”. The “gradualism” is what the revisionists - that is the camouflaged by “communists” bourgeois men - of all the times have always maintained. The results are before all’s eyes. Really, without an external intervention, the passage from the capitalism to the Socialism, to the society of the workers, is impossible. That means that the passage to the Socialism and then to the Communism will be able to be carried out only thank to the revolutionary necessary action of the proletariat and, with it, of the social layers that, at different levels, they suffer the expense of the economical politics of the monopolistic capital and for this reason are objectively driven to form an alliance with the class of the social progress. “The reformist correction on the basis of the imperialism is nothing else than a deceit, a pious desire” (Lenin). The historical placement of the imperialism is clear: it is the parasitic, dying capitalism, it is the eve of the social revolution of the proletariat. It is at this point in its “globality” and in its “globalization”, in advanced putrefaction in such point “putrefied” that it must leave its place to a different and deeply human social arrangement: the Socialism. The existence of the material bases of the Socialism can not however substitute itself to the working and popular necessary action over the monopolistic bourgeoisie and over its “committee of affairs”; on the contrary, in the today’s period of the monopolistic capitalism, the action of the masses is a resolutive maker that assumes an always growing importance, and that must be practised about a triple plane: economical, political and ideological until to the coup de grace of this criminal, inhuman, antihuman, antisocial, infamous system, to establish through the own organizational and organized instruments the finally human society: the Socialism and then the Communism, where the reign of the freedom will succeed to that one of the necessity. (For further deepening: Program, Statute and other documents of the P.C.I.M-L; Against the petty-bourgeois abstract revisionism and revolutionarism, for the Marxism-Leninism; Marxism-Leninism and contemporary revisionism-opportunism; The need for the proletariat of its revolutionary Party: the teachings of the teachers of the Marxism-Leninism. Documents published on the website of the Party: Forio (Naples), 1 August 2013 PARTITO COMUNISTA ITALIANO MARXISTA-LENINISTA (ITALIAN MARXIST-LENINIST COMMUNIST PARTY)

October Socialist Revolution shows to the proletariat and the masses the only way for their safety

Capitalism and its social tragedies may be buried only by the Socialist Revolution, let us prepare it with the struggle and class militancy. Eternal glory to the Masters of the Socialist Revolution:  Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin! 
On November 7, the communists, the revolutionaries, the working class of all the world remember and celebrate the anniversary of the immortal October Socialist Revolution.
The bourgeoisie and their lackeys revisionists and social democrats will do, as usual, everything to darken and tarnish that date, or will seek to alter the content and lessons , perhaps dedicating to this event some insignificant item or conference of historical nature where the falsification and the denigration are the main aspect.  As Marxist- Leninists, we consider, on the contrary, the Bolshevik Revolution an event deeply relevant and full of valuable teachings for the daily struggle of the exploited and oppressed classes.
In the era of imperialism where we live, with the continuation and deepening of the economic crisis, the fundamental contradictions and incurable diseases of capitalism have worsened, insomuch as it poses today materially endanger the same physical survival of the proletarian masses. Exploitation, unemployment, precariousness of labor relations , hunger, poverty, imperialist wars, political reaction, environmental devastation: these are the only gifts that imperialism can offer to the working masses of the planet. Under these conditions, the revolutionary forces of the working class and peoples are objectively grown on international scale. We are witnessing a major revival of the struggles and the mobilization of the working class and of vast social strata on an international scale and in our country. The oppressed peoples are facing much more hardly with imperialism. The whole system is ripe for social revolution of the proletariat, whose idea now back again on the agenda. Not only: the proletarian revolution has shown and proved even today, to the proletariat and the people masses, the only way out of the general crisis of capitalism. "Third way " and assorted reform projects showed only their fallacy and complicity with the exploiters. The socialist revolution, even if today is not of immediate feasibility in our country, is the only real prospect, to which we must prepare. This is the task that the vanguards of the proletariat must assume with full responsibility to get it over with the rule of capitalism and build, on its ruins, a new world, free from exploitation and oppression of capitalism. The revolution of the exploited classes, however, can not be built from scratch. The October Socialist Revolution has also demonstrated the crucial role of the Communist Party, although initially small, if armed with the Marxist-Leninist theory and rooted in the working class. Without a strong vanguard party of the proletariat , based on the principles of Marxism-Leninism and proletarian internationalism, the social revolution and the building of socialist society are impossible. In our country, in particular, is, however, strongly backward, in the face of objective conditions, just the subjective factor of the revolution. Therefore, we must solve, in the first place, the urgent  and impelling issue of the unity of the communists and the construction of a major party. It is therefore necessary to develop the work on this main front. The establishment of the National Committee of Marxist-Leninist Unity, now in its infancy, is an important step of this path. The CONUML can give impetus to overcome the fragmentation that exists between the real Italian communist forces and to achieve a higher level of organic unity of the communists aimed at the formation of the revolutionary party of the working class, based on the principles of communism and proletarian internationalism. It stands today as a tool to which all realities, authentically communist, the best elements of the proletariat, the young revolutionaries have to endorse and strengthen, if they really want to make their contribution to the construction of a large Communist Party. Today, there are important conditions to advance with this regard, so we have to move forward in unity and organization. This is without a doubt the best way to remember and celebrate the anniversary of the October Socialist Revolution .

November 2013

Italian Communist Marxist-Leninist Party
Communist Platform

For contacts and information:


El Comité Central del Partido Comunista Italiano Marxista-Leninista expresa su más sentido pésame a las familias del Comandante fallecido, al Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela y al entero pueblo venezolano por la grave y prematura pérdida del Presidente de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela Hugo Chávez, un verdadero y valiente anti-imperialista.
Chávez, por la defensa de la independencia de Venezuela y de todos los países y pueblos de América Latina ha desafiado y ganado, con tenacidad y determinación revolucionaria, el gigante del imperialismo económico, político y militar de los Estados Unidos de América, que siempre y en todas las formas posibles, de las maquinaciones de los servicios secretos a las intervenciones repressivas, tratan de imponer su dominio y sus intereses sobre todo el continente latinoamericano, así como hace en otras partes del Planeta.

Chávez ha tenido el mérito, a través de valientes nacionalizaciónes, de haber defendido ferozmente los intereses económicos de su propio pueblo contra las invasiónes de las multinacionales imperialistas permitiendo al gobierno de Venezuela de gestionar directamente la explotación de los recursos petroleros y minerales del país, que ha permitido de mejorar significativamente las condiciones de vida de las masas trabajadoras y populares de Venezuela.
Pero no has sido y no es todavía socialismo, cuya principal forma de lograrlo es sólo aquela de los principios del marxismo-leninismo, de la lucha contra el revisionismo y el oportunismo de la doctrina comunista, enunciada por nuestros grandes Maestros del proletariado internacional, Marx, Engels, Lenin y Stalin,  de la construcción de un autentico partido de clase y revolucionario, de la revolución socialista para realizar el paso de todo el poder político de la burguesía al proletariado, de la dictadura del proletariado y la construcción de la sociedad socialista.
En este momento de luto y dolor por Venezuela el Partido Comunista Italiano Marxista-Leninista se alinea junto a los comunistas, a la clase obrera y intelectiva y a  todo el pueblo venezolano para rendir homenaje a Chávez defendiendo sus conquistas sociales hechas, la lucha anti-imperialista y el  grande contribucion dado en la lucha de los pueblos latinoamericanos contra las agresiónes y la explotacion del imperialismo estadounidense.

Al pueblo venezolano el P.C.I.M.L desea de avanzar sin parar en el camino que lleva a la construcción de la sociedad socialista y la edificacion de aquela comunista.
Forio (Nápoles), Italia, 6 de marzo de 2013.

El Comité Central del P.C.I.M-L.


The Central Committee of the Italian Marxist-Leninist Communist Party expresses its deepest condolences and sympathy to the families of the perished Commander, to the United Socialist Party of Venezuela and the entire Venezuelan people for severe and premature loss of the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Hugo Chavez, a true and brave anti-imperialist.
Chavez for the defense of the independence of Venezuela and of all countries and peoples of Latin America has challenged and won, with tenacity and revolutionary determination, the giant of economic, political and military imperialism of the United States of America, which always and in every way possible, from the machinations of the secret services to the repressive interventions, seek to impose its rule and own interests over the entire Latin American continent, as well as it does in other parts of the Planet.

Chavez had the merit, through courageous nationalizations, of having fiercely defended the economic interests of their own people against the invasions of imperialist multinational corporations allowing the Venezuelan government to directly manage the exploitation of oil and mineral resources of the country, that allowed to improve significantly the living conditions of the working and popular masses of Venezuela.

But it was not and is not yet socialism, whose main way to achieve it is only the way of principles of Marxism-Leninism, the struggle against revisionism and opportunism of the Communist doctrine, enunciated by our great Masters of the international proletariat, Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin, of the building of a genuine class and revolutionary party, the socialist revolution to achieve the changeover of all political power from the bourgeoisie to the proletariat, the dictatorship of the proletariat and the construction of the socialist society.

In this time of mourning and grief for Venezuela the Italian Marxist-Leninist Communist Party aligns himself with communists, the labor and intellective working-class and with all the Venezuelan people to pay tribute to Chavez defending his achieved social gains, the anti-imperialist struggle and the great contribution given in the fight of the Latin American peoples against the aggressions and exploitation of  U.S. imperialism.To the Venezuelan people the P.C.I.M-L. wishes to advance non-stop on the road that leads to the construction of socialist society and the building of that Communist one.

Forio (Naples), Italy, March 6, 2013.

The Central Committee of P.C.I.M-L..

