The workers of all countries must abandon the instinctive and vague struggle of compromise, of surrender and agreement with the ownership, with the political power and the capitalist institutions and with their bourgeois unions and of masterly regime for a survival always stunted and insecure and must undertake that consistently class and organized one for the redeemer socialism!
by Domenico Savio *
The serious crisis of the capitalist economic and social system of our times, not unlike from those ones that succeed periodically for nearly three centuries, that is, since the capitalist social order is established, continues to claim victims in the working and intellective class and with million new unemployed, and with other and most unscrupulous forms of insecurity and exploitation of labor, with a humiliating and starving welfare services - kept only and interestly to prevent popular uprisings, which could endanger the capitalist system of exploitation of the working and popular masses - on behalf of the States and their political and institutional power of center-right and center-left, who are serving and are staunch defenders of the system and the capitalistic affairs, with a situation of social deprivation that affects, in particular, the jobless , the temporary young people, pensioners and those millions of families whose income does not exceed the poverty threshold, and more, with young people who don’t have no prospect of social, safe and dignified life. This is the tragic situation in all capitalist countries from the Americas to Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Africa, including China. Continents and countries all compromises, submitted and conditioned by the powers of capitalism and imperialism of the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, World Trade Organization and of various joint of States, such as the European Community.
In front of this appalling scenario of unemployment, exploitation, poverty, insecurity and full uncertainty of life of people, mainly young people, for the future, how responds the proletariat, ie the working class of the arm and intellect? Unfortunately in disconcerting, disheartening and depressing way, even as a result of the defeat of socialism realized in the twentieth century, the ignoble disappearance of the former communist Parties born from the Third International, the shameful passage of the trade unions from the barricade of the labor movement to that one of the master class. The workers, men and women together, almost completely, have lost the compass of their class, their class interests and of their historical task of liberating the whole humanity by the slavery of labor exploitation of others. We know that is painful to see and talk about this serious situation of class decay of the national and international working movement, but unfortunately this is the truth and we must start just from tris truth for reversing the trend. This has been to able to happen even because to the infamous revisionist, opportunist, reformist, bourgeois and capitalist transformation of the past communist Parties in many countries have not yet taken over new, coherent and strong Communist Parties, ie, Marxist-Leninist, like the glorious Bolshevik Communist Party, wished and built by Lenin and Stalin in Russia, while in Italy we hope that the Italian Marxist-Leninist Communist Party, the Party of the socialist revolution and of the building of the society before socialist and then communist in this country, become soon a great Party.
Consequently we witness the depressing spectacle of redundant workers and of those ones on lay off who are ready to be made redundant, of the unemployed persons in despair search of a job that the don’t find, pensioners who can no longer survive and of young people without any prospect of live that are devoid of a class consciousness and do not show any willingness and commitment to acquire it, who don’t question on the social and class reasons of their daily woes, that don’t show no interest in studying and learning the history, the struggles and the experience of the national and international, working and communist movement, they don’t realize, at present in almost all, of being instrument, with their political and social behaviors, of survival of the capitalist regime that exploits, prosecute and enslave them, who remain prisoners of militant, political, partisan, electoral and union choices who are responsible for their own social ills, they can not understand - because they don’t study the texts of Marxism-Leninism and because don’t try hard to acquire a critical ability around who surround and condition them - to be exploited and diverted from their class interests by political and trade union militancy in movementist, populist organizations and of the basic syndicalism not of class, which are self-organized, mobilized and lead a struggle not of class - that is not for itself as exploited and persecuted class by the master class, but leading a fight that we can define instinctive and indistinct petty-bourgeois, that does not have nothing of class and revolutionary, but that aims only at the miserable daily survival - which don’t realize that only destroying the capitalist society and building that socialist one, can liberate themselves and their descendants from the existing evils of the infamous master system, based on the exploitation of man by man.
Every day we see, sadly, how the employees of multinationals in different countries protest without a conscience and a vision of class of their social problems and how exhaust their action within the union mediation of bourgeois nature with the masters and of bourgeois or falsely communist political Parties, just as occurs within the multinational Fiat in Italy, with the trade-unions of bourgeois capitalist regime and with those basic ones which also them have little or nothing of class, with the political, institutional, bourgeois and capitalist power of center-right and center-left who are supporter of the master interests, with the militancy of many workers in bourgeois Parties or that call themselves communist only for electoral calculations and to deceive the world of work.
We are witnessing of demonstrations, protests, interviews and statements of exploited and abused workers without any culture and consciousness of class, that do not know the word socialism and that not even try hard to understand the meaning and the importance of this word for them and their children. It is a squalor to which, unfortunately, we are forced to attend any longer. Sure, there is the constant brainwashing by day and night of the press, the radio-television and of the clerical-fascist political power of the capitalist States, but each worker has an intelligence and an ability to learn that should never put silenced, naturally, if he acts in good faith and not selfishly and opportunistically.