Appeal of P.C.I.M-L. against imperialist attack on Libya.
.The social ills of humanity are all produced by the imperialist and capitalist economic system, based on the exploitation of man over man, and by their political and military power, which now exercise undisturbed over almost all countries of Earth. With the glorious and victorious October Socialist Revolution in Russia, with the political power passed into the hands of the working class, with the construction of socialism carried out in the twentieth century and with the existence of the heroic Soviet Union, imperialism was forced to hold its greed for expansion and its military attack on the neutral countries of Third World.
Following the defeat of the fatherland of socialism - that was a real historical tragedy, accomplished from outside the socialist world with funds of anti-socialist propaganda, rabble-rousing to popular revolt against the legitimate socialist governments and supports of various kind by the American and European imperialism and by churches of individual countries and from inside the socialist countries by traitors and revisionist, opportunist deniers of the national and world interests of the proletariat - imperialism had a free hand running around all over the world by imposing his military, economic and political absolute power through attacks, murders of entire populations, horrific massacres, subjugations, exploitation, robbery and loss of national independence, as happened in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, and so on.
The tragic attack that currently the Libyan people is suffering, a few years ago has been imposed, with bloody military massacres, against some countries of the former Yugoslavia so that also in that area lost the political and social autonomy and passed directly under the control and exploitation of American and European imperialism. Imperialism uses the false propaganda of the democratic and religious freedoms, of human rights and even an Arab risorgimento to deceive people and impose its military ferocity, control and exploitation of mineral resources and its ruthless political dictatorship with the establishment of puppet governments. This when we all know that in reality the capitalist and imperialist social regimes are the most ferocious that human history has known in his tortured historical journey.
In the Mediterranean area, Libya, ruled by an economic, political and social capitalist power through an authoritarian and unpopular power, to whom we oppose politically, is, however, the only country that, despite being a capitalist regime, maintained and defended strenously his autonomy and national independence from interferences and exploitation of Western imperialism, while exploitation and marketing on one’s own of its mineral resources, primarily oil and gas, has enabled the Libyan people to reach a standard of living, albeit modest, superior to all other peoples of the African continent.
American imperialism - even if in the performance, initially preceded by that French one, for having the chance, at the end of the attack, to sit at the table of the division of war chest, but we sincerely hope that the coalition of aggressors is defeated by the resistance and counterattack of the Libyan people and that to France, like to England and the other assailants States that blood-stained war chest sticks in the throat and that may be the end of the despotic power of President Sarkozy - took advantage, using them, of the right popular uprisings that in recent months there have been in several countries of Mediterranean area of Africa to demand the improvement of prohibitive conditions of social life to enhance its political and economic control over those countries, where, unfortunately, the prospect of a proletarian socialist revolution is very far to be realized, due to the lack of class consciousness among workers and the absence of a strong Marxist-Leninist Communist Party.
When the same imperialism realized that on Libya was not occurring the same thing to have the opportunity to overcome the independence and establish, there, an own puppet government to appropriate the natural resources extensively present in that country – we have to note that if in the United States of America the average standard of living is higher than in other peoples, including that Italian one, is because its so-called democratic and republican governments conduct from time immemorial an economic policy of robbery of the nations, attacked, occupied militarily and inhumanly exploited - then has set in motion a hellish propaganda machine, endowed and armed hosts of popular instigators, who miserably and unconsciously are waving the flags of an old and anachronistic monarch, has infiltrated among the instigators spies and military instructors to get to occupy the country, if anything without having recourse to the armed attack from outside, and casting down the legitimate government elected by the people.
When the reactionary governments of the United States, France, England, Canada and other Arab countries, to which is readily and shamelessly joined the Italian reactionary government with the wretched consensus of the bourgeois left and even of childish organizations of the fake communist left, realized they were missing the opportunity to get their robber and murderous hands on Libya, then using the organizations of world imperialism, like the UN and NATO, have decided to attack it militarily to subdue any resistance and force her to give up. But the Libyan people, in his vast majority, is readily side with his legitimate government, is disposed to defend their military bases and decided to continue the battle to repulse in the sea the istigators of imperialism and internal traitors. The Berlusconi government, with the horrifying full supprort of the Democrat Party, which did the same odious thing for the attack and massacres in the former Yugoslavia, and of other political forces, decided to support the attack on Libya, whose huge costs will fall all and massively on the Italian working people: once again taxes to the people and the possible economic benefits to the capitalists, as occurred for Iraq and Afghanistan: what a shame!.
A few hours after the beginning of bombing against the Libyan people there are already dreadful destructions, hundreds of dead and wounded among the civilian population. It is a new bloodbath caused by the domination of capitalism and imperialism over the world.
The Union of African States and the Arab League did right, in the last hours, to distance themselves from the current attack. Ridiculous are proving China and the capitalist and imperialist Russia that first abstained on the vote to the interventionist resolution, giving up seriously and guiltily to exercise the veto to stop the war and now they claim that the military attack has already gone beyond the mandate received by the UN.
In this tragic moment for the future of human civilization in Mediterranean Sea and for the fate of peoples struggling against military attacks, wars of extermination and for the destruction of capitalism and imperialism, from whose ashes will have to arise a new and higher civilization of socialism first and communism after, Italian Marxist-Leninist Communist Party make a heartfelt appeal to all coherent communists, the working class, the progressives and to the entire democratic anti-imperialist democratic world to mobilize and take to the streets to support the heroic battle that the Libyan people are fighting in these hours. The killers are not the defenders of the independence of Libya, as the hired supporters of imperialism propagandize, but the governments and all political and pseudo-intellectual forces that support the attack.
We address an appeal to all the Marxist-Leninist organizations existing in Italy and in other countries to establish urgently an United Antimperialist Front to organize and lead a strong political struggle against the umpteenth and shameful military aggression of imperialism on a sovereign country. Our Party is ready to join this Front and proposes an immediate meeting for its establishment. In this tragic time for the Libyan nation, PCIM-L. is side with Libyan people to defeat the imperialist aggressor, and to continue the class struggle toward socialism.
Island of Ischia, March 20, 2011.
Domenico Savio, Secretary General of the P.C.I.M-L.

It is time and the historical moment suitable to paraphrase the famous appeal of Marx and Engels, "Proletarians of all countries, join together!”, located at the end of the Manifesto of Communist Party in February 1848. It's been 162 years since that event and that wise, decisive and heartfelt prayer is still fully valid and current and we believe that, for the struggle and the achievements of the working class in capitalist society, for the organization and fulfilment of socialist revolutions, to defend the socialist society and the building of that communist one, such call for unity will be always contemporary.
Of course the two great Masters of the international proletariat called first of all for the unity, the class struggle and the revolutionary action of the vanguard of the working class and its most advanced unit, constituted by the Communist Party, name to which we add the attribute of Marxist-Leninist to join their great work also that one of Lenin and which together form the huge scientific, communist and revolutionary building of Marxism-Leninism designed to change the destiny of Humanity with the construction of communist society.
Such a Party of organization and struggle of the proletariat if still not existing, must be quickly rebuilt in every country of Earth, apart from rebuilding an International communist organization, similar to the Third International, which unites and coordinates the activity of the communist Parties of many countries.
After the sudden, unexpected and wicked disappearance of the Soviet Union and the entire socialist world created in the twentieth century, after the tragic death of Communist Parties born and forged by the action of Third International and after capitalism and imperialism have returned to dominate unchallenged the entire Planet, there is the need to reconstruct large and coherent Revolutionary Communist Parties, namely Bolshevik Parties, in all countries, because without such an organized, propulsive and indicative force the national and international working class will never be able to gain and defend the socialism from the attack of the bourgeoisie, of revisionism, movement, pacifism, anarchism, extremism, opportunism and social selfishness and until to the building of communism.
Today, reading papers and announcements of national communist organizations and of their periodic international meetings, but generally of not Marxist-Leninist kind, we notice a lot of ideological, political, tactical and strategic confusion to be left stunned, while the coherent and not many consistent Marxist-Leninist Parties, have huge difficult to grow and take root in the workplace and in the territory, difficulties arising from the deviant propaganda of reformism and revisionism and from the supremacy that the bourgeois and clerical culture constantly exercises over the working and popular masses through the possession and control of the media and training of public opinion.
For example on many newspapers, websites and blogs, on Facebook and other we read in these days, with pounding rhythm, continuous appeals of organizations, qualified as communist, for transforming the current struggles of social despair on possibility to constitute popular governments, as beginning of the construction of socialist societies jumping the phase, necessary and determining, of the reconstruction of a strong and coherent revolutionary communist Party and of the revolutionary conquest of power, phase, which only can enable the working class to conquer the power, to defeat the State and capitalist power, to abolish the private ownership of means of production, to collectivize the social activities, to establish the dictatorship, namely power, of the proletariat and to initiate the construction of socialist society. It is about serious ideological and political disbandment that create illusions and that muddle up the working class, that cause a serious damage to the struggle for the perspective of Socialism and that, consequently, end to favour the survival of class enemy. It is a political action that is outside of Marxism-Leninism and of any serious analysis and revolutionary perspective for socialism.
To think that the struggle of Fiom in Italy and the forms, even desperate, of working and student protest, that however don’t have consciousness and class, revolutionary organization, developed in many places of the country might lead to the defeat of the economic, political and social capitalist power in our country, is pure insanity, inability of a correct and scientific analysis of the situation and of forces deployed who are facing each other and it is a serious deviation from the principles of Marxism-Leninism. In Italy the democratic revolution has already happened in the period 1943-1946 with the Resistance, the War of Liberation, the Constituent Assembly and the Republican and Anti-fascist Constitution, now we have to pass to the Republic and socialist Constitution and this is possible only with the presence and the revolutionary, political action of a big class and revolutionary Party, namely Marxist-Leninist. To such path there can be no possible option and short cut.
The same analysis and same considerations are applied to the working and student struggle movements that turn on and unfailingly extinguished in Spain, France, England and in other sides of European Community.
Different is the historical and political situation of the huge working, student and popular struggles that in these days are occurring in the countries of North Africa and Middle East,
such as Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt, Yemen, etc., but here there have never been a true democratic revolution, and today their populations, led by the leaders of the progressive bourgeoisie and the most disenfranchised members of the working class and even those socially most desperate, attempt to achieve it and we Communists of those countries and of all the nations of the Earth we must support it by all possible means, working, at the same time, so that can be followed soon by the socialist revolution to gain the political power to the working class. Unfortunately, even in these countries, there is not yet a strong Marxist-Leninist Party and the time of socialist revolution is postponed until more favourable times.
Nowadays those who want to contribute really to escape from capitalism and to arrive at socialism must get possession again of the Marxist-Leninist strategy doctrine and tactics, must return to drink the principles of Marxism-Leninism, must go back to the source of thought and work of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin, must distance oneself decisively from all forms of deviation from the principles of Marxism-Leninism, must take the path of militancy and political activity in the true Party of proletarian revolution and Socialism, actually existing in Italy, and that is the still little but already glorious Italian Marxist-Leninist Communist Party. Such choice is essential for contributing to build the perspective of socialism in our country. Without own Party of Bolshevik kind the proletariat has no perspective of redemption and liberation. That's why we must start again from the Party in order to advance towards the proletarian revolution and socialist society. This is what happened in Russia at the beginning of last century with Lenin and Stalin to get to the victorious and memorable October Revolution.
Meanwhile, however, over any real communist hangs the revolutionary duty of the organizational and struggle unity. No communist revolutionary can, and must, remain indifferent to the tragedy of capitalism and imperialism that more and more tragically looms over the world by attacking, subduing and exploiting people. Any progress on this path passes mainly through the unity of coherent communists at national and international level and, essentially, within the coherent Marxist-Leninist Party, existing or to be rebuilt, in each country, as well as in Italy there is already P.C.I.M–L. In the current phase of disgraceful crushing of the national and international communist movement and of proposed start of the process of unification are useful even opportunities to meet and compare with the various organizational and individual realities that refer to Marxism-Leninism to verify the possibility of uniform struggle paths at least on social issues of common political convergence and of struggle.
In this historical moment of extreme difficulty for the activity and the social impact of the Communists and even for the violent counter-offensive of capitalism, imperialism, clericalism of all religious denominations and of the various revisionist components operating in cahoots with our class enemies, we believe that the convergence on common goals of those who inspire their action the Marxism-Leninism, is urgent and necessary. Hence the umpteenth appeal of P:C:I:M-L. to strengthen the Party of proletarian revolution and socialism in Italy and to put any effort and initiative to favour the unity of all Marxist-Leninist communists. Anyone must forget any sectarian position and must work for the unity, of course, never forgetting the admonition of Lenin that before joining anyone must delimit oneself from the revisionist and opportunist positions.
This is the position and policy of P.C.I.M-L. in the current situation of class struggle, we wait for knowing that one of those who take care about the prospect of socialism and, basically, we appeal to all the individual Marxist-Leninists and all emancipated workers to join us in the difficult struggle for the unity, rescue and advance towards the new and superior socialist society of the working and communist movement of our country.
Forio (Napoli), January 30, 2011.
The Central Committee of P.C.I.M-L.
Secretary-General Domenico Savio
.Comrades and workers all, to free ourselves from the chains of social slavery, the tragedy of unemployment and the precariousness of employment, the exploitation of our work, the poverty of individuals and families, the individual and social suffering, the drama of people arising from the expansion imperialist wars, subjugation and exploitation, the deaths for starvation, diseases and on the workplaces and from the inequalities imposed us by the damned,,savage and inhuman capitalist social system, let us wish a 2011 of revolutionary struggles for the conquest of socialism. Let us find the courage to break the thousand-year chains of the damned master race that cling and crush us since nearly 5,000 years of history: let us resume to advance along the main way of glorious October 1917!
2010 was the umpteenth year of passion for the working and intellective class of the capitalist countries, a passion that survives tragically for thousand of years causing suffering and death in every corner of the Earth and without finding the strength by the part of wretches to stand up, unite, rebel and free themselves from so much violence of the master social system.
Yet, unlike about two centuries ago, today, the proletariat of the world has the scientific tools of Marxism-Leninism to be able to do, it would be enough that held head and back up and activated the mind to grasp and follow the road of liberation and social redemption.
If this still does not happen is not only fault of the class enemy, but also for selfishness and laziness that contract the consciousness of the exploited by masters and churches.
However, it would be enough a bit of good will to reflect on the material causes of their desperate social conditions of life and to become aware of the real possibility to emancipate themselves and to engage in the struggle for human and social redemption.
It is not difficult to acquire a capacity of critical and rational analysis about the situation to avoid the mud, calumnies and lies concerned that the masters and the priests pour on the culture and communist perspective to divert the laboring and popular masses from such target and this to favor the survival of their social system, founded on wealth and privileges of the exploiting minority.
It has been a year of real social butcher, put in place by capitalist governments and parliaments and by national and multinational master class that have demolished most of the rights acquired by workers with hard struggles in the past decades. But the workers, hardly hit in their most basic needs of life, did not have the political and union capacity to oppose and rebel with revolutionary impetus, in terms of class, against the aggressor enemy of center-right and center-left, to steal from deception, mediations, proceedings and betrayals of the political and union left, so called reformist, democratic and social democratic and to fight, for the present and future, under the glorious and victorious banners of Marxism-Leninism and of the class trade union, they are still stunned and disarmed for thousands of years of lies, oppression, historical ignorance, selfishness, opportunism and individualism that still fail to understand that without destroying capitalism and building socialism there is no hope of redemption, social liberation and dignified existence.
The picture that emerges is literally disastrous. The master class has quickly realized the political and union weakness of the national and international working movement and took advantage immediately to cancel any past corporate and social conquest of business world. It has unscrupulously changed the organization of work increasing the exploitation, has transferred the production between different countries and continents equalizing the salary to the lowest one of the countries, from an union, political and social standpoint underdeveloped and changing arbitrarily and authoritatively, with the complicity of the trade unions and of political Parties of capitalist regime, the past national, collective and corporate bargaining creating a true social desert, where the working class, for class inability and need of maintenance, was literally placed in the claws of rapacious master.
We are in an absolute squalor, where the class struggle, the only one that can really frighten the masters and their political power of center-right and center-right is miserably humiliated by a student movement entirely within the dominant system, by young people without perspective of job, unable to claim and build a society better and higher than the present one, by intellectual temporary workers who know only to climb on the roof of the faculties, by the struggling earthquake victims who to get out of the tragedy of the earthquake do not know how to go beyond the protest movement and by many other struggling movement and populist realities destined to be defeated and to disappear in a few weeks, months or years.
It are all forms of struggle devoid of organization and class perspective and, therefore, destined to disappear and not impress at all the class opponent.
It is an endless sadness having to witness this unworthy spectacle compared to the class and revolutionary experience of Paris Commune, the October Socialist Revolution, the building of the Soviet Union, the victory over Nazism and Fascism, the national and European antinazi-fascist Resistance and of many other heroic and glorious moments of union and political class struggle to improve constantly the conditions of daily life and for the achievement of socialism, but us coherent and sincere Communists, us Marxist-Leninists, us workers, women and men equal and united by the same courage and determination and deployed in combat on the same fence, us avant-garde intellectuals and us students in struggle first of all for building the new socialist society, all of us who followe our analysis, strategy of struggle and prospective the undying thought and work of our great Masters of the international proletariat Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin, we are not influenced by the difficult, disarming and dissuading time, by muddy sea of misunderstandings and even infamy and lies that surround and throw us, we keep on our main way of educators and fighters for the socialist future and we are scientifically certain that capitalism, like previous social systems, is not eternal and that soon will enter into crisis and will implode, even under the subjective pressure of the working people desperate and condemned by the capital to a life of increasing hardships.
It’s January 1, 2001 today, it is the dawn of a new year of our life and of the disastrous era of the capitalist system, for the greedy master race will be another year of wealth, privilege and wastes, while for workers of the arm and mind, employed, unemployed and pensioners will be the umpteenth another of sacrifices, poverty, deprivations and absolute lack of certainty for a dignified existence.
The unemployment, job insecurity, uncertainty for young people, the cost of living, taxes and tariffs of social services, health and pharmacology care, fees, and school performances, the backwardness of South Italy, the political and institutional corruption, the robbery of capital over labor, goods and financial market, the Camorra and mafia violence, racism, hatred for immigrants and homosexuals, and so on, all this will continue to increase. This indecent and inhuman social situation survives since human society has been wickedly divided into opposing classes and conflicting among them and will continue to remain so until the death of capitalism and the birth of socialism.
Therefore all our intellective and physical energies must be mobilized and committed for territorial expansion and growth of National Marxist-Leninist Communist Parties and for their foundation in the countries that are still lacking, because the end of capitalism, in the individual nations, can occur only with the presence and the class struggle of a strong, coherent and determined revolutionary Marxist-Leninist Communist Party. There is no other alternative or way by covering to get out of capitalism and enter in socialism, all other reformist, revisionist, social democratic ways are internal circulars that are born and die within the capitalistic system by false Communist knaves. The resumption of the journey towards socialism and the victory of socialist revolution inevitably pass through the ideal, cultural and political defeat of the current and widespread Trotskyism and revisionism, without destroying these two historical evils of socialist cause will not even be possible the triumph of socialism over capitalism. In the year that begins today let us not spare in the fight to the death against reformism, revisionism, Trotskyism, economism and opportunism, against these evils let us continue the clarifying and destructive work of our four great Masters, in Italy let us enter to be an active member and work in the Italian Marxist-Leninist Communist Party - the unique Party of Bolshevik nature, as designed, wanted and built by Lenin and Stalin, now existing in our country - and in the Italian Marxist-Leninist Communist Youth Federation. The same thing must happen in other countries.
Secretary-General Domenico Savio
The riots of December 14, 2010 in Rome are unrelated to the class struggle of labor and intellective workers for socialism and even oppose!

Us, Communist Marxist-Leninists, us, workers with the class consciousness of the workshops, camps, services and offices, us, avant-garde intellectuals, us, teachers and students, who fight in the school and in streets for the prospect of socialist revolution and us, unemployed, precarious workers, retirees, housewives and young people without job prospects that suffer the economic restrictions of life and that we see the only alternative in the construction of socialist society, in these years and months of reactionary counter-reforms, crisis and collective misery, we have always and rightly argued that from the economic and social crisis of the capitalist system one can exit only through the path of conquest of the socialist society, more specifically through the destruction of capitalism and the construction of socialism with the tools of dictatorship, that is, of the power, of the proletariat, that will succeed that current bourgeois one, the collectivization of all creative and productive activity with property of all the people of the means of production of social goods. We also said that any struggle for the improvement of the existing living conditions of working and popular people to be effective and achieve concrete results must take place contextually within the more general battle of construction of the socialist revolutionary phase, when the final offensive of the working class for the conquest of political power will become effective.
In the demonstration of December 14, 2010 in Rome against the reactionary school reform presented by the minister Gelmini and against the center-right government led by tycoon Silvio Berlusconi was nothing of the above stated and desired. The event, with its political and social posters, slogans and goals, took place all inside the culture and the social system and of capitalist power, no invocation of socialism and class struggle to achieve it, and no reference to the Communist and revolutionary organization and propaganda. Lacked any form of class consciousness of the proletariat and the most advanced objective was the fall of the center-right government, to be replaced with one of center-left, but equally capitalist, clerical and anti-communist. The real problem is that in this event, such as in many other earlier and later, lacked the consciousness of class, naturally we are referring to the children of working families of the arm and mind, and of its historical task of having to liberate from the thousand-year chains of master exploitation, lacked the avant-garde intellectuals and completely lacked the consciousness of the working class, that is struggling against the master dictatorship, it was a struggle that took place within a petty-bourgeois, protester, libertarian, democratic, rebellious, anarchic and populist culture of regime: the ultimate goal of the participants was not even the conquest of a school truly and completely alternative to that present one, that can be conquered only with socialism, but only some rights compatible with the bourgeois and clerical teaching and a capitalist government more tolerant and respectful of the rights and bourgeois democratic gains.
So for the government of capitals was easy to pass the counter-reform in the both houses of parliament, in spite of the organization and the bourgeois and clerical consciousness of student movement, while his arrogant leaders of the Democratic Party and the false Communist Parties, revisionists and opportunists, would do better to hide themselves for shame.

The Communists in the struggles of the proletariat
Here it is appropriate to recall the need represented us by the Masters of Marxism-Leninism, for the Communists to be, to fight and to carry out political activities wherever there are workers and the masses in struggle, either in trade unions and in civil society. This need as principle is strategically and tactically incontrovertible to approach workers to our political ideas and to our struggle for socialism and to help them to form a class consciousness. But this fundamental requirement must be compared and articulate also to the historical context in which the forces in conflict are moving and how real result can give for the enrichment of the class struggle for socialism. In the second half of the nineteenth century and early decades of the twentieth century the working and social struggle took place in a greater context of class, where the adversary was common, that is, the masters and their political power, and also the prospective, namely the struggle to the capitalist system and the prospective of socialism. In the historical period that we are living the situation is diametrically opposite, in the sense that the struggles and demonstrations are organized mainly by trade unions, political Parties and student movements of bourgeois, capitalist nature and perspective. To adhere to the initiatives of these forces opposite and enemy of the working class and socialist perspective means, in the eyes of the masses, even justify them and support them in their anti-worker and anti-people policy.
What significance of class has the participation of a coherent youth communist organization or of Party in a trade union demonstration called by the CGIL, CISL, UIL and UGL or political sponsored by the center-right, from Democratic Party, Italy of Values, the populist, anti-communist movement of Peppe Grillo and even from the false communist Parties that aim at profiting by the parliamentary and institutional privileges that the bourgeoisie makes them available rather than fighting against capitalism and for socialism, and when such events are strictly supervised and conducted by the organizers and the aggregates do not have even the opportunity to speak at the concluding rally? No meaning of class and no use for claiming and defending the rights and present, future needs of life of the toiling and popular masses. This when, on the contrary, there is need in the struggle of class distinction and objectives to be achieved, there is need that the proletariat run the road of political and revolutionary autonomy compared to the class enemy and we must work for the unit of all struggling forces coherent with the current and perspective class objectives and this also to fight better and more easily defeat the enemies inside and outside the labor and Communist movement. The workers have nothing to gain from trade union policies of conciliation and compromise between labor and capital and from the bourgeois and system policies of the center-left and from that left that only for electoral opportunism defines itself Communist and blatantly uses the heroic symbols of the Communist struggle for socialism.