Which is the social situation that would push at least the majority of the working class to acquire a class and revolutionary consciousness and to understand the historical necessity, to be free by the slavery of the labor exploitation and to become protagonist of their destiny, to destroy the capitalism and to build the socialism? Surely the outbreaking of the contradiction between the social nature of production and the private hoarding of the produced wealth, the periodic economic crisis of the capitalist system and its implosion for impossibility of continuing to earn profits, the emancipation of human consciousness on the higher values of the economic and social equality, altruism, solidarity and of brotherhood. Some of these circumstances are already present, but at this stage do not produce effects of class and revolutionary mobilization in the working masses. It is up to us communist, according to the teachings received from our great Masters of the international proletariat Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin and the historical experience of the national and international, working and communist movement, to work for promoting the formation of a class consciousness in the proletariat of the individual countries and internationally.
Regardless of the various situations that may occur at level of each individual country, for us communist - this applies to the whole planet and we must work tirelessly to make sharing and practicing it from the whole working class - the main way to overthrow the capitalism and to build the Socialism is the conscious and revolutionary class struggle to be conducted without compromises and no hesitations to prepare and carry out the socialist revolution, the conquest of the political power to the working class and the construction of the socialist society according the theoretic, political, strategic and tactical teachings received by Our four great Masters. To build such a perspective for the humanity needs in each country the existence of a consistent Marxist-Leninist Communist Party, as was the already refered and glorious Bolshevik Communist Party, which today in Italy is called Italian Marxist-Leninist Communist Party.
To the workers today in struggle without still a conscience, a militancy and a strategy of class we must with every possible way make understanding that only with the class struggle for itself is possible to come out from the hell of the capitalism for going in the dawn of a new era of socialist democracy, concrete freedom and of true equality, condition which depends mainly on the availability and since the birth on the right, anyway guaranteed, to each man and woman to the necessary health and social care, to the study, the work, the housing, to a retirement adequated to the needs of life and to leisure, or better in the socialist society, this is synthesized in the assertion "From everyone according to his abilities to everyone according to his work" and in that communist one, "From everyone according to his abilities to everyone according to his needs".
The workers must never forget that the future of new, higher social relations of production can be built, and immediately, only with the militancy and the commitment of struggle within a true and coherent class and revolutionary Communist Party, that is, Marxist-Leninist, as is the Italian Marxist-Leninist Communist Party in Italy.
Forio (Naples), 28 August 2009.
* Secretary General of P.C.I.M-L.
The workers of all countries must abandon the instinctive and vague struggle of compromise, of surrender and agreement with the ownership, with the political power and the capitalist institutions and with their bourgeois unions and of masterly regime for a survival always stunted and insecure and must undertake that consistently class and organized one for the redeemer socialism!
by Domenico Savio *
The serious crisis of the capitalist economic and social system of our times, not unlike from those ones that succeed periodically for nearly three centuries, that is, since the capitalist social order is established, continues to claim victims in the working and intellective class and with million new unemployed, and with other and most unscrupulous forms of insecurity and exploitation of labor, with a humiliating and starving welfare services - kept only and interestly to prevent popular uprisings, which could endanger the capitalist system of exploitation of the working and popular masses - on behalf of the States and their political and institutional power of center-right and center-left, who are serving and are staunch defenders of the system and the capitalistic affairs, with a situation of social deprivation that affects, in particular, the jobless , the temporary young people, pensioners and those millions of families whose income does not exceed the poverty threshold, and more, with young people who don’t have no prospect of social, safe and dignified life. This is the tragic situation in all capitalist countries from the Americas to Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Africa, including China. Continents and countries all compromises, submitted and conditioned by the powers of capitalism and imperialism of the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, World Trade Organization and of various joint of States, such as the European Community.
In front of this appalling scenario of unemployment, exploitation, poverty, insecurity and full uncertainty of life of people, mainly young people, for the future, how responds the proletariat, ie the working class of the arm and intellect? Unfortunately in disconcerting, disheartening and depressing way, even as a result of the defeat of socialism realized in the twentieth century, the ignoble disappearance of the former communist Parties born from the Third International, the shameful passage of the trade unions from the barricade of the labor movement to that one of the master class. The workers, men and women together, almost completely, have lost the compass of their class, their class interests and of their historical task of liberating the whole humanity by the slavery of labor exploitation of others. We know that is painful to see and talk about this serious situation of class decay of the national and international working movement, but unfortunately this is the truth and we must start just from tris truth for reversing the trend. This has been to able to happen even because to the infamous revisionist, opportunist, reformist, bourgeois and capitalist transformation of the past communist Parties in many countries have not yet taken over new, coherent and strong Communist Parties, ie, Marxist-Leninist, like the glorious Bolshevik Communist Party, wished and built by Lenin and Stalin in Russia, while in Italy we hope that the Italian Marxist-Leninist Communist Party, the Party of the socialist revolution and of the building of the society before socialist and then communist in this country, become soon a great Party.