Organization and proletarian class struggle
Another key issue of class struggle on which we must consider are the forms of struggle and its political leadership. The rich experience of the class struggle of the communist and working movement gained in nearly two centuries of history teaches us, even drawing from the thought and work of our four great Masters of the international proletariat Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin, that the movement, populism, anarchism, revolutionary, the protest, pacifism and extremism don’t serve to raise the class consciousness among the masses and do not approach the time of the conquest of political power by the working class. This mixture of cultures and petty-bourgeois political positions was present and dominated the execution of the demonstration on 14 December in Rome and those held previously, starting from the student movement of '68, and those ones on next few days.
For us coherent Communists the guide of the class struggle can only arise from the presence and activity of a strong Revolutionary Marxist-Leninist Communist Party, everything else is expression and will of the capitalist, economic and political power and such guide and meaning has had the demonstration in Rome, which was not promoted by no true Communist Party and did not have no leadership and class and revolutionary perspective. There was only the protest movement, grew up around the laudable waste struggle in Campania, that one of L'Aquila and that student one, this latter from '68 to date – that acted under different names, most recently “wave” or under the banners of the “Purple people” - has exploded only on flashes in the pan and has accumulated only losses just because did have not class perspective and nature and was basically anti-Communist. Such a movement does not frighten or impress the capitalist political power, just because does not call into question nor even fights it.
We must, necessarily, also pause over the issue of various forms of struggle to be taken at different stages of class struggle. We must say at once that what we are living, unfortunately is not a revolutionary phase of the class struggle, mainly because in the organization, in the leader groups and the components of the movements of struggle that we know, lacks the Marxist-Leninist Revolutionary theory and we know that without a revolutionary theory there can be neither revolutionary struggle. The revolutionary phase must be built with the organizational and political tools of the national and international communist movement, starting from the presence of a true Revolutionary Marxist-Leninist Communist Party, which has the task of organization and guide of the revolutionary struggle: without their class organization the proletariat can not be hegemonic class, can not aspire to achieve their political power and can not go anywhere.
In Italy to carry out this important historic task there is the Italian Marxist-Leninist Communist Party (P.C.I.M-L.), but it has yet to grow, to branch out throughout the country and have the consent and organizational struggle support of the majority of the Italian working class. The drama of the stage we are experiencing is that workers, in nearly all, are deprived of their class consciousness, they are still not class for itself, that is, they live and struggle for their social class, but are simply, as wrote Marx, class in itself, or better they remain harmless slaves of the master class and of its political power. It is a working class that suffers the constraints of bourgeois and clerical culture and media, of bourgeois and master trade unionism, of revisionism and reformism of regime and that does not have the intellectual capacity to understand and respond to these existential disasters for the business world.

The forms of class struggle of the proletariat
Among the main forms of class struggle tested and adopted by the national and international, labor communist movement we remind the union strike for groups, territorial, corporate or general, the general political or territorial strike, the various forms of insubordination against the exploiter and repressive master, including the white strike, occupation and self-management of factories, the street demonstrations and other forms of struggle to meet specific organizational aspects of industrial, agricultural and trade production or to specific times of political, national, regional and local struggle.
After we had forms of struggle of the proletariat more specifically political, such as the general political strike, the antifascist struggle, where that communist one has been and remains also an anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist struggle, the Antinazi-fascist Resistance, the War of national Liberation, the national uprising proclaimed by the National Liberation Committee in 1945 and determined political struggle against reactionary governments like those who in 1960 decided the fall of the Christian Democrat Tambroni government, supported by the Fascist Italian Social Movement.
In all these battles and roughly until the late '60s, promoter and absolute protagonist was the former Italian Communist Party, although since 1944, with the turn of Togliatti in Salerno, the Party, founded in Livorno on January 21, 1921 in the context of the Third Communist International, had taken the road of revisionism and self-destruction, which occurred regularly and shamefully on February 3, 1991. Yet the participation of the Marxist-Leninist Revolutionary Communist Party in the bourgeois, parliamentary and local elections is a form of class struggle, iron provided, however, that the Party and elected members don’t go into bourgeois institutions to manage the system that must break down, as make the false communist Parties existing in Italy and abroad and their elected representatives in bourgeois institutions, but to lead and conduct the class struggle even within the institutional and political power of our class enemy in order to approach the destruction.
At this point it is appropriate to say now that the armed struggle of the Red Brigades and that one of other similar formations, occurred in the past decades, which, among other things, started from a deeply flawed political analysis of the social situation and showed fearful and disastrous limits of knowledge of the strategy of Marxism-Leninism, is of sectarian and extremist nature and, therefore, totally unrelated to the organized, political and strategic character of the Marxist-Leninist, class revolutionary Party, and thus plays a bourgeois and anticommunist function causing serious consequences also in terms of restricting usability democratic, to the political activity of the Party of the working class. The socialist revolution is not made with the sectarian, group, extremist, in the mean that Lenin attributed to this definition, and adventurous armed struggle, but with a great working and popular consensus to be built around the Revolutionary Socialist Party, consent that the Party of all the proletariat will use at the right time to overthrow capitalism and build socialism and will be made suffering less possible damages.
The victory of the socialist revolution is never dependent upon individual initiatives or at most of group, but from collective actions, represented, coordinated and led by the Communist Party of the working class. For us Communists Marxist-Leninist the organizational and operative reference of class struggle for the construction of socialist society is only the Bolshevik Communist Party, as well as in its time was wanted and created by Lenin and Stalin, even because it was the only type of political organization of the working class that has made victoriously the socialist revolution, that is, that glorious one of October 1917.
In the political struggle if the enemy is not examined with scientific instruments of Marxism-Leninism and the class struggle is not planned and directed towards certain and consolidate aims, then the struggle movement is in a phase of confusion and disbandment so much loved by the bourgeois and clerical class, because means that it must not worry, even because to defend its interests there are already, paid by workers, the armed forces of its institutional and constitutional State.

The Socialist Revolution Party absolutely does not send its troops to certain defeat
The working class does have not interest in sending to certain defeat its organization, its militants and their political allies of the moment. The Revolutionary Communist Party is concerned above all to avoid the struggling proletariat of all social groups, including students of all levels, is affected by police violence, injuries and even deaths, complaints, trials, convictions, and years in prison.
Of course along the hard and difficult path of class struggle and through the arduous path toward socialist revolution and the conquest of political power to the proletariat may also be necessary stronger and determining forms of struggle for the aim to be achieved, but it can be studied, decided, initiated and controlled only by the Communist Party of the revolution that, however, must always bear in mind the need to suffer less possible damage to their avant-garde. The riots of December 14, 2010 in Rome at most could achieve the miserable result of replacing Berlusconi with Bersani or whoever, that are two identical faces of the same coin in the management of capitalism and imperialism in Italy, in the responsibility of unemployment, job insecurity, of taxes made to pay to the working class and not to the capitalists in the appropriate form, of abandonment and backwardness of the South of Italy, the privatization of the school, of significant areas of public health, local services and even of water - all for giving to the national and international capitalism invaded in our country the possibility of being able to enrich even on these social activities -, the lack of prospects for young people, the escape, for despair, of our best scientific and artistic minds, the progressive impoverishment of workers and pensioners, and so on.
Therefore, in order to change the political situation in Italy, in Rome there were injuries, convicted and useless imprisoned and for serious political irresponsibility of the organizers, students or young adults, and of their youth organizations. The possibility of infiltrators of right is real, but even here it is not possible to face them sending to certain defeat young and inexperienced students. The Party of the working class is concerned to engage their militants in the ideological and political work in factories, fields, offices, services and school instead of having condemned and imprisoned them by the bourgeois judiciary apparatus. In any case, the historical experience of the communist movement has taught us that any order of actions of comparison with the defensive apparatus of the bourgeois State or of popular uprising to get a good chance of victory can only be given by the Party of socialist revolution and by no other political identity.

The clashes in Roma and their consequences
After above mentioned it is possible to give a concrete opinion, from the Communist standpoint about the demonstration on December 14, 2010 in Rome, and this is applied also to all others demonstration of this kind that in recent years and decades have been organized or participated by the so-called student movement, events often promoted also with other social forces on issues more specifically regional, like the earthquake of L'Aquila, the waste issue in Campania, the imperialist militarization of Vicenza and the No TAV in Piedmont. We Immediately point out that the reasons for the resounding defeats of the student movement from '68 to now are all due solely to its bourgeois and simply protest, movement, pacifist and anarchist nature and devoid of values and class content, ie, aloof from an organization as that one of the conscious working class, in short, a form of struggle in itself without elements of revolutionary upheaval compared to the ruling regime.
It is an inter-class movement influenced by the bourgeois, clerical and capitalist culture, unable to go further and that at most expands its horizon towards the center-left and the falsely Communist aggregations, as those ones of “Sinistra, Ambiente e Libertà”(Left, Environment and Freedom) of “Federazione della Sinistra”(Left Federation) or other revisionist and trotskist organizations, similar to the “Partito Comunista dei Lavoratori” (Communist Workers' Party). It is about a colorful and folkloric aggregation that ignores and even opposes to Marxism-Leninism and the class struggle for socialism, which does not call into question the capitalist and clerical system that governs us and that, if anything, on an individual level aspires to a good social position, after graduation or degree, as did so many false and deceptive leaders of the '68 and even of the extremist Red Brigades.
With such training and beliefs even the current student movement is doomed to defeat and disappearance, because another is the way of the gain of a non-denominational school, based on historical and scientific knowledge, the liberation of man from primitive beliefs and dignity of human existence.
We often listen many reckless parents saying: "but what do you want from these young people?" We do not want anything special, just that they were winning players in the current class struggle within the school, aware that the clerical school of capitalist society will be never able, because it does not want to give them a chance of study and dignified life and of meeting their expectations.
To these parents we say to empower themselves early from the standpoint of a socialist perspective in order to emancipate their children too, given that the school, the State and the bourgeois political power have no interest in doing, indeed they do anything, as in past centuries, so that the today's students are flesh by subduing and exploiting tomorrow in the various social and productive activities both manual and intellective. The same parents of the working-class would do better to educate their children to the class struggle and the principles of Marxism-Leninism.
We have already said that for this purpose in Italy there is the Italian Marxist-Leninist Communist Youth Federation, to which one can join and to be an active member.

In Rome the umpteenth student demonstration of regime
The demonstration of Saturday, December 14, 2010 in Rome against Berlusconi's government and minister Gelmini, lacked a conscience and a class, revolutionary guide, it was the usual bustle and movement action of various components that recognize and act in such political area, was formed by bourgeois, well off and prim young people, libertarians, anarchists, radicals, peace activists, democrats, reformists, revisionists, social democrats, anti-Communists, and so on, while the sons of redundant and temporary workers did not differ from others in culture, education, contents and form of struggle: certainly there were not the coherent Marxist-Leninist Communist young nor those who also fought and seriously for the prospective of socialism.
Those who were defined by someone violent infiltrators were nothing more than the obvious consequence of the type of initiative and the long subversive arm of violent bourgeois power, which remained concretely and in the behaviors fascist in spite of the Resistance and Liberation, and because previously has not been eradicated at the root, as should have been and if it did not occur is also for responsibility of that Italian Communist Party that now already advanced on the road of inter-class and proclaimed Italian revisionist way to socialism. Nothing is served, and we clearly knew in advance, the spilled blood, the wounded, the got beating, the arrested, prosecuted, condemned and incarcerated. Even here, prevailed the extremist petty-bourgeois madness of centre of attention and stupid self-exhibition and self-exaltation, a suicide practice foreign to the class struggle of the communists and workers holders of awareness of its class.
Some young students in capacity of mediator spokesmen of that "battle", readily used by public and private media of regime, have sought to justify that kind of protest, saying, "but they does not hear us, we protest for two years". They, from their complacency and bourgeois inability, thought was sufficient to continue in the usual student demonstrations of regime to change the capitalist nature of class of the current Italian school.
Poor deluded, who have not yet had the insight to understand that the Italian school, as the judiciary, the defense police apparatus of the State and of the bourgeois dictatorship, the existing legislative system, the institutions and the State, is simply a superstructure of the economic, social and political capitalist system and that without challenging and defeating this order is not even conceivable to build a different educational system, which moves from guaranteeing the free right to study to all and up to the highest levels, whatever the economic conditions of the families. Such conquest of civilization and human dignity of Italian society, like all other capitalist societies, is possible to achieve only by breaking down the capitalist social order, only with the socialist revolution, only gaining the political power to the working and intellectual class and only building the socialist society, as occurred in the glorious Soviet Union and around the world of realized socialism in the twentieth century after the memorable October Revolution. And no socialist revolution is possible without first building the great class and revolutionary communist Party that will prepare and achieve such revolution.

The call to fight for strengthening the P.C.I.M-L. and preparing the socialist revolution
So, young Italian students of all levels, if you want to be worthy and proud of your struggle and leave a positive memory to future generations you have to share the study of texts of Marxism-Leninism, starting from "Manifesto of Communist Party" by Marx and Engels, followed by "State and Revolution" by Lenin, "Dialectical materialism and historical materialism" by Stalin and with all the other venerable texts of Marxism-Leninism, you have to acquire a class consciousness of the proletariat, you must join, be an active member, and carry out political activity first in the youth organization and then in the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party – we repeat that for such commitment in Italy there are the Italian Marxist-Leninist Communist Youth Federation (F.G.C.IM-L.) and the Italian Marxist Leninist Communist Party (P.C.I.M-L.) - you have to follow faithfully the political line decided by your Party, you must strictly follow the directives of your political Organization, you have to execute activity of proselytism among young people, workers of all categories and in all social activities, you must be able to challenge the lies, the historical falsifications and anticommunist propaganda of our class enemies, you must be proudly Stalinist in toughness and firmness of the confrontation with the enemies of class and in the determination of building the socialist society and, more, you must be proud of your political and ideal membership.
This is the road by following, in the name of immortal thought and work of our four great Masters of the international proletariat Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin, to free us historically from exploitation and from social, master, clerical slavery, to save the Planet from environmental catastrophe, consequence of the capitalist, imperialist, predatory and irrational exploitation of the mining and plant resources on Earth, and to build a new and superior society, first socialist and then communist, that is, the society of equality, altruism and human brotherhood. Out of this perspective there is no future for Humanity, which risks of becoming extinct by the greed of capital.
Forio (Napoli), 28 December 2010.
The National Secretariat of the P.C.I.M-L.
Secretary-General Domenico Savio
tary-General Domenico Savio
1945-25 April - 2010 65th anniversary of the Liberation of Italy from Nazi-Fascist occupation.
by Domenico Savio *
The recurrence of the 65th anniversary of the Liberation of our country from the fascist dictatorship and Nazi occupation imposes to the Italian working and communist movement an important reflection on the reasons that led to tarnishing in the consciousness of the prevailing part of the masses - and, unfortunately, also in a valid part of the intellective and working class and in its avant-garde - of that heroical heritage of organization and anti-fascist struggle, of resistance and liberation from the most ruthless and inhumane political and economic dictatorship of the Italian and German capitalism and of its fierce imperialism of military, territorial and economic expansion.
The reasons of the current defeat must be found mainly in the revisionist choices of the leaders of communist and working movement starting from then: the wicked turn, so called, of Salerno of Palmiro Togliatti and of the whole leader group of the Party, which puts an end to the class and revolutionary nature Party of Communist Party of Italy to give a revisionist and reformist mark to the new Italian Communist Party, a turn that renounces to give a revolutionary outlet to the partisan struggle for gaining the political power to the working class in that determined historical moment in our country being satisfied with a bourgeois Constitution and a reformist process inside the capitalist system, the leaders of PCI and sister-CGIL have progressively abandoned the class struggle to practice that collaboratotionst one with national capitalism and imperialism. Palmiro Togliatti Luigi Longo, Enrico Berlinguer, Alessandro Natta and Achille Occhetto, Secretaries-General of former PCI with their leader groups, Giuseppe Di Vittorio, Agostino Novella, Luciano Lama, Antonio Pizzinato, Bruno Trentin, Sergio Cofferati and Guglielmo Epifani, Secretary General of CGIL with their confederal staffs, form the rank of political and trade leaders that increasingly have made bourgeois the Italian working and communist movement delivering shamefully it in the hands of the capitalist economic and political power, were the traitors and renegades of the ideals and the dead of Resistance and of heroic struggles of workers, such those ones, for example, of Portella delle Ginestre in Sicily in 1947 and of the riots of Reggio Emilia on 1960: shame for these characters that helped on sullying the heroic memory of the martyrs of the Italian proletariat. It has been a process of bourgeois, capitalist and clerical transformation lasted until the present days, where the former PCI has become a Party of defense and management of the barbaric capitalist society against the interests of class of workers and masses and the CGIL a collaborationist trade union of the business of the national and multinational master class in opposing to real needs and expectations of life of the Italian and inmigrating working masses. It is very sad to note as the vanguard of Italian working, communist movement not only has not been able to stop the bourgeois transformation of the leader groups of PCI and CGIL but has become itself accomplice for opportunism, careerism and enjoyment of the privileges that the capitalist State has been able to put slyly at his disposal and here is an only ugly example: the execrable privileges assigned to the 'labor aristocracy' in the workplaces! Shame on shame, betrayal on betrayal until reaching the current tragic situation. Little by little this scandalous process of ideological and political review of the so-called Italian historical Left has advanced progressively emptying of the class contents the struggle of workers, on the other hand the economic, political and trade union master forces, through the political and institutional bourgeois power, the plans and compromises in negotiations with trade unions, have managed to recover - in terms of national, regional and corporate contractual achievements and of those social ones of workers - everything had been forced to grant under the hard pressure of the working and intellectual struggles, until to present days when the working class by now is without political and trade union defenses of class and lives a dramatic situation of unemployment, insecurity and speading powerty. It has been a process of easing of the ideal and political tension of the Antifascist struggle, the Resistance and the Liberation which allowed the fascist culture and political power to raise his head, to clear, how often is custom to say, and put ignobly on the same level the sacrifice of life of the martyrs of Antifascism, Resistance and the Liberation War with that Fascist, Nazi and Racist one of the petty republicans of Salò. Today, unfortunately, Italy is once again ruled by the fascists of the former Italian Social Movement, heir of the notorious Fascist National Party of Mussolini's memory, by presidentialist populism of Berlusconi and by new racism, that is no less inhumane and violent than that one of Fascist period, and separatism of Lega Nord (Northern League). The achievements of cultural, civil and social emancipation, of popular masses throughout history are never definitive - as amply demonstrated the defeat, albeit temporary, of Socialism, made in the twentieth century, the end, in Italy, of the driving force of Resistance and War of Liberation and the trade union and social achievements made with the Italian working class struggle in the first decades folowing the end of World War II – these achievements, to survive, must constantly be defended and extended, otherwise the opponent of class, namely the capitalist economic and state power, takes back slowly, as occurred in the last decades, or violently, as happened by the fascism after the struggles and achievements of red biennium 1919-1920. The constant defense of the social gains made by the labor movement is much more necessary in the passing among generations, especially in capitalist society where the means of information and training of the collective consciousness are in the hands of capitalists, in addition to the huge obscurantist and conservative influence that Church practises.
In Italy with the bourgeois transformation of political and trade union historical Left and with the passing from a generation to another one, the historical memory of Antifascism, Resistance and of the War of Liberation has gradually weakened, allowing the capitalist political power to marginalize and manipulate those events . But, even with pain, we must develop a further reflection.
The process of ideological and political revision of the historical Left, declined miserably to handle the institutional dirty business of the bourgeois class, has, unfortunately, invested also the national and local leader groups of Partisan National Association of Italy, (ANPI), which politically and almost totally are remained strucked to the chariot of the Democratic Party, the new Party of the national and multinational bourgeoisie, of the false communist Parties of Rifondazione, of Comunisti Italiani and of other revisionist and opportunist aggregations of the institutional Left if, this, manages to enter into elective assemblies In the current, painful situation, the mediate and balanced words of President of Republic Giorgio Napolitano, another former false Communist of the right of PCI, don’t serve to restore dignity to the values of the Unification of Italy or to those ones of the Resistance. The anniversary of April 25 from the events above explained, has been reduced to dull recollection of events also considered and declared extraneous to the present political and social life by the institutional politcal power of right of our country. Already the hard fought Resistance was interclassist and only a courageous and majority component wanted to continue on the path of the achievement of socialism in Italy. Today from the coherent communists and the emancipated workers of the arm and mind is proper to celebrate the heroic deeds of the Resistance keeping alive the historical memory, but its interclass nature, as then, would not serve to direct Italy towards the prospect of socialism. The Resistance of 1943-1945 produced the Republic and bourgeois democratic Constitution and nothing else, even if this constituted an important historic step for continuing the path towards socialism. Currently, to restore dignity of class to the Italian proletariat that kind of Resistance is not enough, or better does not serve to the struggle for socialism, on the contrary it is necessary a new strategy of class struggle that has as its sole objective the conquest of political power to the working class that, with the dictatorship, or power, of the proletariat, will start the construction of socialist society in our country. Currently recalling the Resistance of yesterday does not have meaning outside the class struggle for socialism. From Resistance to Nazi-fascism we must pass to the dismantling of the capitalist economic and political power and to make this new path on December 5, 1999 was founded the Italian Marxist-Leninist Communist Party to help the Italian working class to free itself from the chains of exploitation and master slavery to build his new and higher society first socialist and then communist. As much the workers will devote themselves to the militancy and political work in PCIM-L. in the building of a new society, as many will pay homage to memory of the dead of Resistance and of those who have died heroically in the working struggles of the following decades until this time. We can define the Resistancere of yesterday of the Communists as the first assault on the fortress of Italian capitalism, but now it is necessary to break through and occupy it. Italian Partisans National Association (ANPI), or that part of the most advanced politically of it, may worthily recall the martyrs of the antinazi-fascist Resistance only recovering the ideal, political communist and progressive heritage and devoting it in the class and revolutionary struggle for socialism. We hope that this will happen and soon. Forio (Naples), April 25, 2010. * Secretary General of P.C.I.M-L.