Consequently we witness the depressing spectacle of redundant workers and of those ones on lay off who are ready to be made redundant, of the unemployed persons in despair search of a job that the don’t find, pensioners who can no longer survive and of young people without any prospect of live that are devoid of a class consciousness and do not show any willingness and commitment to acquire it, who don’t question on the social and class reasons of their daily woes, that don’t show no interest in studying and learning the history, the struggles and the experience of the national and international, working and communist movement, they don’t realize, at present in almost all, of being instrument, with their political and social behaviors, of survival of the capitalist regime that exploits, prosecute and enslave them, who remain prisoners of militant, political, partisan, electoral and union choices who are responsible for their own social ills, they can not understand - because they don’t study the texts of Marxism-Leninism and because don’t try hard to acquire a critical ability around who surround and condition them - to be exploited and diverted from their class interests by political and trade union militancy in movementist, populist organizations and of the basic syndicalism not of class, which are self-organized, mobilized and lead a struggle not of class - that is not for itself as exploited and persecuted class by the master class, but leading a fight that we can define instinctive and indistinct petty-bourgeois, that does not have nothing of class and revolutionary, but that aims only at the miserable daily survival - which don’t realize that only destroying the capitalist society and building that socialist one, can liberate themselves and their descendants from the existing evils of the infamous master system, based on the exploitation of man by man.
Every day we see, sadly, how the employees of multinationals in different countries protest without a conscience and a vision of class of their social problems and how exhaust their action within the union mediation of bourgeois nature with the masters and of bourgeois or falsely communist political Parties, just as occurs within the multinational Fiat in Italy, with the trade-unions of bourgeois capitalist regime and with those basic ones which also them have little or nothing of class, with the political, institutional, bourgeois and capitalist power of center-right and center-left who are supporter of the master interests, with the militancy of many workers in bourgeois Parties or that call themselves communist only for electoral calculations and to deceive the world of work.
We are witnessing of demonstrations, protests, interviews and statements of exploited and abused workers without any culture and consciousness of class, that do not know the word socialism and that not even try hard to understand the meaning and the importance of this word for them and their children. It is a squalor to which, unfortunately, we are forced to attend any longer. Sure, there is the constant brainwashing by day and night of the press, the radio-television and of the clerical-fascist political power of the capitalist States, but each worker has an intelligence and an ability to learn that should never put silenced, naturally, if he acts in good faith and not selfishly and opportunistically.
Which is the social situation that would push at least the majority of the working class to acquire a class and revolutionary consciousness and to understand the historical necessity, to be free by the slavery of the labor exploitation and to become protagonist of their destiny, to destroy the capitalism and to build the socialism? Surely the outbreaking of the contradiction between the social nature of production and the private hoarding of the produced wealth, the periodic economic crisis of the capitalist system and its implosion for impossibility of continuing to earn profits, the emancipation of human consciousness on the higher values of the economic and social equality, altruism, solidarity and of brotherhood. Some of these circumstances are already present, but at this stage do not produce effects of class and revolutionary mobilization in the working masses. It is up to us communist, according to the teachings received from our great Masters of the international proletariat Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin and the historical experience of the national and international, working and communist movement, to work for promoting the formation of a class consciousness in the proletariat of the individual countries and internationally.
Regardless of the various situations that may occur at level of each individual country, for us communist - this applies to the whole planet and we must work tirelessly to make sharing and practicing it from the whole working class - the main way to overthrow the capitalism and to build the Socialism is the conscious and revolutionary class struggle to be conducted without compromises and no hesitations to prepare and carry out the socialist revolution, the conquest of the political power to the working class and the construction of the socialist society according the theoretic, political, strategic and tactical teachings received by Our four great Masters. To build such a perspective for the humanity needs in each country the existence of a consistent Marxist-Leninist Communist Party, as was the already refered and glorious Bolshevik Communist Party, which today in Italy is called Italian Marxist-Leninist Communist Party.
To the workers today in struggle without still a conscience, a militancy and a strategy of class we must with every possible way make understanding that only with the class struggle for itself is possible to come out from the hell of the capitalism for going in the dawn of a new era of socialist democracy, concrete freedom and of true equality, condition which depends mainly on the availability and since the birth on the right, anyway guaranteed, to each man and woman to the necessary health and social care, to the study, the work, the housing, to a retirement adequated to the needs of life and to leisure, or better in the socialist society, this is synthesized in the assertion "From everyone according to his abilities to everyone according to his work" and in that communist one, "From everyone according to his abilities to everyone according to his needs".
The workers must never forget that the future of new, higher social relations of production can be built, and immediately, only with the militancy and the commitment of struggle within a true and coherent class and revolutionary Communist Party, that is, Marxist-Leninist, as is the Italian Marxist-Leninist Communist Party in Italy.
Forio (Naples), 28 August 2009.
* Secretary General of P.C.I.M-L.