The whole history of Catholic Church is full of sexual perversions, where materialism, that is, the indomitable and winning strength of Mother Nature, prevails and imposes itself on idealism and its concept of faith. The spirit, as negation of matter and material consciousness of human beings, does not serve for stopping the impulses of material life and at the end, over time, knowledge and science will defeat the human ignorance, sustained by idealistic beliefs, of the surrounding real and material world and of every living thing on Earth and Universe.
by Domenico Savio*
We are inspired by the shameful history of pedophilia within the Catholic clergy and the historic practice of sexual orgies consumed for centuries inside religious institutions to refer, briefly and first of all, the supreme thought of Marx and Lenin on the question of religions: "Marx - Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the sentiment of a heartless world, as is the spirit of a spiritless condition. It is the opium of the people. Lenin - Religion is a form of spiritual oppression which everywhere weighs on the masses, crushed by the continuous work for the benefit of others, from need and isolation. The weakness of the exploited classes in the struggle against the exploiters inevitably generates the belief on a better life beyond the grave, as the weakness of the savage in the fight against nature creates the belief in gods, devils, in miracles, etc.. To who spends the whole life in work and in poverty, the religion teaches humility and patience in this life, comforting him with the hope of a heavenly reward. To those who live by the work of others, it teaches the charity in this world, offering them a very cheap justification for their entire existence of exploiters and selling them cheap admission tickets in heavenly bliss. Religion is a kind of spiritual brandy, where the slaves of capital drown their humanity, their demands for a life in some way worthy of man. But the slave who gained awareness of his slavery and has risen to struggle for his emancipation, by half is no longer a slave. The conscious modern worker, educated by big industry factory, taught by town life, rejects with contempt the religious prejudices, leaves heaven available to priests and bourgeois bigots, to gain a better life on this earth. The current proletariat takes the side of socialism, which calls the science to fight against the religious obscurantism and liberates the worker from the belief in a life beyond the grave, organizing him to the effective fight for a better life on earth". Those who draw profit from religious obscurantism and from the slow emancipation of the working masses could, satisfied, to make us to notice that what was written by Lenin has not yet occurred and that never will occur. We answer that the way of the emancipation of mankind is perpetual, relentless, is ongoing and is, however, in full activity and soon it will destroy the primordial and slavery beliefs engendered by the powerful over the class of exploited. The whole history of the ancient temples of monastic virginity, of male and female monkish monasteries, of speakers, confessionals and sacristies of the Catholic Church is dotted with sex scandals, even luxuriant, perverse and tragic, occurred in those secluded and reserved spots and presented blameless to the eyes of the disbelief outside world, so that to make not believe easily to the masses exploited by masters that might be among those thick walls could occur so much deviation and sexual enjoyment. Among the many scandals is enough to refer only four examples of this practice of sexual enjoyment that occurs within the sacred walls of the army of preachers and religious educators to realize about the depth and scope of the natural desire for sex by those who only apparently - and perhaps sometimes too cleverly for having the chance to attend, use and exploit certain special environmental situations- have made a vow of chastity and such bad practice is widely testified even by many popular sayings. The first example is that one of ancient priestess Norma, daughter of the chief of the Druids Oroveso, which at the time of Roman rule in Gaul was the secret lover of the Roman proconsul Pollio, whom she had two children, guarded by faithful nun Clotilde without everyone knowing. After beaming sexual pleasures within the walls of the sacred temple Norma will die burned alive along with Pollio for betrayal of druid people.
From this history was born the opera Norma, by Vincenzo Bellini (1831), the second is that one of sex scandals, of possible incests and murders of the family of Cardinal Rodrigo Borgia, elected Pope Alexander VI in 1492, of which many discussed was the first part of married life of daughter Lucrezia Borgia. Even by these scandalous events was born an opera, just Lucrezia Borgia, by Gaetano Donizetti (1833); the third is the famous Nun of Monza, the feudal and beautiful Marianna de Leyva, who at 16 years, in 1591, entered in the convent of Monza of Santa Margherita with the name of Sister Maria Virginia, where between the years 1600 and 1606, approximately, assuming the office of superior, lived a frenetic sex life with noble Gian Paolo Osio, whose house was adjacent to the monastery, from which had a daughter. The sexual history among them caused also unprecedented violences and deaths of sisters, a shocking hystory that ended with the death sentence against him, while she was sentenced to imprisonment for life on a small walled cell in the notorious retreat of Santa Valeria in Milan, but later, when he was 47years, was forgiven by Cardinal Federigo Borromeo. The whole history of ancient temples and medieval monasteries of monks and nuns is actively involved with cheerful and even tragic hystories, the fourth is the regrettable and very painful history that we are living in these days and that concerns the perversion of pedophilia, practiced without shame and remorses by many priests in the oratories and churches in general and mainly in all western countries of Europe and USA. It is a scandal of immense proportions, which has invested and is sweeping the entire structure of Catholic Church, from the highest hierarchies to the simple priest, a history of easy sexual pleasures by monks and of immense pain for that enormity of boys who have suffered this pain and that are adversely conditioning their entire lives. In the infinite history of sexual abuses over minors within the so-called sacred walls of apparent dignity and defence of human life from conception to death surely there have been diffuse
silence and accomplicity at all levels of the organization of the Catholic Church, from Popes to the lowest ministers of religion. Now the scandal finally is exploded in all its vastness, the leaders of the church try still to minimize it, but by now has become a swollen river that overflows without possibility of containing and overwhelms everything and everyone who have had an active role or of direct or indirect accomplicity in this umpteenth shame of overpowering of the stronger over the weaker in the history, unfortunately millenary of the Catholic Churchy. And are involved even the serious responsibilities and embarrassing silences of Pope Joseph Ratzinger when he headed the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Now it seems that the Catholic hierarchies want to batten down the hatches and put an end, naturally however is possible, to such atrocities. Although if too late, it is urgent that the State of Vatican hunt from their ranks those who are guilty of so much infamy and pain brought to their innocent and helpless victims and that compensate adequately the persecuted of so much violence, even if no compensation will never erase from the mind of abused children the horror of violences inflicted by depraved priests. At this point of the discussion of sexual perversions inside the Catholic Church is necessary a clarification by us. We are rigorously condemning with extreme severity the acts of sexual violence of adults, especially if monks that have done even vow of chastity, on minors of both sexes, that is the pedophilia, that is a repugnant crime for every human conscience, but nothing we have to say about secular sexual orgies among monks and between them and consentient lay persons, because it is about simple transgressions inside organization of the church that, however, form part of the normal natural beats of human beings and all other plant and animal species. Sexuality is the engine of life on Earth and Universe and involves every person alive, including priests and nuns who can not resist and renounce the unique and huge pleasure of the sexual act. Without sexuality in the Universe there would be no life, procreation, birth and death of living things. Even Nature lives by its pulsations or movements, its inherent dialectic. If a god were to exist, as creator of everything that exists on Earth and Cosmos and as regulator of the cycle between life and death, this, without a shadow of doubt and of scientific and material certainty, would be just the sexual activity of living things, or the sexuality god who all captivates, operates and dominates.
The materiality of sexuality prevails over each spirituality and religious abstinence. The vow of chastity and celibacy opportunistically imposed by the Catholic Church to its ministers is simply a very harsh repression of natural activity, is a violence like the worst coercion and those who manage to abstain, this is made with unimaginable physical suffering and of thought . The material decision of the church to impose the chastity and celibacy corresponds only to his need for power and ascendancy on the conscience of the faithful Simply ridiculous is the Catholic claim of virginity and sexual purity of Our Lady. This shows that the material activity of sex prevails and assert itself over the spirituality of religion. World is made only of button and living matter, man, like every living thing, is an its product. The man and woman, like all other kinds of plants and animals existing in the universe were created sexually complementary among them from the same matter in order to reproduce, the diversity of gender is created simultaneously in the reproductive process of matter, which is the only recognizable force that moves everything in the infinite space. Ethics and positive morality are not opposed to natural and material of life, but are a rational product of it that regulates the relations of civil cohabitation and reproduction inside genders and among them.
These two behavioral values in the life of men and women and of other kinds of life present in the mankind rise even to behavioral dignity the sexual activity among people. Pedophilia is the negation of such behavioral values of life and those who are responsible of sexual acts against minors, authentic crimes of cruel consciences, whether or not religious, are placed out of the conscience and human reason and for this reason they must be convicted and enabled not to repeat such crimes. Religions are a primordial product of beings, that for fear and lack of knowledge of the savage surrounding world are imagined and entrusted on the inexistent, supernatural forces or powers, like the divinities of Greek and Roman mythology and then those ones, the main, of the three monotheistic religions, namely Judaism, Christianity and Islamism. So man created god and his heavenly court and made him, and could not be otherwise, in his image. Naturally the selfish, domineering, cunning, and unscrupulous entrepreneur man till the beginning of the living and social world has tried to use the religious beliefs of men to their advantage, as the birthplace of the religious institutions, the temporal powers of the churches and their powerful influence on the masses, so much to influence the behaviors and social organization curbing the emancipation of class. Thus is born the organization and power of the Catholic Church 2010 years ago exploiting elements of the mythological tradition, ingenousness of the popular masses, materially and scientifically explainable circumstances and historical events, as the life of Jesus Christ and his disciples, who had an ascetic vision of life and that found consensus and followers in a social organization of slavery, oppression, exploitation, deprivations of every kind and total alienation of own human and social conscience. The hunger, the violence of the dominant power, the despair, the death always in wait and the absence of other certainties of life pushed the starved and underprivileged masses to rely on an invisible and imaginary god. Thus is born the Catholic church, a bit like all other monotheistic churches. The church of Rome imposed itself at once as material, economic and after also military and state power, over the centuries, has defended with every means this his power and tried to impose it upon other religions and competing States
It has used the dogma by itself imposed for subjugate and dominate the consciousness of men; with the institute of indulgences - or better with the pardons with fee granted to the powerful to gain the presumed glory of heaven or, at least, of purgatory, from where successively they might have moved in paradise - and property legacies, buildings and lands, and monetary soon became a big economic power, perhaps now the largest multinational of the souls of Earth; with tortures, the most atrocious tortures, the false processes of Holy Inquisition, the prison and death sentences at the stake has tried, but in vain, to stop the scientific knowledge of world for fear of losing its spiritual power over the faithful; with the army, weapons and wars has attempted to become powerful State, with the king popes, to dominate Italy and possibly, the whole Europe. Catholic Church - through its medieval temples and those modern ones, built by the accomplice States with the money of community, the capillary structure of parishes, that covers the whole national territory, the network of various convents and religious institutions present everywhere, the army of priests and nuns who has at disposal, the teachers of religion present in the public schools and paid by the State, the private Catholic schools and universities that receive contributions by the community, the eight per thousand of IRPEF paid by the Italian people that amounts to billions of euros, many other tax and concordat facilitations, the spiritual bank of IOR, the Institute for Religious Works, already overwhelmed by scandals with his American president Archbishop Paul Marcinkus, called the banker of God, Pope and the Peter’s pence - today is a capitalist and multinational power of huge proportions, has always been supporter of the capitalist exploitation of man by man, even if such exploitation is legalized by the same capitalist political power, and has an immense political and economic weight on international events. Its bargaining power with States and their political capitalist powers comes from the spiritual consent of the masses, which keeps for more than two thousand years, and we hope not for much longer, with the force of the religious obscurantism upon the consciousness, not yet emancipated, of large part of the masses in a capitalist society still marked by the exploitation of others' work, by a widespread extreme powerty and by those uncertainties of life that survive with the damned economic, political and social master power. The Catholic Church inculcating in the mind of women and men the fear of sin and hell, with the daily functions of church and its detailed presence on territory, manages to control and guide the behaviors of people from birth to death, ie from Baptism to extreme unction, passing through the first communion, confirmation, marriage, the conditioning of births and various intrusions in the private life. To this human subjection to the power of church even has contributed Dante Alighieri writing the Divine Comedy on the imaginary and unreal path from hell to purgatory and from this to paradise. And in this world of fears, precariousness and dissatisfaction of life, of domain of the most strong over the most weak, of interested shredding of the natural and material healthy values of life that can survive the spiritual, economic and political power of the Catholic Church and what has happened about corruption in the past centuries until the current tragedy of pedophile priests, that have done and are making to cry a lot of people.
If pedophilia has taken root even in the so called sacred body of the church means that the naturall call of matter prevails over that religious one, to be considered material nature of life. Religion is opium of the people, or of peoples, Carl Marx wrote over 150 years ago and so is also today and will be, unfortunately, until the working class, liberating also from many conditionings of ecclesiastical power, will not gain its political and state power of class and will build its new and higher socialist society and then to build that communist one. In the new society, inspired to the genuine natural and material values of life and where free love and sexual enjoyment between consenting adults and consentient persons will have been liberated from the economic demands of life and from the false religious prejudices, surely the tragedy of pedophilia will make much less victims than those ones of today, until to eliminate it totally.

Forio (Naples), April 13, 2010.
* Secretary General of P.C.I.M-L.
The anonymous writer, or writers, cowardly for the ignoble realized gesture, has demonstrated only to be already morally, culturally and civilly died before being born, is a silly person unworthy to live in a civilized country, is a rejection of society without having the courage to express freely and publicly their ideas and actions and would be even more if it is about a being wealthy and socially powerful, is a despicable man devoid of any existential value that embodies the worst abominations of mankind's life.
by Domenico Savio *
As everyone knows by now, on the night between Friday 19 and Saturday, February 20, 2010 on the walls of the Forio’s Town, in the island of Ischia of the Province of Naples, have appeared many bills who have announced my death and which are nothing more than a clear and unequivocal threat of death. From the first hours of the day my house has been bombarded with phone calls from family, peers, friends and acquaintances, eager to find out what happened and hoping that I was still alive, I thank them all warmly and I reassure them about the continuity of my political and social commitment. I also thank, with sincere and heartfelt affection, all the people who wanted to send to me a message of solidarity and closeness through facebook and email from all over Italy. It has been a cowardly action meanly put in place with a very specific intent, to threaten to kill me with the hope of making me politically, intellectually and socially silence. Who made it, for direct interests or for warrant received, has also proven to be a big ignorant and culturally limited, it is evident from the phraseology used and things ignored. In short, stuff from poor wretch. In 57 years of commitment of communist political life and of class, revolutionary struggle to defend the social interests of the working class and the socially weaker persons is not the first time I receive death threats by phone calls, letters and warnings more or less direct, but now it seems that one is deliberately raising the bar. Certainly the threat of death is connected to my office and political activity as Secretary General of the Italian Marxist-Leninist Communist Party and my intense political activity of the past few months, weeks and days against the camorristic, business, speculative and building abusiveness, against the bag of territory in the island of Ischia, in the South Italy and elsewhere, against the strong powers, against the complicities of the dominant power and against the demolition of the first and only dwelling houses of working families, to support of the constitutional right to the house of all family groups and with the request to State and for it to Municipalities to put immediately at poor demolished families disposal an alternative and dignified house.With the increasing, finally, of the control of territory by the responsible institutions and with the consequent initiatives of repression of speculative abusiveness, with a ten-year of political, bourgeois and capitalist power, accomplice of the bag of territory and the suffocating social siege by business building trade - which has destroyed coasts, cliffs, valleys and hills, up to the foothills of Epomeo Mount and that has absolutely nothing to do with the construction of the first and only dwelling home for working families, namely the small public housing units - with million-dollar businesses that have gone around and go around the speculative building trade and that invest various areas of social life and the awakening, finally, of the masses, tired of being exploited, impoverished and denied on their social rights, that keep at distance from a conniving political power with the events that led to the events of today, is created, in the island's society, especially in some Towns, a difficult situation, where those who fear of losing certain powers and certain privileges reacts reckless and serious. In difficult times like this it is up to civil society free from suspicions, to intellectual genuine persons and the political, union, democratic and progressive forces contributing to get out ahead the organization of society from a situation of heavy and continuous decay of the values of civil and dignified living. But as in the past, in my long life of class struggle, even this time the threat of death will not stop my political engagement of communist and of Secretary General of the Italian Marxist-Leninist Communist Party at defence of the present and future interests of working class and against the strong powers and the complicities of political and economic dominant power, complicities that stifle the social rights, justice and the bourgeois, democratic and limited freedoms, partial freedoms that however must be defended until will be replaced by that higher and real ones represented from the socialist democracy of all the people. Thanks again to all those who in this unfortunate circumstance wanted, in various ways, to wish for me long life. To those who ask of me not to give in and continue to fight for a higher social justice I assure with the commitment of my lived life that only death will stop my passion of fight for contributing to build, with modesty and human simplicity, that new and higher society for which since the revolt of Roman slaves are fighting with courage and pride the working masses of all countries of Earth. Forio (Naples), 20 February 2010.
* Secretary General of P.C.I.M-L.

The next Socialist Revolutions will be able to be present and to be victorious only with the coherent and rigorous application of the teachings of Lenin and Stalin on the leading of the revolutionary struggle for the conquest of political power by the proletariat and on the way of construction of the socialist society: the experience of Soviet Union, 7 November 1917-5 March 1953, teaches!


by Domenico Savio *

It is spent another year of exploitation, dismissals, job insecurity, impoverishment, existential despair and of social repression of the working class of the arm and the intellect of Italy and of all countries on Earth by the economic system and the capitalist political power. The multinationals of the bank, financial and stock market capital, of the industrial, agricultural production, of the services and of trade, have continued to enrich themselves even in presence of the crisis that they have produced and manipulated. It is enough to note that in Italy 10% of the population owns 50% of the wealth produced by workers exploited and submitted to the vexations of the masters, the 20%, is reasonable to presume, almost 30% and 70% of the working and popular masses live with the remaining extreme powerty of 20%. The distribution of wealth in the advanced capitalist countries is roughly equal, while in those ones, still underdeveloped, the situation is by far worse. Hence the migrations, so-called irregular, of masses of starved proletarians - who during the voyages of removing from a continent, region or country to another one are exposed to further exploitation, abuses, murders and gruesome deaths - who, survived to the tragedy of travel, arrived alive in the industrialized countries, are welcomed and treated as new slaves, without rights, persecuted and driven back to their countries of origin. It is the fierce, bloody and inhuman face of the capitalist system, that only socialism can erase from the face of the Earth.
In the capitalist system taxes are paid by workers and pensioners and a large proportion of these taxes end up in the pockets of the capitalists in the form of various incentives or of support to production, in short, the masters advertise the losses and privatize the gains. In Italy in the last times about 300 billion of euros, produced by the proletarian work, has been taken away to the tax authorities and exported abroad clandestinely with the direct complicity of the State and of the capitalist political power. Industrials, farmers and bankers profit also with tax evasion, on the prices imposed to the goods and on social services, managed by them. The greater drama that workers are experiencing is the closure of factories due to the crisis or the delocalization of production, which elsewhere can to exploit better the proletarian work, considered and treated by masters as any goods by paying at the lowest price possible. We have masses of school leavers and graduates without perpsective of job and who can faces the tragedy of the forced migration. In 2010 in Italy the living cost will increase furtherly, actually they talk of the first 650 euros per family for rates and energy.
It will be another year of suffering, as is the whole human existence in the barbaric capitalist system.
In front of so many tribulations, that the system and the master, clerical and political power inflict us, is disconcerting to note that the working class, in the uncommonly great majority, actually seems resigned to want solving his problems of life within the present capitalist social order, the working class protests without giving a meaning of class to his struggle, and for this reason proves to be loser, without realizing that is possible to leave this situation only coming out from the Capitalism and entering into Socialism, which is the historical period of transition from capitalism to communism. It is a working class bent on itself, that is, is wickedly still class on itself and not for itself, that does not look forward, does not study the texts of Marxism-Leninism and that continues to be an instrument of power of the false political left and of the unions of master regime. These workers are completely subjugated, packed and locked in the class struggle either from the capitalist and clerical propaganda and from their intellective inability of thinking and seeing beyond the sad present and that despite the strong presence and action of class and revolutionary orientation of our Italian Marxist-Leninist Communist Party.
Surely at this stage who determines the weakness, if not the absence, of the ideal, political and union formation of class of the working masses is the lack, in individual countries, of a strong Marxist-Leninist Communist Party and of a class trade-union who defended the bourgeois rights of workers within the perspective of leakage from capitalism and of building of Socialism. But this kind of strong Party and of class Union does not arrive by itself, it is essential that workers become aware of the need for militancy and political and trade union work within their organizations of class. Firstly, starting from the workplaces, it is necessary to rebuild a vanguard of the working class, which has the task of forming the class consciousness and of giving class and revolutionary value to the struggles of workers, taking away them to the evils of selfishness, economism, opportunism and of the subservience to the dominant power. Workers must find the intellective power to reflect on social causes of their existential misfortunes, to bring themselves into play, to regain the modesty and passion of revolutionary struggle of those who in the last century led to victory the first, great historical wave of the socialist revolution, to the defeat of capitalism in many countries of the Earth and to the annihilation of Nazi-fascism in Europe.
Our planet is dying for the greed of capitalism and of its imperial expansion, for the wild and unlimited ride to the profits of multinationals, that with the emission in the atmosphere of so-called greenhouse gases cause the warming of the earth surface, which in turn causes the melting of glaciers, floods and rising of the sea level that floods the low coasts, for the choice of the nuclear energy instead of that alternative and clean one. Capitalism is an infernal machine that produces the society divided into opposing classes and in conflict among them, which is destroying the Earth on which we live and which represents a serious threat to the survival of the mankind and its civic progress. The safety of the Planet has to pass necessaritly through the death of capitalism, or the communists with the proletarian revolutions and the construction of socialism will destroy capitalism, or this fast one will destroy the whole humanity.
U.S. imperialism, with that European one queued, by now has extended its tentacles over the whole surface of the Planet, which it dominates with capitals, largely made up of junk, with the World Banks, through commerces, wars, the powerful intelligence services and puppet governments.
It exports arms, economic crises and international political plots, supports reactionary and aggressive governments, like that Israelian one against the martyred Palestinian people and of others, unleashes wars to get the mining and vegetable wealth of other countries, massacres entire peoples, like those ones of Afghanistan and Iraq, and wants to reduce to obedience those countries that claim autonomy and independence. In the last decades U.S.imperialism behaves in this way in the name of a pretextous struggle against terrorism, which is only the heroic Resistance to the absolute and uncontested domination that currently U.S. imperialism deploys, like a vulture, over all the known world. "Terrorism" is the natural product of imperialism, is son of the economic, military and political occupation of United States on almost all countries on Earth, is the poor and misguided answer to the invasion and the violence of imperialism, because the only reasonable and historically successful offensive is the death of capitalism and imperialism through the proletarian revolution, the construction of the socialist world and the building of that communist one, a world, scientifically possible and highly topical, it is enough that the proletariat of all countries have this will.
For defeating the dictatorship of capitalism and imperialism over the world, for putting an end to the massacres and the extermination of whole peoples through wars of expansion, occupation and of exploitation of the labor-force and of natural resources, for eliminating the social inequalities, for responding to the fullfilment of the living needs of the working and popular masses and for liberating the work and the life by the exploitation of others, in short, for eliminating capitalism and building socialism, there is no need for a Party and any political culture, but the true communist culture and a genuine and strong class and revolutionary Party, that is, coherently Marxist-Leninist, forged in the revolutionary nature of the communist doctrine, strategy and tactics developed and advocated by Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin, and such is the Italian Marxist-Leninist Communist Party. Only with this Party the Italian proletariat will continue along the path of socialism. Who still lingers to invoke the construction of a different communist Party in Italy is losing precious time and feeds the counterevolutionary culture, as happened in the former Soviet Union to the Twentieth Congress of the CPSU in 1956 and subsequently circulated within the working class by the abjured and traitorous revisionists, opportunists, movementists, anarchists and extremists of different species.
The stronger wishes that we feel to turn to the Marxist-Leninists and all Works, men and women, of Italy and of every country on Earth is to hope warmly that in 2010 there are concrete signs of recovery and development of the class consciousness of workers, with the commitment of political militancy in the P.C.I.M-L. and in the Class Union of the Italian Workers. Such new elements are essential to resume the path towards the future socialist. Still Marxist-Leninist wishes in the name of the thought and the work of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin.

Forio (Naples), 1st January 2010.

*Secretary General of P.C.I.M-L.


Domenico Savio *

The struggle between bourgeois and proletarian classes will become increasingly fierce until the second one will not destroy the first one building socialism and the communist society. After the victory with the French Revolution, the bourgeoisie - that is, the class of rich persons that carouses in lust with the exploitation of workers, or the damned capitalist system that from the control of power and economy at the national level has risen to dominate the whole Planet with the imperialist superstructure of production, finance and trade - would never have thought of having to suffer the shame of the victory of the October Revolution and the construction of first socialism, made in the twentieth century by the heroic work of the proletarian class, which for the first time in the history of humanity is freed from exploitation and master brutishness rising itself to government of the society and author of own future.
Wickedly, the opulent bourgeosie, with the support of the repressive and war apparatus of its capitalist States, with the help of opium of the religions - starting from the temporal, economic, political and religious power of the Vatican State - with aggressions, submissions, wars, exterminations of peoples and ethnicities, persecutions, repressions and murders of all kinds, carnages that shudder and fill with indignation even the most brutal atrocities of the dark years of the Middle Ages and of the Inquisition of the Catholic Church, had won over the first power in the history conquered by the working class, over the still young socialist democracy and over the new world of Soviet power, that is, of the Councils of the workers, peasants, soldiers and intellectuals of advanguard. A victory that is not so much depended on the strength of our opponent's class, though powerful and massacrer, but rather from the abjurers and traitors inside the Communist doctrine and from the socialist states, ruthless traitors which are revealed worst than our class enemies, bringing the infamuous mark of revisionists, opportunists and sold to the opponent.
The bourgeois class, which is not stupid, who knows to be hated from the working class because exploits, brutalizes, submits, enslaves and repress it in the right to the liberty, social justice and dignity of their existence, which is aware , as class in number and infinitely less than that proletarian one, to be able to dominate the working class only by deception, the opium of religions and the coercive force of its state power, which is aware of the indisputable historical fact that the class struggle is born with the social classes and will die only with the end of the same ones in the communist society, conscious of the indisputable circumstance that the socialist society is in gestation in the womb of that capitalist one and that will see the light when will explode, with all its deflagration, the contradiction between the social character of production and the private hoarding of the produced wealth, because of the private ownership of means of production. More simply, social goods are produced by the entire community, while only a small minority of rich and parasite masters embezzle of this!
From always the middle class, or rather the capitalist system, with the help of the temporal power of the Churchs is fighting the communist doctrine, the socialism achieved in the last century and the current struggle for socialism using different weapons: the trade embargoes to States that sympathize with socialism or who would want to build it, the murderous war of occupation and exploitation of entire peoples, the police repression, the political and religious propaganda, the class hatred for communism and communists, the slander, the forgery of historical events, the lie raised to method of information and shaping of public opinion, the control and direction of school education from primary school to university, the teaching of religion in schools, the social position of the clerical apparatus and so on. Moreover, it uses its national and international institutions and its legislative power to try to outlaw the Communists, their organizations and their ideological, political and social activity to be able to arrest, torture, imprison them and to make them harmless and irrelevant in the clash of class or rather to prohibit, by force of state bourgeois repression, to realize their political work for the construction of socialist perspective.
It is the simple and incontestable purpose for which after the defeat of the glorious Soviet Union and of whole socialism realized in the twentieth century, the imperialist institutions, operating at international level, compete on ruling against the Communist culture, against the historical experience of socialism made, against the great Masters of the international proletariat Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin, against the communists in general and putting on the same plane, despicably and miserably, communism and Nazism and comparing the heinous Nazist and Fascist crimes of the working-class and of the people for socialism, in order to confuse public opinion and to sustain the anti-communist hatred in the masses not yet emancipated from the class and revolutionary point of view. Primary objective of such calumnies and falsehoods are the thinking and acting of the great Stalin, that of The One who, after the premature death of Lenin, for the first time in human history has been the builder of the socialist society, starting from that one of the grandiose and glorious Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, who led the heroic Red Army, the socialist people and the armed partisans to the brilliant victory over Nazi fascism and we can claim over the entire capitalist and imperialist world, who had financed the Nazism and Fascism and hoped, but in vain, that the Germany of Hitler annihilated the Soviet homeland.
So before the Ministry of Interior of the bourgeois, capitalist and imperialist Czech Republic dissolved the Union of Communist Youth of Czech Republic (KSM) putting it outlaw, then the Council of Europe and following the European Parliament have passed ignoble resolutions that make equal Communism to Nazism and ultimately, on 3 July 2009 in Vilnius, Lithuania, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and capitalist and imperialist Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) have adopted an anticommunist resolution that unites anti-fascism and communism. It is a terrible offense and without dignity to human memory, to the ideal, political, historical and cultural truth, to the reason and intelligence of women and men living on Earth, to the fight for freedom and independence of nations and to heroic struggle of those who died over the centuries to put an end the barbarities of social inequality and of master exploitation and repression.
It 's obvious that international organizations of economic, political and military power of imperialism and the national governments and parliaments of the bourgeois and capitalist States seek to support, by all means, the dominant power on whom they depend and issue orders - that dirty and bleak power, morally and humanly speaking, of few super rich persons of the world, which seized the means of production, with which they have accumulated enormous wealths subjugating and exploiting fiercely the working class and the whole peoples of the earth, who have the control of the public and private mass media, of the production, of the bank system and of national, continental and intercontinental markets: unfortunately this is an social and economic despicable power which, unfortunately, the no-committal and unconscious populism, together with masses of underproletariat, supports even with the vote -- , bloody and repressive power that until when will not march on, and we hope that this happens very soon, the red locomotive of the popular indignation, of the generalized class struggle and of socialist revolution will become, unfortunately, increasingly aggressive, violent and repressive
But no bourgeois, religious, capitalist and imperialist, national and international institution, no national coercive power and no imperialist war will be able to stop the hands of the history at the hour of the infamous capitalist system - as ended the feudal and slave society at the same way will end also that capitalist one! - Nor will be able ever to make eternal the exploitation of man over man or to delete from the consciousness of the exploited and starved masses the desire and passion of the struggle for liberation and social emancipation, nor will be able to block the flow of historical materialism. We, Marxists-Leninists, we are revolutionary fighters for the conquest of communism on Earth, we, pupils of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin and educators of new generations to Marxism-Leninism don't allow to any dirty bourgeois, revisionist and opportunist person, whatever office he fills , to process our ideas, our history and our commitment of fight for communism and we don't permit to any elective bourgeois assembly to put us outlaw. It is a commitment that we here assume and reaffirm solemnly and that dutifully we owe also to the heroic memory of those communists and workers since today have sacrificed their lives and died for the greater cause of communism and for which at present we continue to fight.
We do not fear any putting on outlaw, no condemnation and no repression by the bourgeois and clerical, social and political power, we are those of the Bolsheviks Communist Party of Lenin and Stalin, of the October Revolution, the building of the glorious Soviet Union and the defeat imposed on the Nazi-Fascism and we will adapt the type and form of struggle with the circumstances of the historical moment and the reality of the current class struggle. Who thinks that revisionism and opportunism are inextinguishable from the ranks of the national and international working, communist movement, because even their defeat is marked and then to the renegades and traitors of the cause of the higher civilization of communism will be up to the same fate of our class enemies. Bourgeois and clerical persons of all kinds, you do not forget that as you process us, at the same way we will process you to make finally justice and dignity to the memory of all women and all people of the Earth that over the past centuries have been exploited, enslaved, repressed and starved from you. Sooner or later, however, the damned era of a few persons over the mass of men will end and then will be the new era of communism, in which democracy and communist freedom will be the higher principles of collective life.
Italian Marxist-Leninist Communist Party expresses full class and revolutionary solidarity to all communists and workers of every country persecuted by capitalism and imperialism and from their political, economic, social, military, national and international investigative and repressive institutions, and here states of saving them, at the appropriate time, for such persecutions.
Besides, P.C.I.M-L, sends a strong appeal to all Marxist-Leninists,Parties and to all Marxist-Leninists of the various nations in order to support and strengthen among them the international relations to better resist and fight the anticommunist rogue of our days and ensures its total commitment for the achieving of such essential goal.


Forio (Naples), 9 October 2009.

* General Secretary of P.C.I.M-L.